The Birthday...

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"What day is it?" I asked as the quinjet was about 2 hours from the tower and the sun was setting. The Avengers and I were currently on our way home from Wakanda, after visiting Shuri and T'Challa. Shuri made sure to give me 2 sets of Kimoyo beads for me and MJ. Just the mention of her name gave me butterflies and I realized how much I missed her in the past month and a half.

"It's August 19th, kid." My dad responded and my eyes widened.

"What?! How long till we reach the tower?!" I panicked and everyone shared looks.

"Woah, calm down son. What's so important about today that has you so distressed?" Cap asked and I sighed.

"Today's MJ's birthday." Everyone seemed to get the idea and the quinjet went to a higher speed.

"It's only 7pm, Peter. We'll be there in about 45 minutes." Aunt Tasha reassured me and I gave her a warming smile.

"Thank Aunt Tasha." I already knew what I was giving MJ for her birthday and it was in my room, so I didn't have to fret much over getting her something, since I already have something. 45 minutes passed in a flash and the quinjet landed on the helipad. I jumped off and ran to my room. I slid my suit on and grabbed the small box, slipping it into a pocket on my suit. I bolted out of the tower and swung my way to her apartment. Upon my arrival, I heard sobs coming from her window and swung upto the fire escape.

"Why is someone so gorgeous crying? On there birthday, no less?" I questioned as I held her chin between my fingers, causing her to look into my eyes.

"O-oh, hey Peter." She smiled and wiped away her tears, acting as if nothing happened and she wasn't crying.

"I'm serious M, why were you crying? Did something happen?" She looked down sadly and I frowned, wrapping her in my arms.

"It's just- my parents are still deployed and I haven't heard from them, not even a 'happy birthday', pretty stupid I guess. But they've always found a way to tell me happy birthday, or to see me. I just miss them." Few more tears fell and I gently wiped them away. I pulled her into a tighter hug and kissed her temple.

"Well, I know I'm not your parents, but happy birthday M." I whispered and she hugged me tighter.

"Thank you Peter." We stayed in the hug, until I remembered her presents.

"Hey M, Shuri gave me something to give to you." I pulled out the Kimoyo bead and she was confused.

"Peter, I already-"

"Happy birthday princess!" MJ was cut off by a hologram of her parents and I smiled.

"M-mom? Dad? H-how-"

"My father, mother, uncles, and aunts are pretty persuasive and can get a lot done." I said happily and she hugged me, crying. She talked to her parents for a good hour or two, before she hung up and led me inside. "Oh, hey M. Come here real quick, I have something else for you." She raised an eyebrow and I grinned as she slowly made her way over to me. I pulled out the small box and handed it to her. She opened it slowly and gasped. On the inside was a solid gold locket and if you open the locket, a picture of her and I kissing and hugging can be found.

"Oh Peter!" She kissed and hugged me. After she let go, I helped her put the necklace on and we cuddled on the couch, until we both eventually fell asleep.

                                                               Word Count: 612

This was requested by  hopeparks     Hope ya'll liked it. So, today is my actual birthday and I'll try to post more, but I don't know what I'm doing yet. Please vote and comments your opinions.

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