Our Idiots..

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"Wade, I don't think my parents agree with us being together, especially given the fact you're deadpool." I said quietly to my boyfriend of 2 years, Wade Wilson as I closed my locker, books in my arms and backpack over my shoulder. Wade pouted and crossed his arms, backpack nowhere in sight, as per usual.

"You're dad's need to just accept it already. We've been together for two years now baby boy, what is their problem with us together?" Wade questioned and I face palmed, giving him a 'really?' look.

"You almost blew my dad up, several times for taking me away from you." I deadpanned and Wade huffed.

"So what? I'm protective of my baby boy. They should be happy I'm protective over you." Wade crossed his arms and I looked at him incredulously.

"You almost blew up the tower, with me inside!" I exclaimed in a hushed voice as he followed me to where Happy was waiting.

"That was one time and it was an accident! How was I supposed to know those chemicals couldn't be mixed!" Wade exclaimed and I shook my head, hugging him.

"I gotta go, see you later?" I muttered and he nodded, pulling back and kissing me. I got in the car dazed and stared out the window, thoughts filled with Wade. When I got to the tower and entered the penthouse, no one was around. I shrugged and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a snack. As I walked back to the living room, one of my dads stumbled in, hair and clothes a mess. Tony was known as dad, while Strange was known as pops.

"Uh, hi pops?" He looked up from his robe and flushed.

"Oh, uh, hey Pete. You're home early?" He asked and I chuckled, shaking my head and pointing at the clock. "Oh, right, um. Did you-"

"Hey babe, have you seen- oh, hey Pete." It took everything in to not laugh at my dad's appearance. He had messy hair, red swollen lips and he was shirtless. They definitely did something and I cringed, trying to block out the thoughts.

"I'm just gonna go to my room and uh, try to unsee that." They chuckled and dad ruffled my hair as I passed him, causing me to groan. "Not the hair." I grumbled and as I shut my door, I heard pops laugh.

"He definitely got that from you." It was peaceful and quiet as I did my homework, until a crash and a scream came from the living room. More crashes were heard and I jumped up, running out of my room. When I got there, I saw pops shaking his head and dad chasing my boyfriend being chased around the room by my dad. I stood next to pops and watched in amusement.

"Wade broke in again?" I already knew the answer, but asked anyway.

"Yup." Pops responded and laughed as his husband yelled profanities at Peter' boyfriend. "Idiots." I heard pops laugh and shook my head.

"Yea, but they're our idiots." I corrected and he smiled at me.

"This is true." Wade finally noticed me and ran at me.

"Baby boy! Tell Tin Can to leave me alone!" Wade wined and I sighed.

"Stephen, get him away from our son!" Dad yelled and I heard pops sigh. Wade kissed me and jumped out of the window, dad following him.

"Yup, definitely idiots." 

                                                   Word Count:  567

I'm sorry it's short, but I hoped ya'll like it. Vote and Comment your opinions and thoughts. Also, I was thinking, should I do more shit like this? What I mean is like asking questions and seeing who gets it right first and then let them pick the next one shot ship or topic? Like, I'm all for it, but it's up to my readers.

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