Pepper, Nat, Bucky, And Steve Finds out...

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Tony, Clint and Rhodey sighed, falling onto the couch exasperatedly and Loki just walked in with a happy Peter in his arms, a smirk on the god's face. The three have been running after the 2 year old all day, trying to keep anyone else from seeing. If Pepper was to see, she'd blow a gasket and no one wanted that to happen. Rhodey came to help the billionaire after hearing he had turned back to a baby after Tony messed up a prank and he had to see how difficult it was to raise a two year old again. Now, he wanted to go back in time and make it so he never came in the first place. The first time Peter was 2, he didn't have spider powers, but now since he had it before he was transformed back to a 2 year old.

"Hey Tony, did Peter come home yet?" Pepper asked as she walked into the room, her gaze fixed upon her Stark tablet. Everyone froze and looked around at each other. At the lack of response, Pepper looked up and narrowed her eyes at Clint. "What did you do to my son?"

"I didn't do anything! It was Tony!" Clint quickly pointed at Tony and Pepper's gaze turned to her husband.

"Don't look at me! Loki is the one who made the potion!"

"Foolish mortal. You're the idiot who put the potion in the wrong cup." Loki rolled his eyes and Tony glared.


"Enough! What potion are you talking about and where is our son?" Pepper was worried and tired of the blame game. Loki sighed and stepped forward with the baby and Pepper gasped. "Is- is that P-Peter?" She stuttered and Tony nodded, solemnly.

"I meant to make Clint a baby, but put the reverse-aging potion in Peter's smoothie by accident and now, we have a 2 year old... For two months..." Tony explained slowly, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Two months?!" Pepper exclaimed and grabbed her child from Loki's arms. "Tony, how could you do something so careless?! Too your own son, no less." Pepper wanted to berate her husband even more, but her two year old began to cry and reach out to his dad. Tony smiled at his son and carefully grabbed him, careful under Pepper's intense glare.

"Hey bud, you're okay. Shhh." Tony calmed him down and Pepper smiled.

"Well, it seems like you guys have it under control here. Since it was Loki's, Clint's, and Tony's fault my son is now 2 years old again, you men are in charge of my son for the next 2 months. If anything happens to my Peter, I will murder all of you. Even if it's hard to kill a god, I will find a way." She glared at everyone and Loki felt oddly terrified of the female.

"I like her." Loki said as her figure faded from sight and Tony glared at the god, a repulsor forming around one of the billionaire's hand, causing Loki to raise his arms in mock surrender.

"That's my wife and I want you to stay away from her." Peter stirred in his father's arms and reached his arms out towards Loki.

"Lo-lo." Peter gurgled and Loki smiled, grabbing the two year old into his arms. He walked away from the three men and Tony sat next to the other two.

"Peter?" Nat questioned walking into the room and instantly glared at the remaining three men as they tensed. "Where is my nephew?" Nat questioned, with sass and Tony gulped. He opened his mouth to respond, but someone scream cut him off.

"Peter?!" Everyone jumped up and ran to where they heard the scream. Once in the kitchen, everyone saw Bucky and Cap looking at Loki horrified.

"Where's Peter?" Nat demanded and Steve raised a shaky hand, pointing at Loki, who turned with a two year old in his arms. Nat's mouth formed a frown and she narrowed her eyes. "Is this a joke?" Tony sighed and grabbed his son once more.

"It was supposed to be.. I meant to prank Clint, but accidentally pranked Peter instead." Nat grinned.

"So this is Peter?" She asked again and received several nods. Nat grabbed Peter and walked away, no questions asked because she's a bad bitch like that. Perfect time for revenge and blackmail..

                                                                       Word Count: 729

Sorry it took so long to update, I've been busy. I'll try to update 3 more chapters/one shots today, but I can't promise anything. Hope you enjoyed this stupid little one-shot.

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