Correcting A Genius..

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Song of the Chapter is... Back In Black by AC DC

"Broken? What do you mean by 'broken'?" Tony asked with raised eyebrows and Peter looked down.

"Well, I had it ready this morning and was showing Ned-"


"My best friend. Anyway, as I was showing Ned the clock, one of my classmates bumped into me and it slipped, breaking on the ground." Peter explained as he opened his bag and gently dumped it all on the table. Tony raised an eyebrow and inspected the damage. "I-I didn't have the time to fix it-"

"You know how to fix this?" Tony cut Peter off with a raised eyebrow and Peter looked off shyly.

"Yea... I kinda built that actually.." Peter trailed off and Tony smirked.

"All right kid, how about I order pizza and we can rebuild your clock?" Peter's eyes widened and Tony's smirk got bigger.

"Really Mr. Stark? Are you serious?" Peter asked and the billionaire chuckled, nodding. 

"Yea, why not?" Tony shrugged and looked to the ceiling. "Fri, music," Tony mentioned and music blared out of the speakers.

"I love Led Zeppelin!" Peter exclaimed as ACDC played over the speakers and Tony shook his head. 

¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Time Skip Brought To You By Tony Forgetting About A Thief ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥

"No, Mr. Stark! That doesn't go there!" Peter shouted as the billionaire went to put a piece in the wrong place and Tony narrowed his eyes.
"What do you mean this doesn't go here, kid? I'm a mechanic, I think I would-"
"It actually goes here." Peter spoke placing the piece in the correct place and the two stepped back. Usually, Tony would hate people who cut him off, but instead he was shocked. He was actually wrong for once? 
"Okay kid, it's fixed. What now?" Tony asked and Peter smiled, looking from Tony to the clock.
"Ava, what is the time?" Peter asked and the clock lit up.
"It is currently 8pm on a Friday night." The artificial voice sounded and Tony's eyebrows raised in surprise. Now, I know what you're thinking; why is Tony Stark surprised by the clock with an AI if he just helped Peter fix it? 
Well, they only fixed it. Peter had already done everything else and Tony mainly stood there as Peter worked on the clock. When the food came, Tony ate while Peter worked and Tony half expected it not to work. Since Peter did almost all the work, Tony could only see certain parts of the clock, excluding the tech with the AI. 
"Anything else I can do for you, Peter?" The AI asked and Peter smiled shyly, looking at Tony's reaction.
"Kid, how did you know how to build this?" Tony asked the teen and Peter shrugged.
"My aunt said I get it from my parents. It just comes naturally, I guess." Peter answered unsure and Tony nodded.
"Well, kid. It's pretty impressive what you've done here. Does your aunt know you're here?" Peter sighed and looked down.
"She doesn't. It doesn't matter though, she's at work all the time. Half the time, I'm pretty much alone." Peter explained and Tony frowned. He reminds me of myself, Tony thought to himself.
"How about you stay here tonight? We could work on some more projects." Tony offered and Peter's eyes widened.
"B-but Mr. Stark, are you sure?" Peter questioned and Tony raised an eyebrow.
"Would I ask, if I wasn't?" Tony questioned and Peter smiled widely.
"Thank you so much!" 

♡♡♡♡♡ Time Skip Brought To You By This Adorable Scene You're About To Read ♡♡♡♡
"Tony, you-" Pepper stopped mid step and took in the scene before her. Tony was leaning on the table asleep with a teen sleeping next to him and 4 boxes of pizza lay on the desk, just above their heads. Pepper turned to walk away, but a certain billionaire's voice stopped her. 
"Pep, what time is it?" Tony asked, half asleep and eyes still closed. Pepper turned back on her heels and faced the billionaire.
"It's 8am." Pepper replied shortly and the billionaire groaned. His eyes opened and he raised an eyebrow.
"What did you need?" He asked and Pepper crossed her arms, stark pad still in her hand.
"Well, I didn't see you in your room and figured you were down here. Friday told me you had a visitor and I figured it was one of your things. Imagine my shock when I walked down here to find you and a teen passed out on your desk with pizza." Pepper spoke in a curious tone and Tony subconsciously looked to Peter who was beside him.
"He was here late working on a project and I decided to let him stay. Come out to the hallway really quick." Tony said as he stood, beginning to walk out and Pepper followed him to the hallway. Once the door was shut, Tony turned to Pepper and she raised an eyebrow. "Pep, this kid.. he's a genius." 
"Pep, he replicated an AI and she works almost as good as Friday. The other day on his visit to the tower with his class, he built an advanced robot while everyone else either made a single functioning robot or a non functioning machine. This kid could do amazing things and I'm sure he will do things we've never imagined doing before." Tony spoke and Pepper was in awe.
"Never would I have thought I'd see the day where Tony Stark, the multibillionaire would believe in a kid so strongly after only just meeting him." 
"Very funny, but I'm serious Pep. Maybe I'll give him an internship here?" Tony muttered the last part to himself and Pepper's arms fell to her sides.
"Are you sure Tony? We've never had a kid who was a high schooler as an intern before. What of it's too much for him?" Pepper tried to reason and Tony looked at her seriously.
"I'm sure of my decision. I see potential. I'm going to tell him as soon as he-"
"M-Mr. Stark?" Peter interrupted the conversation and the billionaire turned to see the teen half asleep, with messy hair standing at the door to his lab.
"Hey kid, I actually have an offer for you." Tony spoke his mind immediately and Pepper stared at the multibillionaire. 
"What is it?" Peter yawned and Tony chuckled.
"How would you like to become an intern here?" Tony asked and Peter stared at him wide eyed, obviously wide awake now.
"M-me? Become an intern for Stark Industries?" Peter asked aloud in thought and Tony smirked.
"Yea kid. You could come after school and on the weekends. How does that sound?" Tony asked and if Peter's eyes weren't wide enough already, they were sure to be the size of saucers by now.
"Y-yes! That's so awesome!" Peter exclaimed in happiness and Tony chuckled.
"Great, good to have ya, kid. How about we get breakfast and then I'll take you on a tour myself to the intern labs." Tony said more as a statement and just as Peter went to respond, his phone began to ring.
"Hello?" Peter answered, forgetting to check caller ID.
"Hey Peter, I'm so sorry I wasn't home last night. They needed me here and I have to pick up more shifts to keep up with rent. Did you get the food I left?" A tired May asked and Peter frowned.
"Yea May, I got the food. When are you coming home?" Peter asked hopefully and was disappointed when he heard her sigh through the phone. Since May worked at the hospital, she was always gone and would go days without being home. 
"I'm sorry, but they need me to cover someone else's shift in a few hours. I'm going to take a nap in the hospital rest station then work until tomorrow afternoon. I'm so sorry, Peter." May apologized and Peter sighed, turning away from the curious billionaire and worried blonde.
"It's okay, May. I understand." Peter said softly as tears welled in his eyes.
"How was the trip to Stark Tower the other day?" May asked seeing as she was working and hadn't been home since the previous Monday.
"It was great! I got to-"
"Peter, hunny. I gotta go. They need me to-"
"Its okay Aunt May, I understand. Be safe and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon." Peter spoke concealing his sadness and Tony frowned hearing the teen upset.
"Thank you Peter. I larb you." May spoke and Peter imagined her smiling tiredly.
"I larb you too, May." The phone hung up and Peter sighed. Peter jumped when a hand touched his shoulder and he turned to the two witnesses.
"You alright kid?" Tony asked and Peter gave a fake smile.
"Um, yea. Sorry about that-"
"Kid, it's okay to cry." Peter hadn't even realized he was crying until the billionaire pulled him to his chest. Peter and Tony tensed at the physical touch, but soon relaxed as Peter let more tears slip. "What happened?" Tony asked as Pepper stood there in amazement. Tony hated physical touch, yet here he was; hugging a teen he just met 3 days prior and comforting the brunette.
"I-it's my Aunt May. The rent for our apartment was raised, so she is taking more shifts to keep up with the payments and I just- I haven't seen her since Monday. I won't see her till tomorrow afternoon and I'm just.. tired of being alone, ya know?" Peter said as his voice cracked and Tony felt bad for the teen. Maybe that was why the next words to leave his mouth was surprising.
"How about you spend the night again?" 
"Yea, I could show you around the tower more and introduce you to the interns/employees. You could start today if you wanted? Right after the tour, that is." Tony confessed and Peter smiled widely, nodding. Tony chuckled and let go of the teen he was still holding onto for whatever reason. 
"Alright then, let's get breakfast and start your tour." 
                   Word Count: 1,663

Part 4? Anyone else enjoying this plot twist of a story? So many cliffhangers unrevealed and if I wasn't the one writing this myself, I'd probably be on the edge of my seat wait ik ng for answers. If you're enjoying this so far, let me know with a vote and a comment.

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