And They Call You A Genius...

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Peter was coming home from school and walked into the tower. He had a hard day at school with Flash bullying him and he had forgotten his homework. He sighed as he realized he was the only one home and went to the kitchen. He was making a sandwich when a sudden bolt of thunder caused him to jump and his spidey sense went off.

“Who are you, and where is my brother?” Peter froze and turned slowly, sandwich hanging from his mouth and arms held up in surrender. His eyes widened when he saw the God of mischief in front of him and Loki was confused. Usually mortals were frightened of the God, but the kid who was no older than 15 in front of him looked oddly happy. Peter pulled the sandwich away from his lips and placed it on his plate, then turned back to the God, a bright smile on his face.

“Hiya Mr. Loki.” Peter waved and Loki was stunned. This kid knew who he was? Loki lowered his dagger a little and stared at the teen cautiously.

“What game are you playing with me mortal?” Loki questioned, uncertain and Peter tilted his head in confusion.

“Game? You wanna play a game Mr. Loki?” Peter asked excitedly and began to run to the living room, but tripped on his shoe lace. Loki raised an eyebrow and stepped closer, watching as Peter jumped to his feet with a smile.

“I'm okay! Now, let's go play a game!” Peter exclaimed and Loki followed the teen to the living room, dagger nowhere in sight.

“Why aren't you terrified of me? Why are you acting nice?” Loki asked and Peter frowned slightly.

“Why would I be afraid of you? And why would I be mean?” Peter questioned and Loki resisted the urge to roll his eyes at this ‘foolish mortal’ in his words.

“New York's near destruction, ring a bell?” Peter looked thoughtful, before gaining a knowing look and frowned. Loki expected him to be away or hate him, but when he looked in the boy's eyes, all he saw was sadness and understanding.

“We all make mistakes Mr. Loki. Sure, you almost destroyed an entire state, but that doesn't matter now. That was the past.” Peter spoke and Loki was beyond shocked.

“Now…. Sorry, or Trouble?” Peter questioned and Loki raised an eyebrow. “Which game? Sorry, or Trouble?” Peter reworded his question and Loki furrowed his eyebrows.

“I don't know how to play either.” Loki admitted and Peter's eyes lit up.

“Don't worry Mr. Loki, I'll teach you.” Peter smiled and showed the God how to play Trouble. Peter grumbled as he lost his third game against the God he had just taught to play.

“This is no fair. You just learned how to play and you're already beating me!” Peter exclaimed and pouted, crossing his arms. Loki gave a rare smile and Peter smiled back as Loki messed up his hair.

“Peter, we're home!” Tony announced from the elevator and Peter jumped up, running to his father.

“Dad! Mr. Loki came to visit!” Peter exclaimed and Tony tended while Thor grinned.

“Brother!” Thor exclaimed and went to hug the other God. Loki glared, then looked to Tony.

“Loki, what are you doing here? Pete, he didn't hurt you, right?” Tony turned to his son and ran his eyes down his body.

“Dad! That was rude. Mr. Loki doesn't deserve that assumption.” Peter frowned and stepped toward the God. “I'm sorry Mr. Loki. Dad apologize.” Peter stared at his father expectantly and Tony sighed.

“I'm sorry Loki.” Tony grumbled and Loki's eyebrows raised. “Hey Pete, wanna come with me to the lab?” Tony asked hopefully and Peter shook his head, grabbing onto Loki's arm.

“Sorry dad, but I wanted to spend time with Mr. Loki before he goes back to Asgard.” Loki was astonished and let the little spider pull him away. After several hours of the two spending time together, Peter fell asleep and Loki put a spell on him to make sure he stays asleep as Loki carried the teen to the designated spot they would get transported from. Just as Tony came out to the living room he spotted the two and shook his head walking up to the God.

“Loki, what are you trying to do with my son?” Tony already knew the answer and held back a smirk. It's no surprise he wants to take his son,  everyone does the same thing when they meet Peter.

“I'm kidnapping him. And they call you a genius. Pft.” Tony nearly fell from the bluntness of the God and Loki turned to continue.

“Put him down. Now.” Tony aimed his gauntlet at Loki and the God sighed.
“Stark, he's too pure to be here on this disgrace of a realm.” This time Tony almost choked on his spit. The God of mischief just complimented his son. Has hell frozen over?

“Loki, you cannot take my son.” Tony couldn't believe he had to say that to a God. Granted, Thor has asked Tony for the boy as well, but Tony denied. Loki sighed and gave in.

“Fine, but if I see he is ever mistreated here, I will take him with me, whether you like it or not.” Loki glared and Tony raised an eyebrow.

“I doubt that would ever happen.” Loki placed Peter on the couch and released the spell. Peter stirred and opened his eyes a crack.

“D-dad?” Peter asked and slowly sat up.
“Hey son.” Tony smiled and Peter glanced to Loki.

“Hey Mr. Loki.” Peter smiled lazily and Loki waved.

“I'm leaving Peter.” Peter frowned and got up, hugging the unsuspecting God.

“Will you be back?” Peter asked glancing up at the God, but keeping the hug. Loki smiled that rare smile and hugged the teen back.
“Of course.” Loki said softly and pulled away, leaving a shocked Tony and a sad Peter.

                 Word Count: 991

Here's the Loki kidnapping Peter one shot! What'd you think? I thought this was adorable. Now, the next one shot is going to be interesting, so make sure to read it. 😊😊😊😊😊 Vote and comment your opinions.

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