Juice Pops..

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5 Years Later….

I walked outside in search of my kid and walked towards her tent. I started to clap and look around at the scenery surrounding my house. After.. losing Peter, Pepper and I ended up leaving the tower and moving to the countryside of New York, away from memories and pain.
"Chow time!" I exclaimed and stopped in front of her tent. "Maguna." I bent to the height of the tent and sat on the small chair outside looking down.  "Morgan H. Stark, you want some lunch?" I asked in a serious tone and her tent opened.
"Define "lunch" or be disintegrated." She held her palm up and was wearing Pepper's present I was making for her. 
"Okay." I raised my hand and raised my eyebrows. "You should not be wearing that, okay? That is part of a special anniversary gift I'm making for Mom."
I held her arms and kissed the helmet part where her cheek would be. I took the helmet off and wiped her hair out of her face. 
"There you go. You thinking about lunch? I can give you a handful of crickets on a bed of lettuce." 
"No." She said innocently and I hid a smile.
"That's what you want. How did you find this?" I pulled the helmet from behind me and held it next to my face.
"Really? Were you looking for it?" I furrowed my eyebrows and she put her hair behind her ear.
"No. I found it though." She twisted her hair and I pulled the helmet back. 
"Hmm. You like going in the garage, huh? So does daddy." I sprung to my feet and picked her up in the process. 
"Its fine, actually. Mom never wears anything I buy her." I explained and carried her to the house. "So, I'm gonna…" I trailed off and glanced to the road as I heard wheels on the ground. 
I came to a slow stop as the car parked and Steve stepped out with Scott and Natasha. I stepped on my porch and turned to the three. Natasha nodded at me and I nodded back, before turning around with my daughter. I grabbed something to drink and some glasses, headed outside as Morgan stayed inside with Pepper.
"No. We know what it sounds like." Scott stammered and I rolled my shoulder.
"Tony, after everything you've seen, is anything really impossible?" Steve budded in and I began to speak. 
"Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck scale… which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition. Can we agree on that?" I said as I passed Steve a glass and he took it.
"Thank you." Steve spoke  and I turned my head to Scott.
"In layman's terms, it means you're not coming home." I said as I turned away and shook my head.
"I did." The ant piped in and I looked up at him, pouring another glass.
"No. You accidentally survived." I sighed and looked down, then back up. "It's a billion-to-one cosmic fluke. And now you wanna pull a… what do you call it?" I asked as I looked at Scott and handed the ant his glass. 
"A time heist?" 
"Yea, a time heist. Of course. Why didn't we think of this before? Oh, because it's laughable. Because it's a pipe dream." I couldn't believe what we were talking about right now and thought it was ridiculous. 
"The stones are in the past. We could go back, we could get them." Steve explained and Natasha looked over.
"We can snap our own fingers. We can bring everybody back."
"Or screw it up worse than he already has, right?" I interjected and Steve nodded at me.
"I don't believe we would." 
"Gotta say it. I sometimes miss that giddy optimism. However, high hopes won't help… if there's no logical, tangible way for me to execute said time heist. I believe the most likely outcome will be our collective demise."
"Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel. All right? It means no talking to our past selves… no betting on sporting events." Scott babbled on as he sat down next to me and I finally got fed up, raising my hand up to stop him from speaking.
"I'm gonna stop you right there, Scott. Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe… is based on back to the future?" I raised an eyebrow and he gave off a weak laugh. "Is it?"
"No." He shook his head and closed his eyes briefly. 
"Good. You had me worried there. Cause that would be horseshit. That's not how quantum physics works."
"Tony." I looked to the widow and she shook her head, looking up. "We have to take a stand."
"We did stand. And yet, here we are." I looked at Steve and he seemed like he wanted to glare. 
"I know you got a lot on the line. You got a wife, a daughter." A son. "But I lost someone very important to me. A lotta people did. And now, now we have a chance to bring her back… to bring everyone back, and you're telling me that you won't even…." Scott started to get loud, but I stayed calm and cut him off.
"That's right, Scott. I won't even." My voice got softer and he stared at me in disbelief. "I can't." The door opened and I looked over to see Morgan walking over to me. 
"Mommy told me to come save you." Morgan said as I lifted her up and placed her on my lap. 
"Good job. I'm saved. I wish you were coming here to ask me something else. Anything else." I said as I stood and held Morgan around her waist. "I'm honestly happy to see you guys, I just… oh look, the table's set for six…" 
"Tony. I get it. And I'm happy for you. I really am. But this is a second chance." Steve cut off my nonsense and I stopped. 
"I got my second chance right here, cap. Can't roll the dice on it." I turned around slowly and stayed to get one more thing out. "If you don't talk shop, you can stay for lunch." I finished as I walked to the door and went inside. I put Morgan down and walked to the kitchen, seeing Pepper at the table still.
"Hey honey, what was that all about?" Pepper questioned and I smiled at her, walking to her. I kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand.
"Nothing for you to worry about. Now, where did our daughter go?" I grinned and she smiled back.
"A menace and genius like her father, no doubt about that." Pepper crossed her arms and I slightly tugged her arm to get her to stand. I pulled her into my arms and looked into her eyes.
"She's also gorgeous and bossy like her mother." I replied and leaned in to kiss her, but heard a crashing sound before our lips connected. 
I ran to where the noise came from and entered the room. It was a room that held Peter's old stuff, like his pictures and trophies. A box was on the floor in front of Morgan and she tilted her head a bit, reaching for what fell out. She picked up the mask and turned to me.
"Daddy, why is there a mask in here? It looks damaged.." Morgan asked as she held it out to me and I grabbed it hesitantly. I held it in my hands and tried to clear my head. I looked back up at Morgan and she was looking at me with concern and wonder.
"Is everything alright in- Tony, what's that in your hand? It looks like… an old, dirty, red ski mask." Pepper questioned and I looked up. I cleared my throat and put it in my back pocket.
"Just a, um-"
"It was Peter's, wasn't it?" Pepper questioned as she looked at me in sorrow and I shook my head.
"No, it's actually Spiderman's. I never found out who he was, but we had a close bond and after what happened on Titan.." I trailed off and she nodded, walking to Morgan. She grabbed her hand and squeezed my shoulder as she passed me. She sent me a sympathetic smile and left the room. 

₩₩₩ Time Skip Brought To You By Tears ₩₩₩₩

It was late at night and I was washing dishes. I was lost in my thoughts and the house sprayed water everywhere, causing me to let out a sigh and stop washing dishes. I dried the plate I had just finished washing and placed it in the drainer. I started to wipe the spots that water splashed and looked over my shoulder to check if anyone was around. I reached above me on the shelf and grabbed the picture that caught my eye. 
It was a picture of my son and I when he "won" an internship here. It was cute, really. He had his fingers above my head in bunny ears while I did the same to him. It really wasn't planned, it just happened. Like father, like son I guess you could say. 
I looked up and sighed. My hand with the frame lowered and I looked off in space. I turned my head and placed the frame on the counter in front of me. 

¥¥¥ Scene Change Brought To You By Tony Missing Peter ¥¥¥

"I've got a mild inspiration. I'd like to see if it checks out. So, I'd like to run one last sim before we pack it in for the night." I said as I stood and walked around the desk with the holoscreen. "This time, in the shape of a Mobius strip, inverted, please." I said to Friday and the holoscreen spun. 
"Processing." Friday reported and I stared intently. I reached out and touched the hologram.
"Right, give me the eigenvalue of that particle factoring in spectral decomp. That'll take a second."
"Just a moment." Friday responded as I took a sip of my drink and kinda slamming the can down. 
"Don't worry if it doesn't pan out. I'm just kinda…" I trailed off and Friday spoke.
"Model rendered." My eyes widened as the "Model Successful" popped on the screen and was shocked. I fell back in my chair and covered my mouth.  
"Shit!" I exclaimed as I spread my arms out and was in complete amazement. 
"Shit!" I turned in surprise and saw Morgan sitting behind me on the steps. I put my finger to my lip and told her to "shhh." 
"What are you doing up, little miss?" I whispered to her and she looked at me.
"Shit." She shrugged and I shook my head.
"Nope. We don't say that. Only mommy says that word. She coined it. It belongs to her."
"Why are you up?" She questioned as she looked at me adorably.
"'Cause I've got some important shit going on here! What do you think? No, I got something on my mind. I got something on my mind." I said truthfully and got kinda quiet.
"Was it juice pops?" She questioned and I looked away, then back at her. 
"Sure was." I nodded and then decided to hide my contemplation with a joke. "That's extortion. That's a word. What kind you want?" I asked as I got out of my chair and walked towards her. "Great minds think alike. Juice pops exactly… was on… my mind." I said as I led her out of the room and looked back at the holoscreen. 
                    Word Count: 1,929

So, look at the media attached, I think the song goes kinda perfectly. Hope y'all liked it, sorry for such the long wait, but it was pain writing the last chapter and this as well. Please vote and comment your opinions. Also, part 4?

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