So Smart, But So Dumb

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"Hey loser, I need to ask you something and I want you to be totally honest with me. It might be awkward for us, but I have to know how you feel. I have kept this a while and it's about time to ask. I hope this doesn't run our friendship. I just need to get over this. I want you to be as truthful as you can. Do you know...... That the bird is the word?" I question and held back a laugh as his face fell.

"Oh, I thought you- nevermind.." Peter shook his head and begun walking away. I grabbed his hand before he got too far, causing him to turn around.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned and he looked away.

"N-nothing, I- it's nothing." He replied, but I gave him the look and he sighed. "I like- no love this girl, but I don't know how to tell her." My heart broke, but I gave a fake smile.

"Oh." I said and he smiled.

"Yeah, she's awesome. She has the best smile, when it's not forced or fake. She also has the prettiest hazel eyes I've ever seen, that goes well with her heart shaped face and brown curly hair. She is the sassiest, smartest, most sarcastic and bravest person I know. She's also close to Spiderman." He spoke every word, his smile getting wider and brighter. I tilted my head slightly confused. Peter chuckled and pulled me to him by my waist. "For someone so smart, you sure are dumb." I went to protest, but his lips cut me off. "I love you MJ." He whispered, pulling back and I stood there, eyes still closed and I heard him chuckle again. Recomposed myself, but could feel the blush that remained on my cheeks. "Will you go out with me?" He questioned and I nodded smiling. He reattached his lips and I smiled into the kiss.

                                                                           Word Count: 320

I'll be going back to writing about young Peter after this chapter, because you all seem to like it, or at least think?

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