Mama Spider

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“HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF CLOSING THE- I can't say those words.” Peter stopped singing and I raised an eyebrow.

“What are you talking about, Pete?” I asked and he looked down, almost sheepishly.

“I can't use God's name in vain and the other word is a bad word.” He explained and I held back a laugh.

“Pete, you're 16 almost 17 in a week. I'm pretty sure you've cursed before.” He quickly shook his head, but kept his head down.

“No..” He whispers and I left it at that. What's wrong with him? His whole demeanor changed in an instant.

I adopted Peter when he was 10. He was living in an orphanage and when I asked what happened to his family, it broke my heart to find out they died in an attempted robbery. He was sleeping out at his friend Ted? Red? Ned? Ned's house when the attempted robbery happened.

No one was meant to die and the robber thought the house was empty. The robber only killed them because he was scared, but I could tell Peter was scarred from that experience, especially since he was only 5. He spent an entire 5 years in the orphanage when I found him.

He was 10 and I had saved the kid from the Hammer attack at the Stark Expo. When I finished off with the Expo and shit, I went back and found him with Pepper. She took a liking to him and we ended up adopting the kid. He's never talked about his years in the orphanage and always gets quiet whenever it's mentioned around him.

“So, kid. How was school?” I asked and he looked up quickly.

“It was okay. I have a project to work on with MJ and Ned.” He responded, smiling gratefully. I smiled back and pulled into the tower.

“That's good. Bruce is ordering Italian tonight.” I mentioned as we got out of the car and made our way to the elevator, going up to the penthouse. He seemed deep in thought and reacted late to my comment on dinner.

“Again! This is like the 5th time this week!” He groaned and I chuckled, but was slightly worried. We parted ways and I watched worriedly as he walked to his room, his head down. I sat at the table and sighed.

“What's up, playboy?” Nat asked and I didn't feel like correcting her today, like I usually do.

“Peter.” I responded and she looked at me seriously.

“What's wrong with Peter?” She asked and I sighed again.

“That's the thing. I don't know what's wrong with Peter.” I stressed and she nodded, walking away. Hopefully she can figure out what's wrong.

♡♡♡ Mama Spider ♡♡♡♡

“Peter?” I asked through his door and heard sniffles. I heard movement and the door opened a few minutes later.

“Hey Aunt Tasha.. Did you need something?” His voice was raspy and his face had tear stains. I furrowed my eyebrows and hugged him.

“What's wrong ребенок паук?” I whispered in his ear and he tensed.

“N-nothing.” He stuttered and I pulled back giving him the look. He sighed and looked down.

“In the car, I was singing Panic! At The Disco with dad and a curse came on. When he asked why I couldn't say them, it brought up memories from the orphanage. In the orphanage, there was a rule by the lady in charge and it was that we couldn't curse. She was unreasonable and punished kids who disobeyed her. I was singing a song with curses in them and- and she beat me so bad, she almost killed me. I don't curse for fear of getting beat..” He explained crying and my heart broke.

“It's okay, Peter. No one here will hurt you.” I soothed him and held him tightly as he sobbed. I'm going to find that woman and kill her myself.
                 Word Count: 650

Okay, so this was not suggested by anyone, I just had this idea in my head and yea. Kinda wanted to write something sad, tbh. Hope y'all liked it. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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