It Was A Mistake..

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"Of course we are, it's Peter's eighteenth birthday." A woman spoke from beside the king's brother and the queen smiled brightly.

"Natasha, Wanda. It's so great to see you both." The queen said in excitement and the two women smiled.

"Wow, so the rest of us are chop liver? We come from our kingdoms to visit and we don't even get a 'hi'?" Another voice spoke up and Peter smiled.

"Uncle Sam, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Steve, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Loki, Uncle Thor, Aunt Tasha, Wanda. What are you all doing here?"

"Well, we all left our seconds in command of our kingdoms for the weekend to come see you for your birthday. You are turning eighteen after all."

"Not to mention, we want to see the hell-"

"Language." Steve cut Bucky off as his best friend grinned and Steve hit him upside the head.

"Listen, I'm touched that you all are here, but father, we need to get my tux. The ball is tonight after all." Peter interrupted and the king nodded, standing out of bed.

"Girls, we have something to do as well. Follow me." The queen announced and Natasha raised an eyebrow, as the girls left the room.

♤♤♤♤ Scene Change Because I Feel Like This Idea Has Probably Been Used Before ♤♤♤

"We are taking Peter's lover to get a gown for tonight." The queen revealed as the queens walked down the halls and Wanda gasped.

"He already has a maiden?" Natasha questioned and the queen sighed.

"Not quite."

"What do you mean, 'not quite'?" Wanda asked and the three stopped.

"He's in love with a maid named Michelle and she loves him back." The queen explained and Natasha furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why don't they date then?" She questioned and Wanda nodded.

"The two are oblivious to the other's feelings and Michelle feels she is not worthy of my son." Pepper replied as they began to walk once more.

"Well, is she worthy of him?"

"More than worthy. She is the best woman I could ask for my son, however, in her mind she's not." The women stopped in front of a door and the queen pulled it open to reveal Michelle and the other maids doing laundry.

"Your highness, to what do we owe the pleasure of your grace?" One of the oldest maids asked and Pepper smiled.

"Hello Margaret, apologies for interrupting your duties. However, we request the help of Michelle and we are stealing her away." Margaret smiled a soft smile and turned to the maid in question, who was sitting at a washboard alone.

"Michelle, sweetie you were requested by the queen." She lifted her head and nodded, standing to walk towards the three queens. She bowed her head and Pepper smiled.

"Come with us, we have important business to attend to."

◇◇◇◇ Time Skip Because This Is Starting To Suck, But You All Asked For An Update ◇◇◇◇

"Oh Michelle, that gown looks gorgeous on you. You are sure to blow everyone away with that style." Pepper said in awe and the other two agreed.

"Your highness, I really must get back to-"

"You are taking the night off, I already got your chores covered." Pepper cut the maid off and Michelle's eyes widened.

"Queen Pepper, why would you give me the night off? There is plenty to do-"

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