Just A Pathetic Servant..

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Please read authors note at the end!

Peter was hit by the sword and hissed in pain. He was distracted and was practicing sword fighting with Ned. Since the ball a few weeks, Michelle has been avoiding the prince and the king and queen. Everytime Peter would ask his parents if they've seen her, their responses have been disheartening and Peter would end up feeling worse about the whole ball situation. 

"Come on Peter, that's the fourth time I have defeated you this week." Ned spoke as he put away the wooden sword and helped his best friend off the ground. "What's been going on?" 

"It is Michelle." Peter muttered and Ned raised an eyebrow. 

"What about her? Didn't you two get close at the ball?" Ned questioned in confusion and the two sat as the prince sighed.

"We did, then this girl cut in and I lost sight of her. When I found her again, she was in tears and Elizabeth was talking to her. I walked over to comfort her and she turned to me in tears. She told me it was a mistake for her to even be there and said "maids don't belong with royalty"." Peter responded with his head down and Ned frowned. He was the main person who knew Peter's feelings for the girl and felt bad for his best friend.

"Well, did you try to talk to her?" Peter nodded and stood.
"I went to her room after, but she asked me to leave her. I brought her food and left it at her door. She's been avoiding me ever since the ball and-and I don't know what to do, Ned." Peter explained in sadness and the best friend sighed.

"I don't know, man. Maybe you should search for her and talk to her that way?" 

"I guess. I have to go meet with my father, I'll see you later." They did their handshake and Peter made his way to his parents chambers. When he opened the door, the king was the only one in the room and Peter entered.

"Hello father." Peter said as the king turned to him and Tony narrowed his eyes.

"What happened to your side and cheek, son?" The king questioned and Peter sighed
"I was sword fighting with Ned and he won." Tony raised an eyebrow and Peter looked down.

"You always win." Tony said and Peter looked away. "What's going on, kid?" 

"I'm not a kid, dad. I just turned 18 and I'm an adult now-"

"What's going on?" Tony cut his son off and Peter sighed, annoyed that his father caught onto his subject change. "It's Michelle, isn't it?" 

"It's just.. She's been avoiding me since the ball and every time I try to talk to her, she goes another way." 

"Ah, you remind me of myself when I was your age." The king responded with a chuckle and Peter raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Well.. I wasn't meant to be king." 

₩₩₩ Flashback Brought To You By An Unexpected Plot Twist ₩₩₩

"Again." The king commanded as Tony slowly got up and drew his wooden sword close to him. The knights were practicing sword fighting and Tony had asked to join. He was a poor servant and had always believed he could be a knight. The king would allow the 18 year old to join the practices as long as he wasn't needed by the princess or queen. 

"Keep your guard up and watch your opponent for his weak spots." The commanding knight advised and Tony nodded, going in for a jab. "You're listening, but you're not understanding. This will be your downfall if you were to ever become a knight." The knight responded and Tony sighed. The king ended practice and Tony drudge back inside, going to the princess's chambers.

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