Happy Birthday, Steve

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"Happy birthday, Cap." Peter said as he walked up to the one and only Captain America. Steve raised his eyebrows in confusion and put his coffee down on the wooden table.


"Come with me!" Peter dragged the Cap to a meeting room and the lights were off.

"Peter, what-"

"Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled as the lights were turned on and the room was now in full view. A red, white and blue streamers were all over the room as decorations along with a banner saying "Happy Birthday Capsickles" and everyone was there. Peter smiled widely at Steve and ran off.

"Tony, today isn't-"

"Oh, don't feel special spangles, the kid thought it was your birthday and threw you this party. Just enjoy and don't tell him otherwise." Just then, Peter ran up and was holding a small box. He offered it to Steve and he raised an eyebrow.

"I got you this. It's not much, but I still wanted to get you something." Peter smiled widely and Cap took it. He opened it and he was surprised.

"Peter- how- when did you do this?" Steve asked as he took the old watch out of the box. It was opened to the picture of Peggy and the glass was fixed, but it looked how it did originally. Steve looked up at the small child, shock evident on his face.

"I found it on the floor of the living room one day and saw the cracks. I found glass that would fit inside and fixed it to the size needed for the watch. Do you like it?" Steve's hand with the watch lowered as he hugged Peter.

"Thank you." Steve whispered.

"Happy birthday, Uncle Steve and happy 4th of July." Peter smiled as everything clicked. Steve never paid attention anymore to the days, so he originally didn't know it was his birthday this morning. Steve smiled more at his nephew and enjoyed his birthday party with the people closest to him.

                      Word Count: 330

So sorry it's short. I have writers block and have been busy with work. However, it is Captain America's birthday and I had this cute idea. Hoped y'all liked it and Happy 4th! Please vote and comment your opinions.

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