Mr. Stark

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"I can't believe you both got us kicked out of the movie theater!" I yelled at Clint and Mr. Stark as we walked into the penthouse and Steve looked at us weirdly.

"How'd you guys get kicked out of the movie theater? I thought you guys went to go see a special viewing of Titanic?" He questioned and I looked at the two guys who were grinning.

"Mr. Stark and Clint kept yelling out diving scores as people jumped off of the titanic." I replied as I rolled my eyes and both guys chuckled. Steve looked mortified and Sam raised an eyebrow.

"That last guy had a solid 8, let me tell you." Tony said and I raised an eyebrow with my arms crossed.

"I don't know Tony, that guy who jumped just before the last guy had an 8.5." Clint grinned and Tony high-fived him. I smacked Clint and looked towards Tony.

"Mr. Stark, I'm very disappointed in you." I shook my head and Clint laughed.

"I told you to call me Tony, kid." Tony groaned and I smirked.

"I know, Mr. Stark." I replied and turned to Steve who still looked mortified. "You know Steve, if you keep your mouth open for too long, you'll catch flies." Everyone laughed and I grinned. 

Obviously this is stupid, but I thought it was funny. I saw this on Tumblr, but forgot who posted it, if I can find it I'll write their username, but credit to them.

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