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Tony quickly picked up the kid and walked out to the team. He looked around at them and looked straight to Bruce, the doctor sighing. 
"Tony, I-I don't think I can-"
"Please." Tony cut him off, shocking everyone in the room and Bruce nodded slowly.
"Alright, bring him to the lab and I'll try my best." Tony nodded and followed his friend to the room where his son would be examined. 
He placed the kid down on the table and Bruce grabbed his equipment, bringing it over to the table where the kid lay. Bruce worked diligently and furrowed his eyebrows as the unknown readings came up.
"Tony, you gotta see this." Bruce motioned the adult over and Tony looked through the microscope.
"Bruce, what-what is this?" Tony asked and Bruce frowned.
"Tony, the reason we don't know who the kid is, is because he's not from here." Bruce spoke, taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"What do you mean, he's not from here?" Tony asked and Bruce sighed.
"Judging by how his atoms are reacting, their fizzing and if he doesn't get back to his dimension soon; he may not survive." Bruce finished and Tony stood there frozen. He didn't know how to respond and he didn't get the chance to when Peter sighed.
"Kid?" Tony asked and Peter cringed internally, but gave a weak smile.
"I-I had my suspicions that I was in another dimension, but this- this is crazy!" Peter announced and Tony stepped forward.
"It's okay, da-Tony. I'll figure it out, no one wants me here anyway and if I don't make it back.. then at least I got to see my dad for the last time, even if he's not from my dimension.." Peter said as he slowly stood up, pushing the pain aside and slowly started to walk to the door.
"Wait, kid-"
"It's Peter." Peter replied and Tony nodded, clearing his throat.
"Right, um, Peter. In your dimension.. What am I to Pepper? Are you really.. our son?" Tony asked and Peter looked straight into his eyes.
"You two are engaged and yes, I'm really your son." Peter answered and Tony smiled sadly. Tony looked down and Peter frowned, stepping towards him a little bit. "What-what happened to-"
"To Pepper? She, uh, she died a few years ago.." Tony responded, looking at Peter with a few tears and Peter furrowed his eyebrows.
"How?" Peter asked sadly, inching closer to Tony subconsciously and the adult looked down once more, closing his eyes to hold in the tears.
"It was my fault.. She begged me to give up my suit and instead, I continued to go after villains. One day, we were at a Racing event and um, a criminal attacked us-" Tony started, throat becoming tight and he cleared his throat before continuing, "they went after her and I just- I wasn't fast enough, you know? After I announced that I was Iron Man, no one knew of Pepper until it popped up on the news that we were together and I was just so stupid-" Tony was cut off by Peter wrapping his arms around him and for once, Tony didn't tense. 
Tears came out faster as the adult wrapped his arms around his son from another dimension. A dimension that his love was alive and they had a child together. Tony pulled the teen to him tighter and Peter accepted the hug, a few tears of his own escaping. Once the tears stopped, they broke apart and Peter bit his lip before asking his next question.
"What-what happened to Uncle Steve?" Peter asked and it was Bruce's turn to sigh. 
"It was back when we first found Bucky. Steve brought him back, however HYDRA didn't go down without a last attempt." Tony answered and turned to Bruce for the rest. The other scientist looked pained by the memory and looked down at the reminder of his friend's death.
"The sniper was aiming at Bucky and before anyone else could react, Steve heard the bullet get released because of his super hearing. He pushed Bucky out of the way and thought he missed the bullet, but two went into his head. I tried to save him, everyone did really, but it was too late. Bucky blames himself and he turns into a mess whenever he hears his best friend's name." Bruce explained and Peter was a crying mess. He couldn't believe this dimension didn't have two of the best people living here. 
"We're going to help you ki-Peter." Tony announced after a short amount of time and Peter's head shot in the direction of Tony, tears still falling. 
"Really?" Peter questioned and Tony offered a weak smile.
"I'm sure everyone in your dimension misses you." Tony replied and Peter smiled.
"Thank you.."
"Now, how about we go inform the team. We don't have much time, do we?" Tony asked turning his attention to the scientist and he shook his head.
 Peter followed the two to the living area and once Peter spotted the winter soldier, he couldn't help himself. He ran to the soldier and hugged him, surprising the unexpecting adult.
"It wasn't your fault.." Peter whispered and Bucky let a tear fall, before hugging the teen back. Everyone watched the exchange and they all thought the same thing; How can an angel be in this dimension?

♧♧♧ Scene Change Because  fairy_tail_120 Requested This Amazing One Shot ♧♧♧♧ (Also, I don't think this is what you meant, but I hope you like it)

"What do you mean he's in another dimension?!" Tony exclaimed as Natasha finished relaying what she had gotten *cough* tortured *cough* out of the criminal and the spy sighed.
"He said the suit was set to go back to his own dimension and Peter must've broken it when he webbed it. The target was redirected to person touching it and sent him to dimension 123." Natasha explained further and Tony slammed his fist on the desk.
"Grab me the suit, I can try to make it reverse." Tony explained and Natasha frowned.
"You can't Tony, the suit is destr-"
"I have to try, Natasha! This is my son we're talking about! He's probably scared and knowing him, in trouble." Tony explained and Natasha left, leaving the multibillionaire to be concerned. 
"Why couldn't he listen to me like the time I told him to jump out of the window after his bag?" Tony thought despairingly and one hand ran through his hair.

●●●● Another Scene Change Brought To You By Thoughts Of Happier Times ●●●●

"I think I figured it out!" Tony exclaimed after a day of working and Peter jumped in surprise. 
"Really?!" Peter asked excitedly. He was happy to be going home and seeing his family.
"I believe-" Tony was cut off by the roof collapsing and he tackled the teen to the ground, suit already formed around him.
"Looks like we've finally found your hideout, Avengers." Peter froze at the unmistakable voice and went rigid in Tony's arms.
"Peter are you-" Tony was cut off once more by a huge blast aimed at the two and the multibillionaire flew up, teen still in his arms. 
"V-vulture?" Peter muttered as he stared at the man who was the cause of his nightmares.
"You have a history with him?" Tony asked and Peter nodded, looking at Tony with a fearful look.
"He trapped me under a building a year ago when dad took away my suit. I almost got blown up by him." Peter explained and Tony looked over to the guys, eyes narrowed behind his face plate.
"Put your suit back on, it should be able to send you back." 
"I can't leave yet! You guys need my help!" Peter argued and Tony looked down at him.
"Kid, if you stay any longer, you'll be gone. Go back to your family." Tony said with finality in his voice and Peter nodded. 
Tony put him down and Peter ran to his suit as the team fought the criminals. Peter put his suit on and went to activate the new upgrade to take him back, but saw the Avengers struggling. He frowned and clenched his fist.
"I can't leave them like this." Peter whispered, before jumping into battle and going against Whiplash. 
"Kid, what are you doing? I told you to-"
"I'll go after I help you." Peter cut him off, determination in his voice and Tony didn't get the chance to answer as the Vulture sent another attack. 
The battle took a while, but the Avengers eventually came out victoriously. Peter smiled and hugged everyone, before activating the new upgrade and a portal opened. Peter walkef towards it, but stopped short and looked back at Tony.
"Will I ever see everyone again?" Peter asked and Tony smiled.
"Anytime you want, activate the upgrade and it will open a portal, bringing you back here." Tony replied and Peter nodded, taking a deep breath and stepping forward. Just before he stepped through, a blast went off and Peter turned around quickly. He thought it was aimed at someone else, but instead it hit him and he went flying through the portal, blacking out once on the other side. The portal closed behind him and the team in the dimension ran to it, but failed to reach it before the portal was closed completely. Peter.
                  Word Count: 1,552

Next Chapter will be the last and final part to this one shot. I really hope you all liked this because I think this was actually pretty good. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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