Another Bet Lost To A Female..

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"Mom, stop." Peter groaned as his mother continued to try and groom his hair. He was getting ready for his date with Wanda and he was hella nervous.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it. My baby boy is going on his first date." Pepper gushed and Peter blushed. He didn't like the teasing his family has been doing the past few days since he asked Wanda on a date, but he grinned when he realized he was actually going to date with the girl he loves. It may seem a little much, but since he met Wanda, he's had a strong connection with the Scarlet Witch. Pepper sighed and stepped back as Tony walked in.

"Hey bud. I made the reservations for Gramercy Tavern at 8:30. Happy is more than happy to take the two of you, ironically enough." Tony raised an eyebrow in amusement and the three laughed. They walked out the living area and Peter talked to Tony as he waited for Wanda. He turned when he heard a gasp from Pepper and his jaw dropped. Wanda looked stunning. She had on a pair of red high heel stilettos and a ruby red dress that seemed to glimmer in the light, showing off every curve perfectly. Her red fiery hair was curled by Nat and framed her face beautifully. She had very light makeup on and a light red lip gloss on her lips with a blush forever present on her face. Peter couldn't move or speak. Standing in front of him was a gorgeous goddess and she was going on a date with him. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Are we ready to go?" Wanda's thick and beautiful accent cut through Peter's thoughts and he shook his head, a grin on his face.

"Of course." Wanda grabbed his arm and right before they walked to the elevator, Pepper stopped them to take a dozen or so pictures of the two, while Tony was smirking at his son. Once the pictures were taken, Peter lead Wanda down to the car Happy was waiting in and opened the door for her, letting her in and closing the door behind him.

"Hey Happy! Thanks for taking us." Peter chirped and Happy nodded at the kid, glad that he was the one taking the couple on a date. Him, Tony, and Pepper had a secret group with some of the other Avengers known as 'Protect Peter and Wanda at all costs' so the might be another reason that Nat and Clint were out together. Once they were dropped off and Peter pulled up the reservation, he was escorted to the table and pulled Wanda's chair out, helping her sit down. He sat across from her and smiled nervously. "You look gorgeous by the way." Peter flushed and Wanda smiled.

"Thank you. You look good as well." Wanda replied. To break the silence, Peter kept making up jokes and causing Wanda to laugh. As they were eating though, something -or should I say someone- caught his eyes, causing him to almost choke. As he was coughing, Wanda tried to not freak out and helped Peter. "What is it?" Wanda asked after he took a sip of water and seemed okay again.

"Isn't that Nat and Clint, over there?" Peter pointed and Wanda followed his gaze, smirking when she spotted the two. They seemed to be talking and finishing their food. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Peter questioned and Wanda nodded. Peter texted Happy that they were taking a walk after dinner and that he'll text him if he needed a ride later. The two got up after paying and followed the spies. They ended up at a park and watched Clintasha holding hands looking out at the lake on a bridge in the park. Thanks to Peter's enhanced hearing, he had heard every exchange of words.

"You know Nat, after Laura, I didn't think I'd find someone else.. But now that I have you, I can't picture my life without you." Clint said lovingly and Nat gave him a rare Natasha Romanoff smile that was reserved for special people. "I love you Nat." He leaned in and kissed the red headed deadly spy. Once they pulled back, Nat stared into Clint's eyes.

"I love you too, Clint."

"Fuck yea! Clintasha for the win!" Peter exclaimed, deciding to make his presence known and Wanda giggled as the spies turned to them, flushed.

"Clintasha?" Clint asked, confused and Peter laughed as Nat recomposed herself and had a smirk set on her face.

"Your ship name, duh." Peter crossed his arms and sassed. "I'm glad you found someone to make you happy though, Aunt Tasha." Peter smiled at his aunt and hugged her, causing her heart to melt at the kid in her arms. Not even Clint could melt her heart like the teen in her arms. Peter was her on weakness and Clint smiled at his girlfriend and nephew hug. Wanda took a picture and sent it to Pepper.

"Come on you two, let's go home." Nat finally said and ushered everyone to the car. On the ride home, Wanda leaned her head on Peter's shoulder and smiled, glancing up at him.

"Thank you for tonight." Peter smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Of course, but that pegs the question I wanted to ask. Wanda, will you be my girlfriend?" Wanda grinned and nodded. He eyelids began to feel heavy and Peter let her sleep since it was a long drive back to the tower. Once they arrived, Peter carried Wanda inside, bridal style and placed her on her bed, and with a kiss to her forehead closed the door behind himself after taking off her shoes. Once back in the living room, Peter was welcomed by groans from all the guys and Pepper smiling.

"What's going on?" He questioned with a yawn.

"I won a bet. I bet that you and Wanda would go on a date the same day Clint and Nat would, but no one thought they'd be together, besides me so now I'm 20,000 richer." Pepper smirked and Sam muttered cheater under his breath, causing Pepper to smack him upside the head. Peter laughed and walked to his room to go to bed.

"Goodnight everyone." Peter called behind him and crashed on his bed once in his room, his eyes closing as soon as his head hit the pillow.

People in this tower needs to stop making losing bets against the women..

                                                                  Word Count: 1084

As Peter would say, CLINTASHA FOR THE FUCKING WIN! Anyway, I hope ya'll liked it. Next ship should be....? Comment below. ALSO, THANK YOU FOR 1K VOTES! New chapter for my other book out later today, so make sure you keep an eye out!

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