Clint's An Idiot

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"Man, I can't wait to see the kid!" Clint exclaimed as the ex-avengers were on their way to the tower from Wakanda.

"I can't wait to see the spider, either." Sam commented and the others nodded. It's been a few months since the Accords were finally changed and they were excited to be back in the states.

"Arriving in .5 seconds." Captain mentioned and the quintet landed on the helipad of the compound. The first off was Natasha, followed by the others.

"Stark, where's my spider?" Nat asked and Tony smirked.

"He's in the gym, working out. I didn't tell him you were coming." Clint grinned and ran to the gym.

At some point, he climbed in the vents and crawled there silently. He knew he had to extra quiet since Peter's hearing was more than exceptional. He stopped at the gym and grinned when he saw Peter with his headphones in. He positioned his bow and arrow in the small space he had and aimed at the kid. The door opened just as Clint shot his arrow.

What shocked everyone was when the arrow was close enough, a black substance like thing grew from Peter's body and clenched the arrow, breaking it.

"You almost hurt Peter." The thing spoke in an animalistic voice and it's arm reached out to the vent, breaking it. Clint fell out and he was terrified as Nat slid in front of him.

"Throw a Widow Bite, Nat!" Clint exclaimed, still terrified and Natasha shook her head.

"I'm not risking hitting my nephew." She shut him down with one last look, before turning to the black symbiote. "Peter.. мой паук(my spider).. Please come back." She pleaded and the thing moved down a little.
"Venom, it's my family. There's no danger." Peter spoke as the thing came back up.

"It tried to hurt you." Venom argued, pointing at Clint.

"That's my Uncle Clint. He's only a danger to himself. He's a complete idiot." Peter chuckled and the symbiote agreed, fading back to just forming a suit around him, leaving the Avengers shocked, except Tony.

"Hey! I'm not an idiot or a danger to myself!" Clint argued childishly as he got his voice back.

"Yes, you are clint." Nat stopped that argument and Peter hugged his Aunt.

"I missed you." He whispered.

"I missed you too."

"I miss my dry underwear!" Sam exclaimed and the other guys nodded.

"That shit-"

"Language." Captain corrected Bucky who groaned.

"That thing was scary." Bucky corrected and others nodded.

"It's an alien from the planet symbiote and his name is venom. He kinda became my partner about a year ago." Peter shrugged and the others nodded, not bothering to question it.

Word Count: 451

Okay, I'm sorry it's short. I'm not really good at writing Peter with Venom, I'm sorry. This prompt was given to me by PancakeQueen64 I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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