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"Are you sure you're ready to do this?" I asked MJ as we stood back stage with Ned and our graduating class. She smiled and took my hand.

"Let's do this." I nodded and the music started to play.
We got in the correct spots in line and started to slowly walk out on the stage. As soon as everyone was on the stage, Captain America made his way to the stage to lead the flag salute. Everyone stood and put their right hand over their heart as the music played. After the Star Spangled Banner finished playing, Cap gave a short speech.

"Hello, as you all may know, I'm Captain America. I would like to congratulate every single student behind me on the stage for doing their best in school and making it to graduation. These kids are the future and I believe they will do great. I'm gonna keep my speech short, because I'm sure these kids would like to graduate soon. So with that, I would like to finish off with a good luck and congratulations to the graduating class of 2020!" Cap winked at me as everyone applauded and he walked off stage. A few of my classmates caught the wink and gave me questioning glances, but said nothing otherwise.

"Now welcoming to the stage, Tony Stark!" The principal spoke into the mic and my eyes widened as I looked to MJ, Ned and Flash. This was going to be embarrassing.

"Thank you." My dad said into the mic, and I could just picture his press smile showing on his face. He waited for everyone to calm down, before speaking again.
"There's a lot I could say about this class behind me, but I think the main thing I will address is the kid who stuck out the most to me. Peter Parker is a kid who I believe has the brightest future on this stage. Not only because of his smarts, but because of his kindness and ability to change people's hearts. I've not only had the joy of watching this kid change Natasha's view of things, but I've had the joy and pride of watching Peter change the heart of a bully and become his friend as well. Now, I'm sure you all may be wondering what this kid is to me, Tony Stark the billionaire playboy philanthropist. Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark is none other than my son and the future heir to my company, Stark Industries!" He announced, looking right at me and my eyes widened. He's giving me the company? He just announced I was son?! "I leave all of you with a congratulations and a good luck." He walked off stage and the principal did a little speech. I looked to MJ and she nodded, while I smiled.

"Now welcome to the stage, Valedictorians Michelle Jones and Peter Parker-Stark!" Applause was heard from everyone in the crowd and I smiled, meeting Michelle in the middle. We held hands and walked up to the podium.

"Thank you. We all are pretty excited to graduate-"

"But trust us-"

"No one is as excited-"

"As we are." MJ and I took turns speaking and the crowd 'awed' at us. I looked in my dad's eyes and smiled. He smirked and leaned back, along with Aunt Tasha. They already knew the announcement MJ and I had, and they were just waiting for the freak out.

"Now, as you all may know-"

"Spiderman and Shadow are the newest Avengers-"

"However, their identities are unknown-"

"Shadow, Spiderman. Where are you?" Everyone snapped out of their attention and looked to the ceiling where Doc Ock came in. I looked to my dad and he continued to relax, smirking at me. I looked over to where MJ was and she was gone. I smirked and pulled off my robe, and pulled my mask on. I worked with MJ to take down Doc Ock and in a matter of minutes, we had Doc Ock tied up with webs and shadows to keep him down. I took off my mask and MJ pulled her cloak's hood down. Everyone stayed frozen until my dad and Aunt Tasha stood up, clapping.

"Um, surprise? That wasn't how we wanted to reveal ourselves.." I spoke awkwardly and MJ giggled.

"Loser." Everyone snapped out of their shock and started to clap. I looked to my dad and he winked. I smiled and blushed. Finally, our identities are revealed.

                                                               Word Count: 742

This prompt was given to me by Av3ng3rs I kinda like this one a lot. I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment and  vote. I have like 19 more prompts that were given and hopefully I'll be done with them sometime this week, then I have a few ideas that I'm gonna work with. This book is almost finished! Then I'mma hopefully work more on my other story.. Thank you guys so much for reading, commenting and voting. I really enjoy writing for you all and this book is almost at 3k votes and 60k reads!!

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