Not A Cabin, A Mansion

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"Hey guys, wanna go to my dad's cabin with me for winter break? It's in upstate New York and my dad said it was okay, as long as we're all careful." Peter asked as he approached his little group in the lunchroom. Flash chuckled and shook his head.
"Of course you would call it a cabin, Parker." Peter furrowed his eyebrows and looked genuinely confused.
""But, it is a cabin." He sat down and MJ placed her hand on his shoulder 
"Loser, it's not a cabin. It's a mansion that literally has a lake behind it.." Liz saw the flirt and grabbed Peter's arm, sending a glare to MJ. The teen raised an eyebrow, but shook it off and looked down at her book.
"Well, who all is invited?" Ned asked as he finished chewing and swallowing his sandwich. 
"Well, dad said I could invite the entire decathlon team, so.. Abe, Sally, Charles, Cindy, obviously you three and.. that's about it." Peter listed off and MJ raised an eyebrow.
"Does anyone else know who your dad is, loser?" Peter frowned and looked down.
"No.." Ned grinned and Flash chuckled.
"Man, this is gonna be fun." Flash grinned at Peter as the brown haired child groaned.
"Dang it, I already invited them."
"You know Peter, you're old enough to curse. Steve isn't here." MJ teased and Peter smiled, a laugh escaping his lips. 
"Yea, I know, M. It just.. doesn't feel right. You know?" Peter rubbed the back of his neck and MJ rolled her eyes, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips as she looked back down at her book. The four joked around for the rest of the lunch period and separated when the bell rang.

◇◇◇◇ Scene Change Brought To You By Peter's And MJ's "Subtle" Flirting ◇◇◇◇

"Woah, dude. This isn't a cabin, this is a freaking mansion!" Abe exclaimed as they pulled up in a limo and gazed at the mansion in front of them. When the limo first showed up at the school, they all thought it was just Peter showing off his internship pay and laughed. However, now everyone was amazed and questioned everything, well at least half of them did.
"I told you, loser. It's definitely not a normal cabin." MJ spoke as they made eye contact and she looked back down to her book as Liz drew Peter's attention away.
"Holy shit, Peter who the hell owns this place? Tony Stark?" Charles asked, not taking his eyes off the building in front of them and Peter chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Um, actually yea." Peter laughed nervously and Cindy gasped.
"Tony Stark let you use his mansion in the woods for the week?!" Peter nodded and everyone smiled excitedly. 
"So, are we just gonna stare at the building?" Flash joked as he walked to the entrance with Ned and Liz followed. Cindy, Abe, and Charles hurriedly followed after, leaving MJ and Peter to walk behind at a slow pace.
"It was cool of Daddy Warbucks to let us have the cabin for the weekend." MJ started small talk and Peter smiled, smile lines prominent on his cheeks.
"Yea, my dad thought it'd be cool for me to have a fun vacation, away from patrols and missions." 
"Parker, hurry up!" Flash yelled out from inside the mansion and Peter frowned. He wanted to continue to talk to MJ, but he also had to make sure his guests didn't touch stuff they aren't supposed to. 
"Ok, ok, I'm coming!" Peter yelled as he looked to MJ and smiled, nodding towards the door. "We should probably hurry up. It's kinda cold out here."
"Yea." MJ spoke as the two picked up pace and shortly made it inside. Once in the living room, Peter stood in front of everyone on the couches.
"Okay, so.. Uh, I was told we can only use the bottom floor, which has 4 rooms.. So, two people to a room-"
"Yo, bro. We sharing a room?" Flash cut Peter off as he turned to Ned and the teen chuckled.
"Sure, dude." 
"Oh my gosh, Liz you're sharing a room with me, right?" Sally asked as she pleaded and Liz smiled with a laugh.
"Of course, we could get ready together." 
"Duh." Cindy giggled as she punched his shoulder and hugged his arm. The only two left were Peter and MJ as they looked at each other. 
"Um, actually Sally. I think I'm gonna stay with Pet-"
"Liz, don't leave me with that-that weirdo!" Sally exclaimed as she looked horrified over the idea of sharing a room with MJ for a week and Peter frowned. The gorgeous brown haired beauty looked to the said and bit her tongue.
"Like I'd want to share a room with you anyway." MJ retorted back as an attempt to sound annoyed and not trying to keep the tears in. 
"How about someone else switch?" Liz suggested and looked around. Everyone shook their heads and she groaned.
"It's fine, Liz. It's just a room for a week. Besides, I'm with you." Peter said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and MJ continued to look away. 
"Okay.." She frowned and Peter smiled.
"Let's go to our rooms and get settled in. I already have my room, so you guys can pick yours." Peter said as he pulled MJ with him and the others ran to the bedrooms. The two teens entered the room and MJ blushed when she saw there was only one bed.
"It's okay, M. I'll take the floor." Peter offered, walking over to a closet and opening it. He took out a few sheets and a pillow. He threw them to the floor and started to make a bed shape.
"Peter, it's okay. I can-"
"Nope. You are not sleeping on the floor." Peter cut her off immediately and grinned. She frowned and his grin turned to a smile. "It'll be fine. Besides, if worse comes to worse I could always make web hammock." 
"Such a loser." MJ rolled her eyes as she stepped forward, but lost her balance and fell forward. Peter turned to her and tried to catch her, but instead fell on his back with her on top of him. She propped herself up and Peter stared into her eyes.
"Are-are you okay?" Peter asked as he brushed her cheek with his hand and she blushed.
"Um, yea." The two stayed in the same position for a few minutes longer, before a knock was heard at the door. MJ jumped up and walked over to the bed, placing her bag down. She grabbed a change of clothes and ran to the bathroom. Peter sighed and stood, shaking his head as he walked to the door.
"Hey Peter, just wanted to know what we're doing later?" Liz asked as she peered into the room and looked around. She frowned when she saw there was only one bed and smirked when she saw the sheets on the floor.
"Um, yea. I was going to order some pizza and we all could just chill." Liz nodded and pecked Peter, before turning around.
"See you later." Liz sent a kiss and Peter smiled, closing the door.

♧♧♧ Time Skip Brought To You By My Dislike For Liz ♧♧♧

"Hey MJ, can I talk to you for a minute?" MJ looked over at Liz as they had just ordered the pizza and nodded skeptically. The two walked to Liz and Sally's room and Liz closed the door behind them.
"So, what did you-"
"Little MJ, did you really think I wouldn't notice you have feelings for my boyfriend?" Liz shook her head and MJ raised her eyebrow.
"What are you talking about-"
"The little laughs and smiles you give him? The longing eyes and pink on your pink on your cheeks when he smiles or compliments you or interacts with people? I've been watching you." 
"Look Liz, I think you're just overthinking this-"
"What about your notebook?" Liz smirked and MJ furrowed her eyebrows.
"What-what are you talking about?" 
"The one with all the drawings of him and poems about him. I'm sure he would love to see them and read how you're so in love with him." Liz smirked and MJ frowned.
"I really don't know-"
"What I'm talking about? Really, because you left this behind on the limo." Liz pulled out a tiny red notebook and MJ's eyes widened.
"Liz, I-"
"Stay away from him and you might get this back." Liz cut her off and crossed her arms.
"I-I can't just stay away from him, this is his-"
"I don't want to see you talking to him the rest of the vacation. You may share a room with him, but you will not talk to him alone either. If he's in the room, either pretend you're asleep or something. If I find out you talked to him or told him about this little conversation, this notebook will be all over our school news when we get back from vacation-"
"Liz, MJ?" Peter's voice drifted into the room as a knock sounded at the door and Liz turned around. She opened the door wide and smiled.
"Hi babe, sorry. MJ and I were just talking about girl stuff. Did you need something?" Liz asked sickly sweet and Peter glanced at MJ who had her head down.
"I just wanted to let you girls know the pizza is here. Are you okay, M?" Peter asked concerned and MJ walked past him.
"She's going through a break up, the poor thing. I think she just needs time." Liz gave a sympathetic smile and Peter frowned.
"O-okay then. Anyway, um are you hungry?" 
"Famished." Liz giggled as the walked out to the living room and Peter saw MJ sitting on the couch, not eating.
"Are you sure she's ok-"
"I'm sure, babe. You know how hard a break up is."
"Maybe I should talk to-"
"She just needs time alone. She'll be fine." Liz stressed, trying to hide her annoyance and Peter nodded hesitantly.

£££ Another Time Skip Brought To You By My Annoying Writing £££

"Alright M, what's going on? You've been avoiding Peter all night and you didn't eat anything for dinner." Ned asked as he and Flash stood with MJ inside. The others had gone outside to start a camp fire, but the two boys had noticed that something was wrong with MJ after she finished talking to Liz.
"Nothing, loser. I just wasn't hungry." MJ shrugged and Flash raised an eyebrow.
"You dodged the first qustion."
"What do you mean?" MJ tried to play stupid and the two boys frowned.
"We know you're not stupid, Michelle. What's going on?" Flash asked genuinely concerned and MJ looked down.
"It's nothing, l-losers." MJ stuttered as she bit her tongue. Here's one thing you should know about MJ, if you don't already know; she may appear to be emotionless and tough, but she's actually sensitive. She doesn't usually cry, however.
"Just drop it." MJ tried to push past the two, but Flash hugged her.
"Whay happened? We're your best friends." Ned whispered and MJ sighed.
"What did she-"
"She told me to stay away from Peter, or…"
"Or what?" Flash asked and Michelle looked down.
"Or she'll give him my notebook full of drawings and poems about Peter.." MJ trailed off and Flash frowned.
"Why do you tell Peter-"
"No. That's his girlfriend and I don't want him to ever see that book. He already has someone and I don't wanna come between them." MJ shook her head and Glash pulled back from the hug.
"Then I'll tell-"
"No! You can't. Just-just forget everything I've said." MJ said as she started to walk away and Ned grabbed her wrist.
"Ned, just leave it alone. Please, it doesn't matter. Both of you, just forget about this." MJ muttered as she pulled her wrist from Ned's grip and turned to leave, walking right into someone.
"Hey guys, what are you doing in here?" Peter asked as he looked at MJ and frowned. MJ pushed past him and he felt hurt. He turned back to his other two best friends and was concerned when he saw the anger on their faces. "Guys-"
"Let's go to the fire." Flash said as he walked out and Ned followed, leaving Peter confused and hurt.
              Word Count: 2,074

Part 2? Kind of in love with this idea. What do you think of redeemed Flash? I honestly love it and I love the concern for MJ he has. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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