No One Expects This Ship... Please Don't Hate Me

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Peter shook his head as he watched what was happening in front of him and had to hold himself back from laughing. All the Avengers were drunk and playing 'who can come up with the best pick up line.' Rhodey, May, and Pepper were there as well. Even Doctor Strange, Loki and Thor were there! The only people who weren't drunk were Scarlet Witch, Peter(obviously.), May and Pepper, but decided to play as well. Almost everyone had an item in their hand and a couple people with nothing. Tony was elected to go first and he stood, swaying a little as he walked up to Dr. Strange.

"I'm no photographer, but damn, I sure as hell can picture you and I together." He ended with a wink and strutted away, leaving everyone shocked. I know what you're thinking, but it was a joke on Dr. Strange. Peter cleared his throat loudly, snapping everyone out of their shock. Wanda stepped up next, walking up to Peter, with an apron on and a coffee mug in her hand, smiling.

"Wanna grab a coffee?" She asked and smirked. "Cause I like you a latte." Everyone's jaw dropped and she sent Peter a kiss, before turning around and walking back to her seat. Steve was next and walked up to Nat.

"You make my heart-" He pulled out a beet from behind his back. "-skip a beet." He dropped the beet and walked away, embarrassed.

"The fire may be out-" Nat started walking over to Bruce, fire helmet tilted over her face a little and posing, fingertips gripping the hat at the front. "-But you're still smokin'." She pulled off her hat and kissed Bruce's cheek.

"Are you a banana?" Bucky pulled out a banana and winked at Steve. "Because I find you appeeling." Peter laughed and Pepper joined him.

"Are you a cold? Because I would love to catch you sometime." Pepper winked a Tony and Peter laughed.

"There are plenty of fish in the sea, but I only want to catch you." Thor spoke to the ceiling and Peter fell off his chair laughing.

"This may be cheesy, but I think you're grate." Sam spoke to a cheese grater in his hand.

"Is your name Google? Cause you have everything I'm looking for." Bruce responded to Nat.

"Do you have a pencil? Cause I wanna erase your past and write our future." Strange replied to Tony.

"Do you like Nintendo? Cause wii would be great together." Vision spoke to a computer.

"Omelet you in on a secret, you are eggactly what I need." Loki held up an egg.

"Arrrrr you a Pirate? Cause you've captured my heart." Rhodey winked in a mirror and at this point, Pepper, Peter, Wanda and May were laughing so much, their stomachs started to hurt.

"Okay, okay. Last one, Pete your turn." Pepper smiled and Peter grinned. He walked up to Wanda and mock gasped.

"Here, let me tie your shoe for you. Wouldn't want you falling for other guys." Peter winked and Wanda blushed as everyone was silent.

"That was adorable!" May exclaimed and a chorus of 'yea's' and 'I agree' went around the room. Peter looked at Wanda and grinned. They shared a kiss and chaos reigned down after that. Everyone took out their wallets and gave money to either Pepper, May and Nat. All the guys grumbled, while Wanda and Peter were still confused.

"What's going on here?" Peter asked awkwardly.

"We all made a bet. Us girls voted you would be with Wanda and the guys bet on you being with MJ." Pepper spoke which caused Peter and Wanda to blush a darker shade of red. 

               Word Count: 613

So? Do you guys like it? I mean, I kinda ship it tbh. Like this would be cute. IDK, but comment what you thought and if you ship them together?

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