About A Rewrite...

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Sadly, this is not a one shot. However, just wanted to let everyone know, I'm posting the first chapter rewrite of 'The Child Who Changed Tony Stark's Life' today. I know it's been a bit, but I've been busy. More one shots and chapters to come. Enjoy this snippet rewrite and go check out the actual book!

Peter has always been alone. Being abandoned at the age of 4 by his mom and never knowing who his dad was. He was forced to learn how to fend for himself on the busy streets of New York and it was very difficult for the little one, but he somehow managed to survive and make it another day. Maybe it was luck, or someone looking out for him up in the sky. The summer was easy to survive, but it was now winter in New York and Peter was not only starving, but he was also freezing. The weather was below freezing and it soon started to softly snow.
Tony Stark was taking a stroll around New York, looking around the large city. Whenever he was restless and couldn't sleep, he'd go out late at night and just enjoy the peace and quiet of the city. When he got closer to his building, he saw a small human ball in ragged clothes and no shoes. The child was shivering and panting as well.
When Tony approached the child, he frowned as he noticed how small they were. He reached out to touch the child and jerked back as the kid felt extremely cold, given the current weather. Snow was building up on the child and Tony wondered how long the child was out in the cold. Tony picked the limp child up and threw his coat over the kid, hoping to warm them up a bit. He is grip tightened a little to hold the child against his chest and entered the building with the unconscious child in his arms. He rushed to Medbay and ran in slightly panting.

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