The Real Peter..

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Peter Parker. He's known for always smiling and wearing science pun shirts, right? Except, what if that wasn't really who he was? What if the Peter everyone knows is just one big lie and the only one who knows what he's really like are his friends MJ, Ned, and Shuri? What if Shuri was coming to New York for a year to work in the education center? Well, these what ifs are about to be answered and trust me, you surely do wanna read this. A story where Peter isn't really Peter.

With a long sigh, Peter got out of bed and sluggishly walked to his closet. Upon opening his door, he let out a deeper sigh as he had only black clothing left on his shelves and went searching for anything with color. Eventually, he just gave up and grabbed whatever was on top; a My Chemical Romance band tee and a pair of black skinny jeans, pairing them with a pair of black Van's and a few wristbands. He brushed his curls a certain way and looked in the mirror, a slight smile on his face. He looked to his bag and slung it over his shoulder as he walked out of the room with his earphones plugged in.

(Peter's Outfit below⬇️⬇️)

May was at work already and Peter was blasting 'Off With Her Head' by Ghost Town in his ears as he made his way to school

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May was at work already and Peter was blasting 'Off With Her Head' by Ghost Town in his ears as he made his way to school. Thankfully he didn't have long to go and when he finally got to the school building, he was happy to see his girlfriend MJ and best friends Shuri and Ned.

"Hey Peter, finally being the repressed Emo you actually are?" Shuri asked as Peter hugged and kissed MJ. He turned to her with a smirk and chuckled.

"Of course. My dream is to be the type of Emo who eats soap." (I love you if you understood this reference) He looked to the sky with his hand on his chest and let out a fake hopeful sigh.

"You're such an idiot." MJ shook her head, but smiled and Peter turned to her, a bright smile on his face.

"I see I'm not the only repressed Emo today." Peter whispered leaning in her ear and she blushed lightly as he pulled back.
(MJ's outfit below ⬇️⬇️)

 (MJ's outfit below ⬇️⬇️)

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"Let's go Emos. Gotta get to class." Ned interrupted and Peter sighed. First period has Flash in it and the only one in his class is Ned. Shuri and MJ were in the class Science while Ned and Peter had English, two different directions.

The bell rang and the group broke apart, two going one way and the other two going another. Peter and Ned were walking slowly, hoping to miss Flash and to enjoy the peace for now. The second bell rang in warning and Peter's eyes widened along with Ned's as they began to run. Peter was running so fast he didn't notice someone in front of him, until it was too late; and boy, was it too late for the two emo nerds. In front of them was an enraged Flash.

"Just my luck, Leeds and Parker." Flash smirked and Ned stepped forward, shaking.
"L-let us g-go, Flash." Flash pushed Ned back and smirked.

"Fatty's got nerve, eh?" Flash taunted and pushed Ned once more. Peter was still trying to get his head to stop hurting as Flash pushed Ned to the ground.

"Stop that, Flash." Peter spoke calmly, stepping forward. Flash paused mid kick and turned to Peter.

"Wow, Parker. Change of clothes and you all of a sudden think you're tough." Flash chuckled and stepped forward. "Looks like you need to be knocked down a peg." A punch was thrown and connected, causing Peter to fall back. Flash smirked and stepped forward.

"I-I wouldn't if I were y-you, F-flash." Ned tried to warn, but Flash turned to him and aimed another kick. Just as Flash went to kick Ned, Peter darted in front.

"Don't even think about hurting my best friend." Peter gritted out. He held up a fist, going to punch Flash, but froze. He's not a bad guy. A bully, but not a bad guy. I can't-
Peter's thoughts were cut off by Flash connecting his own fist to Peter's face. Peter spat out blood, but Flash's assault wasn't over with. A kick, punch, another punch and finally a shove was delivered and Peter flew into the lockers behind him. A gasp was released at the immense pain and Flash smirked.

"I knew you couldn't deliver that punch, Puny. Just as weak as your little friend over there." Flash rubbed his knuckles and walked way, leaving a messed up Peter and a shocked Ned. Ned was still on the ground in pain and Peter forced himself up. He limped to Ned and kneeled.

"You okay?" Peter asked, ignoring the pain as his focus was on his best friend. Ned slowly got up and his eyes widened at the condition of Peter.

"Holy sh-"

"Kid?" A voice cut Ned off and Peter looked up, shocked to see his mentor/father standing in front of him.

"D-dad, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was flying in my suit when Friday alerted me that you received multiple injuries. I came to check it out and here you and Ted are, injured. Now, are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to get Natasha to get it out of you?" Peter remained silent, as he looked down and Tony sighed. "Let's go."

"What? Go where?" Peter's head snapped up and Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Home. You're not staying here, looking like that." Peter looked up and down at himself and gasped.

"I got blood on my shirt!" He exclaimed and that was the last thing he was able to get out as his eyes closed and he fell.

Tony, however, expected the pain to kick in and was quick to catch his son. He sighed and nodded to Ned, as he left to the car. They got back to the tower and Peter was brought inside, where the Avengers crowded around to see their injured little one.

                  Word Count: 1022

Song mentioned is linked above. Hope y'all liked it. Part 2? I have a really good idea for this tbh. Prompt given by radrosesxx Please vote and comment your opinions.

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