Tony Meets May...

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"Mr. Stark?" Timmy's voice echoed through the lab that Happy begrudgingly dropped him off at. It was obviously Tony's lab and it was way more advanced than he's ever seen. 
"Ah, Timmy. Just on time." Tony said holding back a cringe and Timmy smiled slyly.
"Well, what did you want to go over on my project? All of my work should be sufficient enough for you to understand." Tony raised an eyebrow and was slightly infuriated. He just called me a nitwit.
"Yes, well. I could easily understand the work that was done, however, I couldn't understand one thing." Tony spoke in fake wonder and Timmy raised an eyebrow, holding the packet of work in his hands. 
"What is that, Mr. Stark?" Timmy said as he held back his nerves.
"Well, I was visiting the lab looking at all the projects, when I saw the same work on another intern's desk." Peter walked out shyly and Timothy narrowed his eyes at the teen. "Now, the only explanation for this, would be that one of you copied the other." Tony continued and Timothy was the first to speak.
"I didn't want to get him in trouble, but I already knew he was stealing my work. I've addressed him twice and each time he denied it. He's a liar and a thief." Timmy said and smiled smugly towards the end.
"Really? So tell me, Timothy you've worked here for how long?" Tony asked using the interns actual name and Peter was shocked he knew his name at all.
"A year and a half, sir." 
"Then please enlighten me why it took you this long to make a competent enough machine right after I hired Peter?" Tony asked and Timothy frowned.
"What are you trying to accuse me of?" 
"I thought that I was clear enough for you to understand, but I guess not. You understood what I was trying to say, right Peter?" Peter nodded and Timothy clenched his fists. "Now Timothy, I know we don't hire children, but I guess we made an exception when we hired you. I know you were the one who stole Peter's work and I want to know what made you think you could blackmail another intern of mine and get away with it?" Tony asked and Timothy frowned.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about-"
"Drop the act kid. I have cameras all around my building and Peter already told me the whole blackmail story." Tony narrowed his eyes and Timothy smirked, looking at Peter. 
"Did you really think I wouldn't have a back up plan?" Timothy chuckled as he took out his phone and Tony raised an eyebrow, hiding a smirk. "Stark might accept you as Spiderman, but what about Jameson and everyone else?" He frowned after a few minutes of silence and his eyes widened when he couldn't find the pictures he was looking for. "I-I don't understand-"
"Yea, well it seems like you don't understand anything, now do you? Get out of my building and I don't ever want to see or hear that you bother Peter again. You don't want to know what will happen if I do." Tony wanted and Timothy sent a glare to Peter, before promptly exiting. Peter turned to Tony and couldn't hold himself back. He hugged the multibillionaire, causing the aforementioned to tense and Peter quickly let go.
"Sorry-" Peter was cut off by Tony hugging the intern and Peter froze, but hugged back. "Thank you, Mr. Stark." Peter spoke and Tony pulled back.
"That's it. Where are your web-"
"Sir, I have a match for the list you asked me to scan over." Friday interrupted the cute scene and Tony frowned.
"What'd you find?" Tony asked and just as Friday went to speak, Peter's phone went off. "Friday, save it for later. Who is it, kid?" Tony asked and Peter was nervous. 
"My aunt.." 

&&&&&&&& Scene Change Brought To You By A Mystery? &&&&&&&&&&&

"May Parker?" A voice spoke behind the tired nurse in the supermarket and she turned around.
"Evelyn, it's so great to see you!" May exclaimed as she hugged her nephew's best friends mom.
"How's Peter? Haven't seen him in a while." Evelyn smiled and May was confused.
"What do you mean? Hasn't Peter been sleeping over your house?" 
"No, not recently. I haven't seen him in over a month. I would love to talk more, May. However, I need to get home with dinner. We'll chat later." Evelyn left while May stood there heartbroken and concerned. 
May quickly grabbed everything else she needed and headed out the door. She got home quickly and walked to Peter's room, finding it empty. She took out her cell and pressed her nephew's contact, calling him immediately. 
"Aunt May?" Was the first words out of Peter's mouth as he answered.
"Where are you?" 
"Peter Benjamin Parker, don't you dare lie to me. I just ran into Mrs. Leeds at the market and she's told me you haven't been over there for a month. Now, where are you?" May said with frustration and Peter sighed.
"I-I'm at the Stark Tower." 
"Come home."
"But May-"
"Now." May said sternly and Peter sighed once more.
"Yes May." She hung up and walked out to the living room, sitting on the couch. She waited for her nephew in silent anger and the door opened 20 minutes later.
"Peter-" May was cut off as she stood and saw a familiar man behind her nephew. "What is he doing here?" May asked narrowing her eyes and Tony raised an eyebrow.
"I'm assuming you already know who I am. I'm also assuming Peter hasn't told you about his internship." Tony responded and May gasped.
"I did not give permission to this." May said disappointed and Peter stepped forward.
"Y-you were busy and I-"
"No." May cut the teen off and Peter was confused.
"No?" Peter questioned and May frowned.
"You will not continue your internship. You went behind my back and-"
"I didn't go behind your-"
"Really? You know my feelings towards Mr. Stark and yet you still work for him and kept it from me!" May yelled and Tony stepped in front of Peter, feeling the need to protect him.
"Now, now. Everyone calm down. Mrs. Parker, I'm sure we can-"
"Get out." May cut him off and Tony was surprised. 
"You heard me. Get out of my house." May repeated and Tony stayed where he was.
"You can't-" Peter started, but May also cut him off.
"Get out of my house and leave my nephew alone, before I call the police for trespassing." May threatened and Peter was shocked. He's never seen May this angry or hear her threaten anyone.
"It's okay Peter. I'll go." Tony interrupted and Peter wanted to protest, but Tony gave him a look. Tony turned back to May and frowned. He turned around and walked to the door, leaving.
"May, why did you do that?" Peter asked upset and May put her hands on her hips.
"I don't like that man. He does nothing, but bring pain and loss to people. I refuse to let my nephew be around such a bad influence." May tried to justify and Peter glared.
"You're wrong about him." Peter denied and May raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "He's not bad-"
"Peter, you don't understand what I mean. You're too young and-"
"You don't know him!" Peter yelled, annoyed with the argument and May frowned, moving closer to Peter.
"But I know you. He's changing you, Peter and-"
"What's my favorite color?" Peter questioned and May was confused.
"What does that have to do with-"
"If you know me, what's my favorite color?" Peter reiterated and May frowned.
"It's red and blue. What's my favorite food?"
"Shwarma. You don't know me, May. You never have." Peter finished, crossing his arms and May sighed.
"Peter, I've been working so much and a lot has been on my mind. I'm sorry if I'm too exhausted to remember. I don't want you to continue working with that man, he's a bad influence." May explained, putting her hand on his shoulder and he shrugged her hand off.
"At least he's there for me." Peter muttered and May gasped.
"Peter! I work to support myself. To support you. All I do is work and-"
"Sleep with your boyfriend." Peter cut his Aunt off and May froze.
"Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, May. I saw you with him and honestly, if he makes you happy then I don't care. But don't sit here and lie to me. Just because you don't like him-"
"He's an asshole!" May cut him off and Peter clenched his fists.
"Don't ever say that again. Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean you get to be a bit-" Peter was cut off by a palm connecting with his cheek and a stinging pain followed. May stood there, wide eyes and opened her mouth. She couldn't believe what she's done and watched Peter holding his face, a cold look in his eyes.
"Peter, I-" 
"Don't bother." Peter said coldly and walked to the front door.
"Where are you going?" No answer was given as Peter continued out the door and he slammed the door after. What did I do?
                   Word Count: 1,547

I'm going to make this a book! I'm going to post in a completely separate book and continue this story on there instead. Make sure to check the next post on here that I make so you can add the book when it's made!! Hope you enjoyed this. Please vote and leave a comment on what your opinions are.

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