I promise..

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◇◇◇◇◇◇Early The Next Morning ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

Tony stood at the door, feeling uneasy and nervous as he debated whether to knock or not. His hand was balled up into the air, inches away from the door and he thought over his speech in his head. The door opened and Tony looked up from the floor, eyes widening in shock.

"H-hi." Peter's voice croaked as he rubbed his upper arm. His eyes were red and puffy, and it looked like he hadn't slept a wink all night. Tony's face fell into a frown as he saw the weight on his son's shoulder and felt the need to find a way to help him.

"Good morning, kid." Peter's eyes started to water and Tony held his arms out causing Peter to run into them. Peter broke down as Tony held him and Tony felt his own eyes water.

"I-I'm s-sorry." Peter stuttered through his tears and Tony held him tighter. They stood there for a few minutes, father and son crying over the mistakes and relief they had. Peter clung to his father as he fell apart and Tony tried his best to hold him together. 

"What's been going on, kid? You're scaring me and you should know that you can always come to me." Tony whispered, voice slightly cracking.

"I-I didn't want to bother you.." Tony pulled Peter back slightly and looked into his teary eyes, mirroring his own.

"You could never bother me. Since your mother gave birth to you, you've been a happy smiling baby boy. Since then, the only thing I've wished for was your happiness and the minute your happiness was gone I wasn't around. It crushes me to see your unhappiness and I would gladly do whatever needed to get it back. You're my happiness, kid. I need you to tell me what's going on so I can help bring it back." Tony's heart spoke for the first time and Peter felt the care he had gone without for so long. He couldn't remember the last time he had any comfort or concern from his family, besides Rhodey and he felt the love overflooding him, causing more tears to rush down his face. 

"I just can't do it anymore, dad. I just can't. I-I tried so hard, but between the pressure of the media, being constantly bullied at school and having no one there for me besides my best friends, it's too hard." Peter indulged and Tony felt his heart break even more. His son has been going through so much, and no one had once considered how tough it was for the younger multibillionaire. 

"Its okay son. I'm here now and I'm going to help you the best I can. I'm so sorry I haven't been here for you and I promise I'll be around more. This is all my fault. I knew you weren't ready for the public invading your privacy, yet I still brought you into the spotlight. I'm so sorry, kid. Please, forgive me?" Tony begged, voice cracking even more as he held his son closer to him. 

No words were exchanged as the two stood in Peter's doorway, shedding the unshed tears that have been building up. All pent up pain, stress, exhaustion and worry coming out all at once. 

♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧ Time Skip To Monday Morning Brought To You By The Readers Possibly Being A Crying Mess Envisioning The Scene Before♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧

"You're such a fag. I bet Stark only just now Brought you to the public because he was ashamed of you." Flash spat as Peter struggled to stand once again. MJ and Ned were being held back by Flash's buddies while the two watched desperately as their friend was being hurt.

"Leave him alone!" MJ yelled, struggling in the arms of Flash's friend while the three bullies laughed. "Please! You're taking it too far, Flash!" MJ exclaimed, tears rushing down her face, but she refused to give up.
Peter was worse than he was Friday and MJ knew he couldn't take much more. Sunday afternoon, Peter was shot and while it is healed now, he had lost a lot of blood and truthfully shouldn't be in school. Another punch was delivered to Peter's gut and he fell, crying out in pain. Flash smirked and kicked him in the face, causing Peter to fall on his side due to the impact. 

"Please…" MJ finally gave up, seeing as it was useless to fight against the linebacker of the football team. Her head was hung as she realized nothing could be done.

"Hey! What's going on- Peter!" Ned and MJ were released as a voice was heard above the noise. 

Two of the three football players ran off while Flash continued to attack an unconscious Peter. Suddenly, Flash was grabbed by his shirt collar and MJ ran to Peter, falling to her knees and pulling he head on her lap. Flash's eyes widened as he faced the one and only Tony Stark.

"I should do the same to you as you did to my son." Tony growled, holding Flash a few inches from him and glaring directly at him.


"He's not breathing!" MJ exclaimed, fear creeping into her words and Tony threw Flash to the side, directing all attention to his son. Without a second thought, Tony tapped his glasses and his suit formed around him. He grabbed Peter into his arms and rushed to the tower, quickly going to Medbay. 

₩₩₩₩₩₩ Another Time Skip Brought To You By The Readers Anger ₩₩₩₩₩₩₩₩

"Head trauma, broken arm, a few broken ribs, fractured nose, and a punctured lung. We were able to stop the internal bleeding and patch the hole in his lung. We were also able to stabilize his breathing, but thanks to his enhanced healing, everything else had started to heal properly. You have one strong son in there, Mr. Stark." The doctor finished listing off the injuries, each one being a deeper cut to Tony's heart. If only he had gotten there sooner. He shouldn't have let him go alone. 

"Where's my baby boy?" Pepper came running in with the rest of the Avengers, plus Rhodey trailing behind. After everything that happened, pepper was the first one contacted along with Natasha. Tony pointed to the room and Pepper rushed in there, the other's following. Tony stayed back and Natasha joined him.

"You're not gonna go see him?" Natasha asked with a raised eyebrow and Tony looked at her, tears welling in his eyes, shocking the spy.

"How could I? This is my fault." 


"I left him alone, Nat. He had been dealing with shit the past few months and I wasn't there for him. None of us were. I found out he was drinking after my entire liquor cabinet was empty. He needed help and none of were there. I wasn't there." Tony expressed, voice cracking like it had Saturday afternoon with his son. He felt like the worst father and today proved it further. His son was so close to the verge of death and he had only stopped it after the fact, when he had already stopped breathing. 

"Then be there for him now. There's nothing we can do about the past, trust me, I would know. But someone wise once told me, you could always do something about the present and future, by learning from the past. Now get your ass in there and see your son, before I force you." Tony sighed and walked in slowly. He looked up once through the door and his heart broke entirely. The woman he loved to death was crying over their baby boy was looked uneasy with all the wires in him as he lay passed out. 

"I will be there for you from now on, kid. I promise." Tony muttered to himself as he watched everyone gathered around Peter, either crying or angry at themselves for not noticing anything before. 

                  Word Count: 1,323

Um, part 3?

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