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"Tony, I'm Hungary." I whined and he looked at me.

"Then maybe you should Czech the fridge." He said and I smiled.

"I'm Russian to the kitchen!" I yelled and opened the fridge.

"Is there any Turkey?!?!" Natasha yelled, joining in on the fun.

"We have some, but it's covered in a layer of Greece." I said closing the door and walking over to them.

"Ew, there is Norway you can eat that!" They exclaimed and Clint groaned.

"Holy shit, you three are fuckin geeks!" He yelled and I looked at Tony and Natasha. We started laughing and Clint shook his head.

"I want some Chile." Bruce announced walking into the room and Clint gaped as he looked towards the scientist.

"Oh, not you too Bruce!" He whined.

"What? Iran to the store and got the ingredients earlier." Bruce grinned and I turned to him.

"Oman, Kenya make mine spicy?" I grinned and Bruce chuckled as Clint looked between Bruce, Nat, Tony and I with an exasperated face.

"Yemen." Bruce nodded and I laughed more as Clint groaned louder in frustration.

"I hate all of you." Clint grumbled and I gasped.

"Are we Jamaican ya crazy?" I questioned and he huffed once again, before storming away to his room.

"Payback is a bitch!" I yelled as he flipped me off.

"LANGUAGE!" Cap yelled from the other room and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry Capsicle!" Tony yelled back and we all burst into laughter. 

                                                        Word Count: 231

Alright, so this is kinda stupid, but I can kinda see it happening lol.

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