Field Trip To MoMA-

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"Are you excited man?" Ned asked as he shook my shoulder and I gave a weak smile, trying to fight off my spidey senses. It's been acting up all day and I have yet to figure out why, but the pain and warning was getting stronger by the second.

"Yea man. MoMA is gonna be-" I was cut off by the bus shaking and coming to a rough stop. The roof of the bus crinkled up and a weird alien looking person came on board, holding a weapon. I pulled my clothes off quickly and shot a web as the alien thing tried to decapitate Flash. I pulled on my mask and got into action. I lured the thing off the bus and towards a park nearby. I continued fighting and was surprised to see Dr. Banner in the park, the top of a taxi laying on top of him. I took down the alien temporarily and looked to the Dr. who looked like crap by the way.

"Need a hand?" I asked and he nodded, confused. I pulled the taxi off with a web and aimed it at the now approaching alien, hitting the thing away from the two of us. Just then, Mr. Stark came by, fighting off another alien thing.

"Hey man. What's up Mr. Stark?" I spoke as I held the claw aimed at him. He adjusted himself and I think looked up at me, but had his faceplate down, so I wasn't a hundred percent sure.

"Kid, where'd you come from?" He asked now leaning on his elbows.

"A field trip to Moma-" I was cut off by the alien thing grabbing me and throwing me towards the fountain. I quickly got up and shot a web to a nearby tree, swinging back to them. "What is this guys problem Mr. Stark?"

"Uh, he's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." He replied as I was fighting the alien and was caught mid air in the claw thingy.
I was swung around a bit and then was thrown to the side once more. The two continued fighting and I was swinging, webbing a taxi and aiming it at the alien, knocking him down. The alien went to hit Mr. Stark again, but a flying man? distracted all of us and I watched him go.
"Kid, that's the wizard. Get on it." The alien tried to hit him, but he had his shield up and I looked at him.

"On it!" I swung as fast as I could and finally caught up to him, after the obstacles thrown in my way from the other alien. A billboard was thrown at me and I tumbled back with it, letting out a groan, but standing up anyway. "Not cool."

"Gotcha!" I exclaimed catching the wizard with my web as the cape was caught on a lamp post. I began to swing away, but a beam came down and started to pull the wizard into the ship. I grabbed tightly onto the lamp post I was originally swinging on, but it was of no use.

"Uh, Mr. Stark, I'm being beamed up." I held tighter onto the web around the wizard as we ascended towards the ship.

"Hang on, kid." He spoke through the coms and I remained holding the web attached to the wizard. "Wong, you're invited to my wedding." He probably forgot the coms were on and I was a bit confused, but also amused. I climbed around the mechanisms on the inner rim of the ship and tried to find a way in. "Pete, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you." I stopped where I was and looked behind me.

"But you said save the wizard!" I turned around and grabbed the top of my mask. "I can't breathe." I said breathlessly as I pulled off my mask.

"We're too high up. You're running out of air." He mentioned as I struggled to get air into my lungs, getting further and further from earth.

"Yeah. That makes sense." I panted and tried to hold on, but ended up losing my grip and almost passing out. I was free falling, on the verge of passing out and something began to form around me. Suddenly, I was knocked around in the rim a bit, before finally being able to grip the ship. I could finally breathe and was amazed. "Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!" I exclaimed in amazement.

"Happy trails, kid." He said, now floating above me. "Friday, send him home." A parachute came out and my eyes widened.

"Oh, come on!" I was shot back, but quickly shot a web at the ship, gripping on. I climbed around the ship and thankfully found a way in. "I should've stayed on the bus." I muttered as the door shut and I leaned against the wall.

                                                   Word Count: 817

Okay, so should I continue this and just write out like Tony's and Peter's thoughts as everything is going on in Infinity War and then like an after the snap thing? Idk. I got this prompt type thing where Peter doesn't notice the ship until the alien attacks from cookiecool_savew  Hope ya'll liked it. Please vote and comment your opinions. Let me know where you want this to go.

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