Overcoming A Fear..

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It was Liz's turn as the group went around with truth and dare 4 times. Everyone was comfortable and joking as the last dare finished. Liz had to sniff everyone's armpits as Flash had dared her to do and Flash smirked, crossing his arms. MJ was smirking and Ned was chuckling as well.
"MJ, truth or dare?" Liz questioned and MJ frowned.
"Truth." She answered and Sally shook her head.
"No, you have to do a dare. You chose truth the last three turns." Sally smirked and MJ's eyes widened.
"She's right." Charles nodded and Flash furrowed his eyebrows.
"That's not true, she can choose truth if she wants." Flash argued as he stood and Abe shook his head.
"C'mon man, it's just a dare. That's the point of the game." He argued and Flash turned to him.
"You have no idea-" Flash was cut off as MJ stood after putting her phone away.
"It's okay, Flash. I'll-I'll do the dare." MJ let out a nervous breath and Liz grinned.
"I dare you to skinny dip in the lake." MJ froze  and Liz raised an eyebrow, subtly shaking her phone. MJ took a deep breath, before she stripped and went to the lake. She walked in and stopped so she could still touch the ground. 
"Farther." MJ froze, before she went in deeper and Sally yelled for her to go farther. MJ walked till her feet couldn't touch the ground and started to panic. She couldn't move since the water was freezing and panic took over completely. MJ started going down and was terrified when she couldn't feel anything. She tried breathing in, but realized she was under water. 
"What the fuck? Tell her to come out, it's freezing." Flash yelled at Liz and Peter looked towards MJ to see she wasn't moving. 
Without thinking, he ran to the lake and dived in to get MJ. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to shore. He was shivering, but she was worse. Peter carried her inside and wrapped her in a ton of blankets in an attempt to warm her up. 
"T-thank you." She stuttered, shivering and Peter looked at her with a frown and sad eyes.
"I'm-I'm sorry MJ, I should've listened to Flash when he told me. I didn't think Liz was capable of this." Peter apologized as everyone entered the living room and MJ frowned, a shiver running through her body.
"You-you just saved my life and I'm-I'm very grateful, how-however I don't appreciate what you did to Flash. You-you punched him in the face for whatever reason, but-but never explained wh-why." MJ got out between chattering teeth and he sighed.
"M, I didn't mean to punch him. I went to leave and he grabbed my arm. After I had seen him kiss you last night, I had so much anger and saw red. When I finally realized I was going to punch him, I pulled back a little and made sure I wouldn't hurt him too much. I didn't mean to MJ, it's just- throughout this entire trip, you both seemed to be getting closer." Peter explained and looked at Flash.
"Peter, we're best friends. If anything, he was trying to keep his feelings hidden because of you." 
"But that kiss-"
"As he tried to tell you, Peter it was just a caught up in the moment thing. Or at least it was for me. I'm-I'm in love with you and he knows you're in love with me." MJ said as she shivered slightly, a lot warmer in the blankets and Peter frowned.
"Flash, I'm so-"
"It's fine, Parker. Payback for all the times I punched you, right?" Flash smirked and Peter smiled with a nod.
"So… Are you two gonna be a couple? I would totally ship it." Cindy asked and the two blushed as they looked at each other.
"MJ, will you-"
"Of course, loser." MJ cut Peter off and the curly haired teen smiled.
               Word Count: 663

Okay, so. This is a short and Suckish ending, but I couldn't figure out how to end it. Who wants to see some MJxFlash though? Please vote and comment your opinions.

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