The Funeral..

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 Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

It's been two weeks since her death and I am still not over it. I still go to school, though I don't want to and most days fight with Tony. I only go because I know she'd be mad if I didn't and I didn't want to disappoint her. It's hard to not think of her and I've lost more sleep than I used to. I also go out on patrol less, always having the memory when I put on that suit. I can't escape the reality by sleeping, because my dreams always end the same, with her smiling face and blood dripping from her lips.

Even though she told me not to blame myself, I couldn't stop. She was gone because I made jokes and wasted time, instead of taking out the bad guys immediately. Wanda and Shuri tried to console me, but it was no use, they were still grieving themselves. Today was the funeral and I didn't wanna see her body, but I knew I had to go.

"Hey Pete, are you ready?" Tony asked entering my room and I turned to him. "Oh Peter.." I had bags under my puffy red eyes from lack of sleep and I knew I looked a mess. Tony pulled me into a hug and I cried, hugging him back.

"Tony, I miss her. Why her? Why not me? They were looking for me. They wanted to kill me, so why her?" I could tell he didn't have anything to say, but it didn't matter cause I pulled back and walked away.

The ride to the cemetery didn't take long and I was feeling more and more anxious. Once there, I was the last to exit the car and hesitated before walking to where the casket sat on the grass next to the hole in the ground. I walked up to the open casket and new tears formed. I stood there with my head down and felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Peter..." MJ whispered, wrapping her arms around me from behind and burying her face in my neck. I turned around and wrapped my arms around her waist. Her head remained ducked down in the side of my neck and I rubbed her back.

"It's not your fault M." I whispered to the angel in my arms and she hugged me tighter.

"It's not your fault either." She whispered in return and I couldn't hold myself together any longer. I broke down and MJ held me tighter.

"Thank you." I kiss the side of her head and she pulled away, breaking the hug. We turned to the casket and I gave a sad smile.

"I'll miss you, Aunt Tasha." I whispered as the tears fell and the clouds parted, the sun shining on MJ and I who were holding hands. I looked up and smiled. I'm really going to miss you.

                       Word count: 484

Sorry it's short! Anyways, lot of great guesses lmao and to the Spideychelle shippers, you're welcome 😂😂

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