I love you.. Mommy

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I got up from my seat on the couch and walked towards Peter's room to check if he was asleep. As I neared the room, I heard talking that wasn't too loud, so I leaned closer hoping to hear who Peter was talking to.

"Dear God, I don't know if you're listening, but I hope you are. Mommy told me you're really busy with trying to make everything right in the world, but I need your help. Recently my daddy and Pepper got into a fight over a lady that tried to tear them apart. I know I already have a mommy and I love her very much, but....
I love Pepper like a mommy too. Daddy said that mommy wouldn't be mad if I called Pepper mommy, and I really hope not. I love Pepper and she takes care of Daddy and I really well, even though daddy sure does make Pepper upset a lot." I suppressed a laugh and felt tears welling in my eyes.
"Anyway, the reason I'm asking for your help is that my daddy messed up pretty bad today, and I need you to help make things right between him and Pepper again. Please? I can't lose another mommy.." His voice dropped to a whisper and I heard his whimper. I opened the door fully and Peter jumped up, turning to look at me, tears rushing down his face. I opened my arms and Peter ran into them.

"You will never lose me Peter. I promise. Your daddy may be stupid, but I love both of you very much." I hugged him tighter and he cried into my shoulder. A few drops fell from my own eyes and I smiled softly. Peter pulled back and looked at me, a genuine smile on his face.

"I love you.. Mommy." He smiled really bright and I was shocked. I smiled and hugged him again.

"I love you too, baby boy." I whispered and kissed the side of his head. We hugged a little while longer and I tucked him in. "Sweet dreams baby." I whispered and kissed his forehead.

"Night mommy." He yawned and I closed the door to a crack as I walked out, making my way to Tony's and my room. I got in and Tony looked up at me, frowning when he saw the tear streaks.

"What's wrong Pep?" He asked and I smiled.

"Nothing. You're an idiot." I laughed, crying slightly and he hugged me.

"I love you." He whispered.

"Peter called me mommy." I whispered, still so shocked and so happy.

"He did?" Tony smiled and I nodded.

"I love you too, Tony. You're still an idiot though." That night I slept with a smile on my face and one little boy with his father on my mind.

                                                                  Word Count: 467

Sorry it's so short, but Peter finally called Pepper mom! This was adorable in my opinion. Now, let's see how the next one-shot turns out, shall we? 

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