Popular Pete?

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Peter is actually popular and doesn't really associate with MJ, but Ned is popular as well because of his association with Peter. Peter is popular because he was recently announced as the heir to Tony Stark. Also Michelle is not her usual sassy self, due to the recent death of her mother. She was more closed off and didn't fight back, causing her to get physically and emotionally abused by a certain bully.

"Yo Parker, look at that loser." My ex-bully turned friend Flash laughed as he pointed at a kid walking with a hood over her head and her head down. I shook my head from the thought of what the girl looks like and sighed as the bell went off to go to class. I sighed and did the handshake with Flash before walking towards my first period; history. I went to the back and played on my Stark phone.

During the middle of the lesson, the door opened and the girl from before walked, more like limped in. Except, she was all beaten up and her face had a bruise under her eye, but somehow; she looked hot.

"Michelle Jones! Why are you late to my class?!" The teacher yelled and she looked terrified.

"I-i-i-" She stuttered and the teacher sighed, gesturing to a seat.

"Just please go sit down." She said and MJ nodded. She walked with her head down and I saw Tod put his leg out, tripping the beauty. I stood and quickly caught her as she fell forward.

"I'm s-sorry." MJ stuttered and I smiled, it was just so cute. I helped her to the seat next to me and we quietly talked for the rest of class. We became close within that one period and I felt the need to protect her.

When we walked down the hallway together, I glared at anyone who even looked at this angel and they seemed scared. At lunch, MJ sat with me at my table and I told my friends to be nice to MJ, even Flash was nice to her, and apologized for pushing her back into the lockers. I restrained from punching him for that and focused on the one who matters. I found out Tod was the one who made MJ look so disoriented this morning and made him pay for it. By the end of the week I had asked MJ to date me, and we were happily together.

                                                                    Word Count: 401

So I feel like everyone always goes by how the characters actually are, and I get that it's better and easier to do that, but I kinda wanted to wing it and change the characteristics up a bit. Sorry if it's not something you find good..

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