A Fight Never Forgotten..

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It was the fight on Titan that became the most memorable and heart breaking for Tony. Of course, he blamed himself. How could he have not known? All this time, and he only found out that fateful day that he lost him.

♤♤♤♤♤♤ Tony ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤

Spiderman has been all over the news lately and no one knew who he was. I've sought him out once for the war between Cap and I, but couldn't figure out his identity. It was annoying as shit that I, a multibillionaire genius philanthropist, couldn't figure out an identity.

"Hey dad." My kid walked through the door of my lab and I grinned.

"Hey Peter, ready to-" A red light flashed and I stood, worried.

"Incoming threat approaching Earth, New York City being the current target of attack. All available members needed at Shield headquarters. I repeat: incoming threat approaching Earth, New York City being the current target of attack. All available members needed at Shield headquarters." A voice came over the speaker and I placed my glasses on, pressing the button. I sent an apologetic look to Peter, before putting a suit on him and sending him away.

"Sorry kid, but I need to make sure you and your mother are okay, above all else. I'll see you again when it's safe." I took off as I spoke into the coms and landed next to Dr. Strange. "Do we have an idea of who it is? I was unaware there was any beef with aliens."

"We don't know yet, Stark." Strange spoke and the spinning wheel of death stopped, a door opening. "But it appears, we're about to find out. Stark, prepare yourself." Strange spoke over his shoulder, getting his magic ready. I smirked and stepped forward, holding my blasters out in front of me.

"I'm always ready Strange."

◇◇◇◇◇◇ Split Part Of Infinity War Scenes We've All Watched, So With Pepper's Permission, I Was Granted This Glorious Time Skip From The Queen Herself ◇◇◇◇◇◇

"Spiderman? Where did you come from?" I asked as I glanced at the Iron Spider, the design looking similar to my suit and I narrowed my eyes.

"Trip to MoMA-" He was flung back and I focused back to my fight, narrowly avoiding a Taxi being thrown. Spiderman swung back and helped hold back the alien thing.

"Who pissed in your cereal today, sir?" Spiderman asked as he hit the alien with part of a taxi.

"Spiderman! Catch the wizard!" I shouted as I fought the alien and he saluted, following after. I held back the alien as long as I could, successfully beating him, just in time to see the ship taking off. I sighed and flew after it, seeing Spiderman climbing the ring ship. I made it up and inside, Spiderman joining shortly after.

"Alright Spidey, there's no going back. If you want me to work with and trust you, I need to know your identity." I said as I looked straight at him, my face plate retracting so my face was revealed.

"With all due respect, I cannot reveal my identity. Maybe another time, but as of right now, it's a no." Spiderman denied and I almost let out a groan, but alien squidward threatened the wizard, who has just recently woken up. I turned to Spiderman for a plan and he indulged me in a movie idea. As crazy as it was, we went with it and somehow, it worked out perfectly.

&&&&&&&&&&& Natasha Also Wanted To Be Kind And Gifted Another Time Skip, So Here It is Straight From A Goddess &&&&&&&&&&&&&

"You throw another moon at me, and I'm gonna lose it." I breathed as I landed and he narrowed his eyes at me.


"You know me?"

"I do, you're not the only one cursed with knowledge."

"My only curse is you." I powered my suit up and flew forward, hitting his face with the bottom of my feet. I planted my feet to the ground and hit him with the blockades formed on my suit. He ripped off my face plate and pushed me back. Just as my face plate finished reforming, I brought out my shield as he used the reality stone. I managed to fend off against it, and moved forward, punching him.

"All this, for a drop of blood." He wiped his cheek and flipped me back. He continued to attack and I shot one of my rays then the other as he stepped forward. He punched me and I held his arm back with my arm, as the other was forming a blade. I went for the attack, but he broke the blade off and stabbed me in my abdomen. I stumbled back as he held the blade in my side.

"You have my respect, Stark. When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive." Thanos spoke as he raised his gauntlet.

"Stop. Spare his life." Strange stopped Thanos as the grape turned to him. "Don't." Strange spoke as the Grape turned back to me, and Strange summoned the stone, sending it over to Thanos slowly. It went straight into the gauntlet and Thanos smiled.

"One to go." Quill attacked as a last resort, but Thanos left in a portal and Quill ended up on the ground. He sat up and lifted his mask.

"Where is he?!" Quills mask came up and he looked around. I healed myself with my suit and took a breath. "Did we just lose?"

"Why did you do that?" I asked, turning to strange.

"We're in the endgame, now." Strange responded. Everyone got up walking over and just as everyone was together, mantis looked over.

"Something's happening." She began to turn to dust and Quill looked to Drak.

"Quill." Drak said softly as he dusted as well.

"Steady Quill." I said as he started to dust as well.

"Aw man."

"Tony." I turned to Strange. "There was no other way." Were the last words of the wizard and I turned to the stumbling footsteps approaching.

"I-Iron M-man." Spiderman stuttered as he stumbled, and I was urged to catch him as he fell. His suit was a mess and I fell to my knees with him. "I-I'm sorry, d-dad." My eyes widened and I hesitated to take off the mask as Spiderman began to fade. I reached up and pulled it off, with a gasp. Tears filled my eyes and I couldn't contain the anxiety and fear that built inside me.

"P-Peter? Son?" I whispered and a tear slipped.

"I love you." Peter whispered as he turned to ashes right in front of me, in my arms. I fell forward into his remains and lifted my hands, looking at them.

"He did it." I looked up at Nebula, then back down. What was I going to do? He's gone. Pepper will kill me. Pepper. Is she okay?
I sat with my hands together on my knees and my head fell, hands going in my hair. Everything was a mess.

Word Count: 1,126

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