Is That..?

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It was 10 at night and I was out patrolling. I'm pretty sure that there probably wasn't gonna be much crime tonight, however I enjoyed the freedom I felt swinging from building to building. I pulled my phone out as I landed on another building and sat on the ledge. I saw I had a video sent to me and furrowed my eyes at the name.
"Why did you do that to Peter?" That was clearly Ms. Romanoff's voice and I raised my eyebrow. 
"First Steve, now you? Can't I just be left alone? I have my reasons and I don't have to tell either of you shit." Mr. Stark spat and Ms. Romanoff sighed.
"Why don't you like him?" Ms. Romanoff questioned and Mr. Stark chuckled.
"Oh Natasha, it's not that I don't like him. It's the fact that I hate him." Mr. Stark hissed as he gulped some alcohol down. A few seconds went by as Ms. Natasha remained silent and she walked towards the door, stopping to look over her shoulder.
"You know, Tony. You might think you don't have to tell us anything, but soon you will. You can't possibly hate Peter." Ms. Romanoff said and shut the door as Mr. Stark opened another bottle and began to down the contents of it.
"But I do hate him. I hate him more than anyone will ever know." The message ended and tears fell from my eyes. He really does hate me.
I stood and swung from building to building, not caring where I go. Soon enough, I reached the forest part of New York and swung to the clearing inside. I landed by a mini lake and pulled my mask off. I looked at where the moon reflected on the water and let the tears flow. 
"Look who we have her, you're the mortal who released me at the tower, aren't you?" A voice sounded from behind me and I looked to him.
"Yes, I am." I responded as he smirked and his hand glowed.
"You're gonna regret it." 

♧♧♧ Scene Change Brought You By Loki Also Hating Peter 😈😈 ♧♧♧

"Sir, my scanners are picking up a track on Loki." Friday announced and I looked up from my suit. 
"It appears him and Spiderman are going hand to hand." Friday revealed and I looked back down as my suit, clenching my fists. 
"Let him go at it. Just don't alert the others." I gritted out and started to tinker with my suit some more.

€€€ Scene Change Brought To You By The Reader's Confusion (it'll be cleared up soon, maybe (;) €€€

"I expected more from someone who's close to the Avengers." Loki chuckled and I spat out more blood. I stood again and glared at the god.
"Why are you doing this? I let you free." I asked in confusion and hurt, as he began to laugh.
"Foolish mortal, I could've gotten out of there when I wanted to. You just happened to open the door and get in the way of everyone in the building. You even got Hulk out, like I wanted. Don't you see, child? You all are just playing into my hand and you weren't even a thought when it came to this game, but you're a gullible pawn." Loki explained and I clenched my fists. I ran at him and punched him, except it was a clone. Loki chuckled from behind Peter, before impaling the teen with a dagger to the side. 
"Mr-mr. Loki, there was a better way.." I whispered as he froze and looked into my eyes for a few moments.
"I shall allow you to live." He let me fall and then smirked. "It'll be interesting to watch how you'll survive." 
"Brother, you must come back with me and stand before our father." I heard as my eyes felt heavy. 
"Peter?" I heard Ms. Romanoff's voice and looked to her, forcing my eyes open.
"O-oh, hey Ms. Ro-" I was cut off with a cough and blood poured out of my mouth.
"Oh my god, Queens." Steve gasped and picked me up. I kept my eyes open and saw Mr. Stark staring at me.

《《 Time Skip Because You All Hate Me 》》

"Tony, how long have you known Peter was out there against Loki?" Natasha asked as I took another swig of bourbon and tried to calm my shaking hands.
"You know, Ms. Romanoff it is very-" I was cut off by Steve pinning me against the wall and I glared.
"You son of a-"
"Carefully Captain, you know how you are with swear words." I said in a mock shocked tone and pressed my watch. He pulled his arm back and I caught it with my armor covered hand. "Ah, ah, ah." I shook my head and pushed him back as my suit finished forming around me. He stood straight and grabbed his shield.
"Tony, don't do something you'll regret-"
"Oh Rogers, I've been wanting to do this for a while." I spoke as I attacked him. We went back and forth as we exchanged blows. He threw his shield at my bottle cabinet and knocked everything to the floor. I became enraged and shot at him with my repulser as he blocked with his shield.
"The kid is out of surgery!" Bruce announced as he ran into the lab and Captain stopped. He stood and glared at me.
"Let's go." Steve said as he turned to the door and Bruce followed. I turned to the broken glass pile, suit going back into my watch and started to look through it, cutting my hands.
"Tony, what are you-"
"I-I need to find it." I panicked and she tried to push me back, but I pushed past her. I continued searching and saw the brown frame. I quickly picked it up out of the glass and took out the remaining glass in the frame.
"Tony, is that-"
"No, it's not." I cut her off and held the picture frame close to me. Natasha watched me and I tried to hold back my tears, hands shaking as my heart was beating too fast in my chest. I started hyperventilating and jumped when a hand touched my shoulder.
"Tell me about it?"

$$$ Last Time Skip Of This Part, I Swear $$$

"Does he have any family members, Fri?" Steve asked and turn to Bruce as Friday answered a minute ago.
"No family members are listed as alive. His last living relative died last year." Friday replied back and Bruce frowned as he looked to the kid.
"Friday, try his DNA match against everyone once more." Steve said, refusing to give up on the search for the kid's relatives.
"Its is affirmed, there are no living relatives for Peter Parker." Friday announced and Steve tightened his fists. He knew what it felt to be homeless and poor. 
"Where does Peter live?" Bruce questioned.
"There are no exact location pin pointed as Peter's residence." 
                  Word Count: 1,164

Okay, so.. there's gonna be another part, but has anyone figured it out yet? Do you know why Tony hates Peter yet? Please vote and comment your opinions.

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