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"Breaking news: new videos of the attack at the Art Museum has been revealed. The moment you all have been waiting for, we finally know who Spiderman is!" All over the news, the attack was being broadcast and it was hard to find a station that wasn't explaining what had happened. Peter skipped the channel and turned off the TV with a heavy sigh. How did his life go down hill, so quickly? Seems like it was just yesterday he was laughing and enjoying the beginning of summer with his girlfriend. 

Peter couldn't handle it. Everyone was talking about him and now that they know, he will continue to be talked about. He couldn't even think about his senior year of college without panicking at this point. He knew everyone would question stuff, suck up to him and try to get close to him, just because he's Tony Stark's son or because he's Spiderman. It was difficult to keep himself distracted from thinking of MJ as well, considering everyone went into Protect Peter mode after the battle and he was to stay away from being Spiderman for a week.

"Hey, how ya holding up?" Clint asked as he passed by the room with Natasha. He looked at them, then looked away. He didn't want to talk to them, he just wanted to be alone. 

"маленький паук(little spider)?" Natasha asked worried and Clint shook his head. He didn't like seeing his nephew upset, since Peter reminded him of his own kids. He looked to Nat and she nodded, taking a step forward into the room as Clint continued to walk down the hall. "Что случилось, мой паук?(What happened, my spider)" Peter looked at her and she saw it all in his eyes. Before her was a broken child and it broke her heart. He does so much for other people, yet he continues to end up hurt in the end.

"I can't Aunt Tasha. I can't do this anymore. I don't understand what's wrong with me. What did I do wrong?" Peter asked, voice cracking as tears started to form in his eyes and Natasha sat next to him on his bed, hugging him tightly as he cried. 

"You did nothing wrong, my little arachnid. This is just a storm that will pass, I promise." 

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Scene Change Brought To You By Peter's Broken Heart ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

"Tom! Come in here!" Susan Jones yelled from the couch, covering her mouth in shock. Tom ran into the living room as he heard fear in his wife's voice. 


"And it appears that Peter Parker-Stark has been revealed as Spiderman. This was revealed to us by a video taken by an observer in the art museum. As you can see in this video we're about to show you, Spiderman- Peter Stark is seen getting injured as Kraven takes this girl into his arms, knife to her throat. The girl, known as Michelle Jones, was saved by an injured Spiderman. However, the video shows Spiderman on a building with miss Jones in his arms. As caught on tape by our news crew, Spider Man then takes off his mask, to reveal none other than recently revealed Peter Stark-"

"Oh my gosh, my baby girl could've been killed if it wasn't for that sweet boy." Susan cried as she feared the thought of losing her daughter. She looked to Tom and he was mouth wide in shock. "You need to fix this Tom. That boy saved our daughter's life and you treated him so rudely. I don't give a damn what you think of that boy, you either fix it or else." Susan threatened and shivers ran down his spine as he nodded. He faced death everyday, and yet his wife still scares him.

"Sir, Mr. Jones is down here looking to speak to you." Tony was interrupted while he was in the lab and he raised an eyebrow. Mr. Jones? It took a minute, but he realized it was MJ's father and he furrowed his eyebrows. He stood from his chair and made his way to the lobby of his building.

"Mr. Star-"

"Why are you in my building?" Tony got straight to the point, not exactly happy with the man who made his son upset.

"I wanted to speak to you about Peter-"

"My son, who you made cry? Go on, I would love to hear this one." Tony crossed his arms and Mr. Jones looked down.

"Look, I know what I did was wrong-"

"Oh, so you now realize you're in the wrong? Tell me something Mr. Jones, what exactly made you think Peter and MJ shouldn't be together?"

"Well, I- I-" 

"Let me guess. You found out he's my son. Based on the question he asked me when I first found him, I'm guessing you're in the military, considering only a certain hand full of people know of the tech used to blow up that field. So, I'm guessing you thought he was some type of rich, stuck up kid, am I correct?" Tony interrupted, raised eyebrow and Mr. Jones hung his head in shame.

"Well, let me tell you something. My son is an angel. He would never do anything to hurt anyone. He doesn't flaunt his money and he's been bullied in school while under the alias of Peter Parker. His Uncle was killed in front of him and his life is pretty messed up, but he would NEVER do wrong to anyone. You made a mistake." Tony ended his rant and Mr. Jones sighed. 

"I just wanted to thank him for saving my daughter. I was wrong about him and I wanted to let him know how sorry I was. I have 2 weeks before I get sent back to my base and I don't want my daughter to be alone. I've come to the realization that she was very happy with him, and I don't want to he the reason those two stay separated. I apologize for my assumptions." Mr. Jones explained and Tony continued to look at him, before nodding.

"Please, let him know he's invited to dinner tomorrow night, as well as you and your wife." With that, Mr. Jones walked out of the building and went back home.

■■■■■■■■ Time Skip Brought To You By  The Following Scene ■■■■■■■■■■■■

MJ was in bed, listening to music when she heard a knock. She looked to the door and sighed. She didn't have the energy to say anything, so she just turned up her music and stared off into space. She had no tears left to cry and her face was blank. She sighed and got out of bed as the knocking continued. Before she got even a foot away from the door, she was grabbed from behind and pulled into someone's chest. She looked behind her and the tears she thought were gone, came back as she stared at his face.

"Hello beautiful." Peter smiled and MJ turned, hugging him tightly. She hid her face in his chest as she cried and he held her tighter.

"Such a loser." She mumbled out and Peter chuckled softly.

"I missed you too." Peter kissed the top of her head and smiled. He had his girl back.

               Word Count: 1208


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