I Can't Believe You've Done This..

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You know the beginning of High School Musical 2, where there all on the edge of their seats and counting down the seconds until Summer? Well, take that image, keep it in mind and erase the singing part. That's how Peter and his class currently were. Everyone was staring at the clock and no one was paying attention to the teacher at all. Once the bell rang, everyone jumped out of their seats and ran out the door, leaving a very frazzled teacher.

“Peter!” Ned exclaimed as he made his way to his best friend and Peter turned around with a sad smile.

“I’m gonna miss you Ned.” Ned nodded, fake tears forming in his eyes as the two hugged dramatically.

“Okay losers, don’t be so dramatic. Ned will be back in like a month.” MJ ruined the lovely moment and the two pulled apart, grinning at each other. Peter wrapped his arms around MJ’s waist and lay his head on her shoulder from behind.

“No, but for real.  I’m gonna miss you bro. Make sure to bring back something for Betty, or she might castrate you.” Peter chuckled as Ned shuddered and nodded with a terrified look. A car honk interrupted the three and Ned sighed.

“That would be my mom. I’ll see you both in a month.” MJ nodded as Peter did a fist bump. Ned waved one last time as he climbed in the car and MJ turned her head to Peter, slightly. Of course with MJ being at least 2 inches taller than him, he had to remove his head from her shoulder.

“Wanna head to the tower?” Peter asked and MJ smirked.

“Of course, the usual?” Peter smirked as well and nodded, walking hand in hand with MJ to Happy’s car.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Time Skip Brought To You By Depression%%%%%%%%%%

“I can’t believe you’ve done this!” Peter exclaimed as he stood abruptly. Everything was going great until it happened.

“I-I’m sorry-” MJ stuttered, but was cut off by Peter.

“Are you kidding me?! Sorry?! That’s two years down the freaking drain!” He exclaimed and at this point, Natasha was walking by. She had never liked MJ and assumed the worst when she heard Peter yelling. She opened the door and saw Peter standing there, upset as MJ had her arms crossed.

“What happened, Peter? What did she do?” Natasha asked, glaring at MJ and Peter stepped in front of her.

“Nothing Aunt Tasha, she didn’t do anything.” Peter frowned as his aunt watched his girlfriend with judgemental eyes and there was obvious tension in the room.

"I- uh, I should probably get going.." MJ mentioned and Peter turned to her.

"Please don't.." Peter asked, but MJ just shook her head.

"I have to go pick up my little sister anyway. I'll uh, see you later." She walked past Peter as he went to give her a hug and kiss, ignoring him.

"Why did you do that?" Peter asked heatedly as he turned to his aunt and she looked to him with narrowed eyes.

"What do you mean?" She asked and Peter sighed.

"Just… get out." Peter muttered, flopping onto his bed and Natasha's eyes widened. She took a step forward, but walked out as she realized he wanted her to actually go. She walked to the gym and started to beat the crap out of the equipment.

◇◇◇◇◇◇◇Time Skip Brought To You By The Widow Upset◇◇◇◇◇◇◇


It's been a week since the whole incident with Aunt Tasha and MJ. I haven't been able to get ahold of MJ and she wouldn't answer whenever I went to her apartment. I can tell she's home, but she wouldn't answer. I haven't spoken to Aunt Tasha since that day and I don't plan to until this is fixed.

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