Tony Fucks Up..

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Sorry for all the trigger warnings, but this is legit. Don't read, because I already know most of you are going to hate me for this chapters events lmao. Also, some might see this as a trigger for some reasons I don't want to list, just trust me..

I jumped up in surprise and looked at Johnny, eyes wide. I heard the rest of the avengers running down the hallway, but focused on my shocked father.

“Johnny, I think you should leave.” I whispered and he nodded, standing. He glanced back at me and looked kinda worried. I gave him a weak smile and he stepped onto the elevator, as the other avengers finally made an appearance at the door. Uncle Steve placed a hand on my dad's shoulder and looked concerned.

“Tony, what happened?” Uncle Bucky walked over to me, Aunt Tasha and Wanda following, while the others stayed put.

“I- uh- he found out I'm gay…” I stuttered and everyone looked slightly surprised, but no too much.

“No.” My dad shook his head and I tilted my head in confusion.

“No what?” Uncle Steve seemed to share in my confusion as well as the others.

“No, my son is not gay. Get out of my Tower.” He spoke coldly and pointed to the door.

“Tony, you can’t just-”

“Yes I can Steve and I am. I am not having a gay son. He is no longer my son.” Tears rushed from my eye as he walked away and I saw Aunt Tasha clench her fist, getting ready to attack.

“No, don’t.” I whispered and stood, wincing slightly. She gave me a saddened look and I looked down.

I quickly pulled on my suit from my bag and put it on, rushing out of the tower. I raced to the farthest building I could, before collapsing on the roof. It was currently sun down and I wasn’t necessarily worried about someone seeing me as I sobbed, pulling off my mask.


I look around the tower for the kind hearted child, but frowned when I couldn't spot him and walked to the living room. The only one there was the usually ridiculously dressed captain and I rolled my eyes.

“Where is Peter?” I watched as he frowned and raised an eyebrow.

“We don't know currently.” I felt something weird come over me, but ignored it.

“What do you mean you don't know?” How do you lose a 15 year old?

“He took off after what Tony said to him-”

“What did this foolish mortal say to the child?” I interrupted, crossing my arms and he sighed.

“He refused to accept Peter being gay. He kicked the kid out, and Peter took off. He had taken his old suit, so we have no clue where he is.” I clenched my fist and disappeared. I reappeared on top of a building to see a small ball in the corner, barely visible. I walked closer and saw the curly brown hair of the only mortal I will openly admit I care about. That feeling came back from earlier, but felt oddly stronger as I walked to the heaving form of the child and bent down.

“Peter?” I asked lightly and he jolted awake.

“Un-uncle Loki? What are you doing here?” His voice sounded hoarse and I could tell he was crying. I tightened my clenched fist and gave a forced smile.

“I'm here to see you. How would you like to visit my homeland?” I asked and he looked down.

“I don't think you wanna do that Uncle Loki. I might cause people to hate you.” My heart felt a tug and I pulled him into a hug. Only this kid could get me to hug him, not even Thor could manage that.

“Don't worry about that child. I want you to meet my father, I'm sure he'll have no problem with you.” He'll probably love you.

“O-okay.” He sounded so sad and it hurt me to see this child upset like this. Tony fucked up big time, and he'll soon realize it, but it will probably be too late. He was warned.

“Bring me back.” I spoke to the sky and was transported back with Peter hugging my side. I looked down at him and frowned when I saw tears in his eyes and tear streaks down his face. Oh yes, Tony majorly fucked up.
                     Word Count: 686

Tony fucked up. Will it be too late? This is pretty much going back to the 'And They Call You A Genius', one shot, where Loki warned(threatened) Tony to take Peter. A lot of people always writes that Tony accepts Peter being gay, but I don't feel like enough people write about rejection. However, is this full rejection, or is this something else? Anyway, vote and comment your opinions. I hope you liked it.

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