I Pissed Myself... Says The God..

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It's been a couple weeks and MJ had visited everyday. She had also almost murdered Clint, Tony and Falcon for the things they said while she visited Peter. Steve and Bucky were smart enough to stay silent, while Loki kept his distance from the girl; he was still terrified of the teen since she tried and almost succeeded in killing the god the first time they met.(10 comments and 20 votes, and I'll post this one shot, lol) It was more than enough to keep distance of the teen. Today however, was the day that Wanda and Vision were returning from Wakanda and everyone was awaiting to see Wanda's reaction when she saw Peter as a baby.

"Peter!" Wanda exclaimed as she walked into the living room. She was confused when she didn't see the curly brown haired boy and frowned. She checked the time and her frown deepened when she saw it was 4pm; Peter should be home by now. Just then, the elevator opened and Wanda's head snapped to see if it was her little brother.

"Hey Wanda." MJ greeted the witch and Wanda frowned once again, noticing Peter wasn't with her.

"Hey MJ, where's Peter?" Wanda questioned and MJ was surprised. Sure, Wanda had been gone for a few weeks, but she expected someone to tell her.

"No one told you?" Wanda tilted her head in confusion.

"Told me what?" Her accent was thick in confusion and MJ just sighed, gesturing for Wanda to follow her. They got to Peter's room and She slowly opened the door. There in the middle of the room was a makeshift crib and was even more confused at this point. MJ gestured for her to go look and Wanda walked to it slowly, gasping once she saw inside. "Is-is that Peter?" She whispered and MJ nodded. The baby stirred and opened his eyes, looking sleepily at Wanda, but once his eyes landed on MJ, he giggled.

"M-MJ." Peter gurgled and MJ smiled, picking up the baby who had his arms outstretched to the teen.

"Hey Pete. Wanda returned from Wakanda." MJ said to the baby and he tilted his head in confusion. Wanda popped up behind MJ and smiled, waving at the baby. Peter giggled once again and clapped his hands together.

"Hi Peter." Wanda cooed and Peter held his arms out to her. MJ handed Peter to her gently and Wanda smiled, hugging the baby close to her. Suddenly, she got an idea and grinned at MJ. "Wanna help me with something?" Wanda asked and MJ smirked.

"What do you have in mind?" MJ loved when Wanda had ideas and couldn't wait to find out what it was.

"We need more help first.." Wanda nodded her head to the door and they walked out, Peter still being cradled by Wanda.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by me, Deadpool!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh my god!" Wanda exclaimed from the living room and whoever was in the tower came running out. Nat and MJ walked out first, as planned and shrieked. Steve and Bucky were the next two to walk out and they were mortified. Soon, every avenger walked out and had the same expressions, including Thor and Loki. Tony was the last to show up and nearly fainted. On the floor, was his 'son' covered in 'blood' and his neck was turned to the side. He was lying there lifeless and Tony was the first to react, running to his 'son' on the ground and cried. Loki held his head down and hid his tears, fear crawling up his spine as he realized the kid was probably dead.

"Tony, I need you too- Peter!!" Pepper ran to her husband and son, falling to her knees dramatically. Tears ran down her cheeks and she didn't make a move to wipe the away. She felt anger build in her and turned accusingly to the god, Clint and Tony. "What. Did. You. Three. Do?" Pepper sounded deadly calm, though her expression said otherwise. The three men gulped and she was even further enraged. "What did you three do?! I told you to watch my son! Not- not kill him!" Pepper screamed and Wanda and MJ shared a look with Nat. Pepper turned to the girls and winked discreetly. "MJ, give me your gun." The teen pretended to be surprised and threw the gun anyway. Pepper turned back to the men and they literally pissed themselves.

"Pep-pepper. Let's not-" Pepper pulled the trigger and Loki shrieked, waiting for the bullet, but nothing happened. All the guys opened their eyes and their eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. There was a banner that came out of the gun saying 'Pranked' and the girls burst out laughing.

"Wh-where's Peter?" Tony stuttered looking around for his son. The image of his dead son on the floor disappeared and Tony was terrified. He already almost lost his son several times before, he needed to make sure he was okay.

"Da-da." Tony looked down and sighed when he saw Peter tugging on his pants leg, looking concerned for a baby. Tony picked the kid up and held him tightly, turning to the girls.

"Don't ever do that again. I almost had a heart attack." He glared and the girls crossed their arms, Pepper narrowed her eyes at her husband.

"I almost had a heart attack when I found out our son was turned into a two year old!" Pepper shouted and then gave a soft laugh.

"Well... I pissed myself, so if you excuse me.." Loki was awkward and avoided looking at any of the females as he left the room, waddling. Clint followed and Tony just stayed there, hugging his child.

"I love you Peter." He kissed his son's temple and Peter yawned, falling asleep to his father's breathing.

                                                          Word Count: 968

This was pretty adorable. Hope ya'll liked it.

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