Where's Peter?

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Peter was scared. It was dark, cold and scary in that room. Barely any sunlight came through and the 7 year old couldn't help shivering. He didn't know where he was and wanted nothing more than for his father to find him. The door opened and all blood left Peter's face looking at the man.

"I see someone recognizes me." The man laughed and Peter wanted to scream.

~~~~~~~~~Earlier That Day~~~~~~

"Come on Dad! I'm gonna be late!" Peter whined, attempting to wake up his over exhausted father. He had been up all night on a mission and had just passed out at 10AM, finally reaching home. He totally forgot he had to get up at 12 to take his son to Ned's party. That's why when Peter had come in at 11:30, Tony couldn't understand why he was needed.

"What is it kid? I'm trying to sleep." Tony groaned and Peter frowned.

"Ned's party is today and you promised to take me."

"Ask Happy to take you." Tony's voice was muffled by his pillow and Peter stomped out of the room, telling F.R.I.D.A.Y. to call Happy. Happy showed up minutes later and drove Peter to the location of the party, pulling off as soon as Peter got out.

"Peter!" Ned exclaimed upon seeing his best friend finally arrive. Peter ran up to his friend, hugging him before shoving the gift towards Ned, who smiled and grabbed it.

"Happy birthday!" The two seven year olds' walked in and saw their entire class there. Peter felt someone watching him, but ignored it and continued to joke around with his friend.

"Hey Ned, I have to use the bathroom." Peter announced suddenly and Ned nodded, too focused on his current game. It took him a few minutes to find it, but when he did he rushed to a stall; ignoring the strange man who entered the bathroom behind him. When Peter was done in the stall, he walked over to the sink to wash his hands and that's when he was grabbed. A hand was placed over his mouth with a rag, muffling his screams and the other arm wrapped around his waist. The scared 7 year old breathed in the strange and funny smell of the rag held to his mouth, while he kicked to get loose. He began to feel weak and eventually stopped fighting, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

The strange man walked out of the bathroom holding the now limp body, walking out to the parking lot and tying the body to a pole in the back of his old van. He drove to an abandoned building and unloaded the unconscious kid, carrying him into the building. He dropped him off in a room and went to tell his higher up that he got the kid.

~~~~~~The Present~~~~~~~

Tony was awaken by his phone going off, and looked around his room. Where's Peter? He searched around the house, confused when he didn't find his curly headed child. The phone was still going off and was starting to annoy the already annoyed father.

"F.R.I. who is that calling?" Tony asked, irritation clear in his tone.

"It's Mrs. Leeds, sir." Tony thought for a few minutes, before remembering that Peter went to Ned's birthday and looked at the clock. The party had just started an hour ago, why would she be calling?

"Answer the call." Tony said, still confused. "Hello?" Tony answered and heard chaos in the background.

"Hello Mr. Stark?" A panicked Mrs. Leeds was on the other side and if Tony wasn't wide awake, he was now.

"What's wrong? Is Peter okay?" Tony immediately replied and he heard another yell, before he finally heard the words that made his heart tighten.

"Peter's missing.." 

                                                                             Word Count:  622

Back with the young Peter one-shots. Kinda short, but part 2? If this gets at least 5 votes and 3 comments, I'll do a part 2. Also, thank you so much to everyone who reads my book and votes! It means a lot to me! 

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