Tony Knows..

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Peter walked into the interns lab and sighed. He had his ear buds in and his hood up. He walked over to Timothy's desk and dropped the stack onto his desk, before turning to leave.
"Parker, I suspect it's all done?" Timothy asked and Peter's steps faulted a second before he continued walking.
"Everything is done." Peter replied, not even turning his head and made his way to his desk. 
"Hey kid, I wanted to know- Peter, what happened?" Tony asked as Peter looked up at him with a bruised eye and swollen face. 
"Nothing, Mr. Stark. Can I please be alone?"  Peter begged and Tony frowned.
"What do you mean 'nothing' kid? Obviously something happened. Your jaw is swollen and-"
"I'm fine Mr. Stark. I just fell down some stairs. It's not a big deal." Peter brushed off and Tony furrowed his eyes.
"It is a big deal, Peter. You're injured and this is the second time you've lied to me-"
"Well, you're the one who hired a kid and wouldn't let me quit! You should've just let me drop out of my internship, then you wouldn't have to worry about a liar!" Peter exclaimed, grabbing his bag and running to the elevator, taking it to the floor level and running out of the building. 
Tony stood in the intern lab in confusion as he tried to figure out what had just occurred and Timothy stepped up to him with a smile on his face. Tony raised an eyebrow at the strange intern and Timothy held back a shudder of fear. He held the paper booklet out to the billionaire and grinned.
"Here you go, sir. Everything's all filled out-"
"Give it to Dexter over there and tell him to drop it off later." Tony said curtly and left, leaving behind an infuriated intern. Tony arrived in his lab and sat in his chair. "Friday, pull up video footage from the interns lab with any exchange of words with Timmy." Tony demanded as he waited for the results. I'm 99% sure that's what going on with Peter.

■■■■■ Time Skip Brought To You By The Author Jamming Out To Senses Fail While Writing ■■■■■

"I didn't mean to go off on him, Karen. I-I was just stressed and didn't want him to find out anything." Peter said sadly to his AI and sighed. 
"I think you should tell him everything Peter. He won't turn on you." Karen replied and Peter frowned. He hated that he added more upgrades to make Karen more human like. She was more understanding and could give advice in a sincere way instead of an intellectual device response.
"I don't know, Karen-" 
"Peter, it appears that Mr. Stark is calling you right now." Karen interrupted and accepted the call before Peter could tell her to decline.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Stark. I didn't mean to go off on you. It-it's because-"
"Don't worry about it, kid. I'm coming to pick you up in 5 minutes and bringing you back to the tower. We're going to my lab to talk." Tony said with finality I'm his voice and hung up. Peter sighed and sat up on his bed, pulling off his mask. He got up and packed his suit in his book bag. He was finally coming clean about everything and would probably need it. He walked out of his room as a knock sounded at the front door. 
"Oh h-hey Mr. Stark." Peter stuttered and Tony raised an eyebrow, lowering his glasses slightly.
"It's still Tony, kid." Tony said turning around and Peter followed him to the elevator. The two made it to the car and soon arrived at the tower. 
"Tony, I-"
"You lied to me about your invention that Timmy stole?" Tony cut him off as they got to Tony's lab and Peter's eyes widened. "You can't deny it, kid. My tower has cameras everywhere, did you really think I wouldn't figure it out?" Peter looked down and sighed.
"You're right." 

¤¤¤¤ Flashback Brought To You By Tony Being A Dad Without Knowing ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Peter grabbed his bag quickly and ran to the door, throwing it open. When the door opened, Peter's face fell and he was confused. 
"Hey Peter, so what you doin tonight?" Timothy said with a smirk and a knowing and evil look in his eye.
"Just heading to Mr. Stark's." Peter replied in confusion and Timothy smiled.
"Good, good. I actually wanted to talk to you about that.. Spiderman." Timothy smirked as he leaned on the door frame and Peter's eyes went wide.
"Wh-what?" Peter stuttered, panicking and Timothy stood straight, looking Peter dead in the eyes.
"I saw Spiderman come out of your bedroom window."
"Well, I am friends-"
"You can't deny the evidence, Peter." Timothy spoke as he showed Peter the pictures on his phone and Peter frowned. 
"So what? You're gonna sell it to Jameson?" Peter asked, not showing his fear and Timothy chuckled.
"I don't care about that. However, I don't think Tony Stark would be happy with his little intern being the vigilante, Spiderman. After all, hasn't he been after you, along with the Avengers?" The disgraceful human asked and Peter's fear broke through as Timmy grinned. "Now, you will do as I say, or else.." 
"What-what do you want?" Peter sighed and Timothy's eyes glowed in mischief.
"That little project you created, you're going to give it to me." Peter's eyes widened and he shook his head.
"No way! I-" Timothy waved the photos in Peter's face and Peter sighed.
"Fine. Anything else?" Peter asked through gritted teeth and Timothy chuckled.
"You'll see with time. Have fun with Tony." Timothy said as he walked out and Peter shut the door.

♧♧♧ End Of Flashback Brought To You By This Short Ass Flashback ♧♧♧♧♧

Peter shook his head and looked down. He looked back up at the man before him and Tony had an eyebrow raised. Peter sighed and took his backpack off.
"My only question is, why did you let him do it? This could of been a more serious matter if I believed-"
"Why didn't you believe him?" Peter asked, cutting Tony off and the man was confused. 
"What do you mean, kid? Why would you think I believe-"
"Honestly, Mr. Stark. You barely know me and I'm just an intern who happened to catch your eye with an invention. Why wouldn't you believe someone who has been working in the company longer?" Peter asked, once again cutting Tony off and Tony smirked.
"Look Peter, I hired you personally. I obviously have no doubt about you being a genius and honest kid. Just because an intern has worked here longer, doesn't mean I would take their side. Now, I want an answer to my question. Did he threaten you, Peter?" Tony asked sternly and Peter looked down, unzipping his bag.
"Yes, but-"
"Was it physical-" Tony was cut off when Peter pulled his suit out of his bag and Tony lifted one eyebrow.
"So.. My suspicions were right." Tony nodded and Peter jumped to explain.
"I didn't mean to- wait, your what?" Peter cut himself off confused and Tony smirked.
"Did you really think I wouldn't have figured it out on my own, kid? Even in your suit, I could tell it's you just by watching your actions. Not to mention, your story on how long it took you to build your AI changed more than once. I already told you, you're a genius Peter and I see something in you that I've seen in no one else. Why didn't you just tell me?" Tony asked in disappointment and Peter glanced down.
"I-I didn't want you to think differently of me, seeing as you've been trying to find Spiderman and each time you did, I beat you. I thought if you knew I was Spiderman, you'd turn me over to shield and not care about me." 
"Peter, I've told you multiple times that my opinion on you wouldn't change and there's no way I'd hand you over to shield. If I wanted to do that, I would've already done it." Tony said honestly and Peter grinned, but frowned.
"But.. what do I do now? Timothy has pictures of me in my suit on his phone and-"
"Friday, search Timmy's phone and delete pictures of Peter Parker/Spiderman." Tony cut Peter off and his eyes widened.
"All pictures of Peter Parker and Spiderman have been deleted from Timothy McGuire's phone. Anything else I can do for you, sir?" Friday responded minutes later and Tony smirked at Peter. 
"Yea, call Timmy." The dial tone went off twice before there was an answer.
"Hello?" Timmy's voice came through and Tony looked directly at Peter.
"Timmy, it's Tony Stark. I'm calling about your project. I want you to come to the tower to go over everything with you." Tony winked and it was Peter's turn to raise an eyebrow.
"O-of course! I'll be there as soon as I can Mr. Stark." The line went dead and Tony chuckled.
"Um, Mr-"
"If I tell you one more time to call me Tony, kid; I'm going to personally web you to the wall using your web shooters." Tony threatened and Peter raised his arms in mock defense.
"Sorry, sorry. But why are you having Timothy come here?" Peter questioned and Tony had an evil glint in his eyes. 
"You'll see." 
                     Word Count: 1,574

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