The Confusion Everyone Felt..

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Wanda had a secret. A secret so big, it could make or break a friendship. She was in love with Peter Parker. The lovable, brown haired, brown eyes, innocent, and happy Spiderman. It was difficult seeing him talk so highly about MJ, but she knew they were just best friends. She couldn't hold back her jealousy however, when he only talked about her. Maybe it was because she was a freak? A mutated disaster who had no family. Her brother's gone, parents died way before and she didn't have any extended family. She was all alone in this world and the one guy she was hopelessly in love with only saw her as a teammate, a friend if that.

Peter couldn't help stealing glances at the red headed beauty at the end of the dinner table. She was stunningly gorgeous and he couldn't help the tiny sigh that left his lips as he slightly shook his head to clear his thoughts. He couldn't think like that. She was a friend and wouldn't like him like that. He's tried to think of MJ instead, but his mind kept wandering to Wanda. He couldn't help it. How do you stop yourself from falling in love with someone so kind and beautiful?

"How much you wanna bet they end up together by the end of the night?" Nat whispered to Clint, Peter being too distracted to listen. Clint smirked and looked between Peter and Wanda.

"$10." He grinned and shook Nat's hand. After dinner, everyone was crowded in the living room to watch a movie. They finally came to an agreement and decided to watch 'Bride of Chucky'. At some point during the movie, Wanda had her head in Peter's chest from fear. Peter was smiling lightly, running his fingers through her hair in a way to comfort her. Wanda pulled back and looked into the brown eyes she adored so much and Peter grinned.

"What?" She questioned confused and words came out of Peter's mouth before he could stop himself.

"You're just so..... Gorgeous." He whispered and she blushed, flustered. They continued to stare and slowly lean in. The world was blocked out and it was just the two of them. Before the two of them realized, their lips connected in a slow, sweet and passionate kiss. When they pulled back, Peter smiled and blushed, Wanda doing the same.

"Will you- would you like to go on a date sometime?" Peter asked and Wanda grinned, nodding. Nat cheered and held out her hand, while Clint groaned digging out his wallet.

"I hate you." He muttered and she smiled wider.

"I love me too." She grabbed the money and everyone looked at the two incredulously.

"What just happened?" Tony questioned and Nat smirked.

"Dumbass over here made a bet with me that these two wouldn't end up together by the end of the night and I won." The two love birds flushed and everyone was speechless. 

                                                        Word Count: 493

Comment and vote for a date one-shot. Hope ya'll liked it. Sorry it's short. Lemme know your thoughts. Also, I'm so close to a thousand votes! Thank you so much to everyone who reads, votes and comments! You have now idea how much it means to me! I love you all so much.

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