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"Mr. Parker, no dogs allowed-"

"I need her to be here, Mr. Lex. It's-it's my service dog.." Peter said shamefully, holding out the papers and the teacher snatched it out of his hands. He skimmed the paper and snickered when he was finished.

"Peter Stark? So, you not only falsified documentation, but you are also breaking a school rule and a federal law. You could get in big trouble for this, young man. I'm gonna have to call your aunt and suspend you." Mr. Lex said as she shook her head. Peter looked down and sighed. He looked at his dog and she rubbed against his leg in a comfort attempt.

"It appears your Aunt isn't answering. Is there someone else I can call? You know what, I'll just pull out your information from the office." Mr. Lex spoke and Peter looked up. He knew who was on that list and he was already starting to feel the panic.

"Mr. Lex, there's-"

"Ah, here we go. A mister Alex Westner. He should- Mr. Parker!" Peter couldn't handle it and took off running. 

Everything was coming back to him and he didn't want to think about it. His dog was running right next to him and Peter felt slightly bad for pushing her to run. He stopped down the street from the tower and nearly collapsed. He sat in the grass and Aria, his dog continued to rub against him. He took out his phone and dialed one number.

"Hey kid, aren't you supposed to be in-"

"D-dad. I need you." Peter cut off Tony Stark and Tony stood. His suit began to form around him and he took off.

"Alright Peter, I'll be there soon." Tony replied, pulling up his kids location in his suit and landing shortly.

"Dad." Peter cried as he jumped in his father's arms.

"What happened, Pete?" Tony whispered and Peter got choked up. He couldn't talk as sobbed and Tony held him slightly tighter. "C'mon kid, let's go home." Tony suggested as Happy pulled up with the car and Peter nodded. Tony's suit dispersed and Tony picked Peter up, carrying him to the car and holding Aria's leash. 

Once they got to the tower, Peter was surrounded by the Avengers and Tony. Peter was sitting on the couch, curled into himself and Natasha sighed.

"Everyone back up and give him space."  Natasha was the voice of reason and everyone followed. Soon, Peter had calmed down and sighed.

"Kid, what happened?" Tony asked and Peter looked down.

"M-Mr. Lex told me I'm not allowed to have dogs in school, so I brought out my papers. They saw Stark and called it false, so he tried to call May, but she wasn't answering. I wanted him to call you, but instead.. he almost called him." Peter spoke, voice going quiet and Tony narrowed his eyes at the wall. He was pissed off at the teacher for almost calling the asshat. 

"We'll sort it out later. For right now, are you okay?" Tony asked and Peter shook his head, retreating into his blankets.

Peter was diagnosed with PTSD a few months ago and has tried his hardest to keep it under wraps, but once he realized he couldn't be with Tony 24/7 he was panicking more. Tony took him to get registered for a support dog and Aria has been apart of Peter's life for a few months. 

This was Peter's first day back at school since homecoming, and no one knew what he went through. No one besides his family, knew his trauma and the school wasn't notified of the incident so as to keep Peter's identity a secret.

"Where's Aria?" Peter asked looking around and she came running up, slowing as she neared. She gently initiated contact and launched with him on the couch.

"She was laying down on her bed, worried for you." Clint responded and Peter smiled, hugging his dog.

"Good girl, Ari." Peter whispered, eyes closing from exhaustion and he fell asleep with his dog.

              Word Count: 673

Sorry for the short one shot. This was requested by Loki_of_asgard1 hope you like it. If you liked it, please vote and comment your opinions. Also, part 2?

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