Peter Is Back To Normal?

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Today was the day. It's been maybe a month and a half of Peter being a baby, but finally Loki found the antidote to the potion. He just needed to get the ingredients to make it. As much as Peter being a baby is adorable, Loki has missed the actual 16 year old; not that he'd admit that out loud of course. He rushed around to find everything needed, while smiling a small smile and holding back his excitement of seeing the 16 year old. Meanwhile, the past month and a half, Tony had Peter go everywhere he went.The girls prank gave him such PTSD, he couldn't sleep unless he had his baby boy with him and Pepper.

"Tony, you have to be there. It's important. I'm sure Rhodey can watch him." Pepper tried to plead with Tony and make him see reason. Tony sighed and finally gave in, handing the two year old over to Rhodey who grinned at his nephew.

"Don't let anything happen to my son, Rhodes." Tony muttered and Rhodey rolled his eyes. Tony left and Rhodey was alone with the baby. School just got out, so MJ would be there soon. Once the elevator door opened, MJ stepped out and Rhodey immediately handed Peter to her; he didn't want what happened to Tony to happen to him, when Tony refused to give the child to the teen. It wasn't a pretty sight, and at this point, no one wanted to go against her; well, guys wise that is(Eh? Should I do this one? Leave a comment). Wanda walked in and smiled at her friend, then waving to Peter.

"I have it!" Loki exclaimed, uncharacteristically and rushed into the room. He smiled and handed the bottle to MJ, who raised an eyebrow. Loki cleared his throat nervously and stepped back some. "I suggest we place Peter on his bed before giving him the antidote." Loki coughed and MJ nodded, walking to his room and everyone followed. Peter grabbed the bottle and drank the entire thing, smiling. Suddenly, a bright light appeared and everyone gasped, unable to see. Peter looked around confused and the light faded once he was fully back to his rightful height and age. MJ smirked and everyone was just staring at the teen, causing him to flush.

"Um, hey guys? What's up- Why am I in a diaper?!" Peter squeaked and pulled the blanket around him. MJ chuckled and Wanda giggled, while Loki grinned.

"Welcome back Peter." Wanda spoke and Peter was confused.

"Explain later, and get out, now. I need to change." Peter muttered, head hanging low and pointing to the door. Everyone laughed and exited as Peter got changed. He walked out and ran into Bucky, who smiled and hugged him. That seemed to be everyone's reaction, along with some 'I'm glad you're back to normal' and Peter was officially confused. He got to the kitchen and Tony turned around. Tony froze, dropping and shattering his mug.

"Peter!" He exclaimed and hugged his son.

"Hey dad?" Peter asked and Tony pulled back. "What happened?" Tony chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I kinda accidentally turned you to a baby." Tony confessed and told Peter the whole story. The girls showed him pictures of him dressed up like a girl and flushed bright red. He was so gonna get his father back.

                                                                        Word count: 556

Short, but hey, revenge part? Loki's fear? Natasha's reason for revenge? What MJ did to Tony? Who wants to read those? Comment your opinions and answers, also vote.

Also, I'm not going to do Peterxreader in this book, however for those of you who wanted that, I might write a book with those after I finish this one shot book and 'The Child Who Changed Tony Stark's Life' so make sure you follow me, or be aware.

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