Peter's Breakdown..(Trigger Warning)

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Warning: This one shot may cause dark thoughts and emotions. Read at your own risk.

It was dark out. Nothing was okay in Peter's mind, too dark, too lonely. May was gone on a trip to Florida aiding in an emergency that was needing assistance. She has been gone for two weeks and has yet to know when she would be back. Mr. Stark was busy with the Accords and the rogue Avengers. Ned was away at a family gathering and MJ was visiting her family in Illinois. Peter was left alone with his thoughts, which was never a good thing. Peter had depression, undiagnosed, but he knew he had it. No one knew, but he'd like to keep it that way. He hated everything about himself. From his annoying laugh, to his voice, to his crooked smile all the way to how scrawny he was. Granted, it wasn't his fault he was scrawny. After losing Uncle Ben, he refused to eat for a bit added on to his enhanced metabolism thanks to the spider bite.

However, there was one person who noticed. One person who knew how the boy felt and what was going through his mind. His forced smiles, fake laughs, and love for long sleeves. She also saw what others didn't. She witnessed his pained cries, his hidden scars, his saddened eyes and his never-ending sobs that were done in secret. Even if he didn't realize it, she always saw what happened behind closed doors. Wanda first realized something was wrong when she felt his emotions, they weren't what she expected. They were always sad and dark, as if the happiness wasn't real. After the first time, she decided to keep a close eye on him, but she never expected to see what she did.

Peter looked towards the window, out at the city lights and sighed when he saw his reflection. Red, puffy eyes, messy curls that were all over the place, a frown that was forever set on his face and the same clothes he had been wearing the day May left him. Left him alone in a city full of people, but with no one to go to. No one to distract his mind or keep him from crying. His pain screamed out, but it was never heard in the silence that always surrounded him behind closed doors. He's debated several times on whether to call Mr. Stark or not, but always came to the same conclusion and throwing his phone to the side of the bed. He didn't know how much more he could take, and maybe that's why he decided to end it all. End the pain, the suffering, the annoyance that he was. No one would miss him, no one would care. May would be free of him and Mr. Stark wouldn't feel like it was his fault that Peter died.

He tied the noose and grabbed the stool, dragging it to under where the noose was hung. He stood on the stool, tears streaming down his face and put the rope around his neck. He looked towards the window once more and gasped when he saw Scarlet Witch looking in from the outside, a horrified look on her face. Using her powers, she opened the window and jumped in, moving as quickly as possible to get to Peter. She shot her powers at the rope and it broke. When she finally reached him, she pulled him down and hugged him.

"I know." She whispered and that was all it took for Peter to breakdown crying. She knows how he felt. She knows all of the problems he faces and she would be there for him, no matter what. She'd always be there for the boy she loves.

                                                                     Word Count: 612

Just a short one shot cause I feel bad for not updating. Another chapter for my new story 'The Child Who Changed Tony Stark's Life' will be out later, so make sure to keep an eye out for that update as well as another update for this book. Hope you enjoyed.

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