Introducing the Avengers

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"Hey kid, I have some very important people I want you to meet, okay?" Tony asked his 6 year old son, who turned away from his current activity, to give his father full attention. Peter seemed to contemplate on the thought for a minute, before nodding unsure. Since moving in with his dad, he's started to trust him more, and met people who Tony thought important. Tony was nervous and smiled when his son nodded, a coy smile played on his lips. The elevator opened and a ton of people walked out talking, causing Peter to freak out and hug his dad's legs. All talking ceased when the team saw Tony with a tiny child hugging his leg.

"Hey Tony, uh, who is that?" Cap asked, a bit confused and Tony looked to his son smiling softly down at him.

"Steve, everyone, this is my son Peter." Tony pushed Peter in front of him and Peter kept his eyes on the floor. When his eyes lifted to look at everyone, his eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets and Peter let out a squeak, unable to speak, or move.

"Y-you're the A-avengers!" Peter exclaimed and the team nodded. Peter turned to his uncle and smiled. "Hi Uncle Bruce!" Peter chirped and ran to hug him.

"Hey Peter, how's my favorite nephew?" Bruce laughed and hugged Peter back.

"I'm your only nephew Uncle Bruce." Peter giggled, then turned to the rest of the Avengers who were gaping at the scene, while Tony watched with mild amusement and Peter blushed. "H-hi." Peter stuttered, then walked up to Bucky, and tugged on his pant leg. Bucky looked down and smiled awkwardly at the little boy, usually kids are scared of him because of his arm. "I like your arm mister. It looks really cool." Peter said shyly and Bucky was shocked. This kid liked his arm?

"Um, thank you Peter." Peter nodded his head with a smile, but frowned. Bucky took in the frown and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's wrong?" Bucky asked kneeling and the kid looked down.

"I-I don't know your n-name." Bucky smiled and held out his hand.
"Bucky Barnes at your service." Peter smiled and hugged the once again shocked Winter Soldier.

"Uncle Bucky it is!" Peter exclaimed and Bucky smiled once again, hugging Peter.

Two down, 8 to go. Tony thought and smirked. His kid even got Nick Fury to adore him, and we're talking about the Nick Fury here. The S.H.I.E.L.D director who everyone thought had no heart, absolutely loved the 6 year old. If Peter could get Fury of all people to love him, he could surely get the Avengers to like him as well. Peter turned and ran to Steve, an excited smile on his face.

"You're Captain America!" Peter exclaimed and Cap nodded, glancing at Tony who was watching in amusement, a genuine smile on his face. "And you're Black Widow-" pointing at Natasha, "Hawkeye-" this time pointing at Clint who smiled proudly, "and Uncle Bucky is the Winter Soldier, friends with Uncle Steve!" Peter yammered and the team looked wide eyed at the child. No one knew Bucky was the winter soldier and no 6 year old's knew Captain America by his actual name.

"Did I forget to mention my kid is a genius and also hangs around Fury?" Tony spoke up for the first time, causing the team to become even more shocked. Fury hated kids, so what was so special about this one? Well, they were going to find out exactly how special this little kid in front of them was.
                                                                                    Word Count: 599

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