Loneliness Kills

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Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Alone. Yes, that's the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym. Those are the words of Stephen King and sadly, Peter knew every word of it was true. He had suffered loneliness for years now, but no one really knew of his loneliness.

The outcast of everything, no one knowing his name unless it was in vain, not even his own family was around to care for him. All the family he had was either killed or died of illness, leaving Peter to fend for himself in the cold, bitter streets of New York, where people would spare a glance at the sad lonely teen, but that's all they did.

Tony only pitied him and that's the only reason he kept him around, but recently it seemed Tony didn't want him around and Peter didn't wanna be a burden with his problems to Tony or the Avengers, so he kept it all to himself. Why? Why should he live then? Well unfortunately, he had those thoughts every single day.

That is until one day, he took it a little too far. Standing on top of that bridge, looking down at the raging waters. He knew he'd fly. He hoped to fly far away from his loneliness. He took a step forward, the wind blowing through his curly brown hair. He could see it now.

Tomorrow morning, people waking up. His adopted family going on with their usual daily routines, school mates joking around, teachers smiling and ready to teach their students.

The news cuts to an unusual report in his city. His name flashes on the screen along with his picture. The picture of him and his fake smile that is so protruding that it would be hard to not believe it. Except, someone who's seen that picture didn't buy it. He knew it was false.

He knew his smile was much more bright and loving, having seen it awhile back.The picture would make anyone believe he was happy, but he knew it wasn't real. Peter knew that only one person truly cared about him, but he had lost hope of Tony still caring after pushing him away.

"Don't." Peter heard a voice crack, causing him to turn around and break out of his depressing thoughts.

"Why? Why do you still try and help? Why can't you see I'm just a lost cause?" He questioned him, tears springing to his eyes.

"You're not a lost cause! I help because I love you as if you were my own son. P-please don't do it." Tony whispered looking down and Peter looked down as well. He took a deep breath and turned back to the raging waters. A drop of water fell from the sky and a traitorous tear made its way down his cheek.

"I'm sorry.." Peter whispered and leaned forward. Arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him back from the edge. He looked up into Tony's eyes and broke down crying, as he soothingly rubbed his back.

"Why didn't you just come to me kid?" Tony whispered, his heart aching for the teen who was a sobbing mess in his arms. He wasn't expecting the next response and wanted to slap his kid silly for thinking any less of himself and believing such a ridiculous thought.

"I-I didn't- You weren't- I'm sorry.. You just seemed so busy and I didn't wanna burden you. I-I thought i-it'd be easier i-if I weren't a-around to b-bother you.." Peter stuttered and Tony pulled him back, giving him a stern look.

"I don't ever wanna hear that you're a burden again. You had us all scared kid. Pepper is freaking out as we speak, worrying about her baby boy. She's been blowing up my phone ever since Karen notified us of this attempt. The Avengers all wanted to come, but I had to stop them so they wouldn't overwhelm you. We all care about you Pete, and we'd be damned if you ever thought otherwise. I'm sorry I've been busy, but I've been trying to get the adoption papers to go through." Tony answered truthfully and Peter sniffled, not sure if he should believe what he's heard. After finding nothing, but truth in the billionaire's eyes a horrified expression took over his face.

"I'm so sorry, dad. I-I had no idea." Peter whispered and Tony smiled at the use of the name he would forever love hearing the teen in front of him say, making a mental note to have Karen send him the clip.

"Come on kid, let's go home before your mom, aunts, and uncles have a heart attack." Tony whispered, picking his kid up and Peter nodded tiredly. They arrived at the tower and Peter was instantly engulfed in a hug by Pepper.

"I'm sorry mom." Peter whispered causing Pepper to smile, tears threatening to fall.

"Never do that again. We all love you Pete. I hope you never question it again." Pepper replied holding her baby closer to her as he cried. Once she let go, everyone hugged him, whispering essentially the same thing as Pepper and Tony.

Even the God of Mischief had tears in his eyes momentarily for the broken teen in his arms. They spent the rest of the night watching Star Trek, with Peter laying on top of Tony and Tony mindlessly running his hands through his soft curls. Relief washed over Tony as his son slowly fell asleep on him, the events of today forever engraved in the back of everyone's minds. They refused to let the teen ever feel that way again.

Word Count: 941

I'm so sorry for all these sad one shots, but I kinda like them. Anyway, I'm so excited to watch Spider-man- Far From Home, after watching the trailer and seeing some Spideychelle along with a potential relationship between Happy and May! I refuse to believe Tony is gone, despite the obvious signs that he is. I'm not crying, you're crying.

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