Everyone Has A Heart

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Natalia Alianovna Romanova is a ruthless, cold-hearted assassin. Each kill just rolls off her shoulders, no remorse or regret is seen in her eyes. She doesn't feel for others, feelings are weakness and she refused to show vulnerability to anyone.Some would even say she has no heart, seeing as she doesn't let anyone close.

It was surprising to see the friendship between Clint Barton aka Hawkeye and herself. It was even more surprising when she became close to the Avengers. No one knew how she was going to react when she meets Peter, and Tony even thought against introducing the two, but knew he had to.

Peter stood nervously outside the tower. He knew Mr. Stark wanted him to meet Black Widow, but he felt like she wouldn't like him. He debated on going back home, but didn't wanna be alone since May left earlier today on a vacation to the Bahamas for a month.

May arranged for him to stay with his mentor and Mr. Stark was happy to have him stay there, but the Avengers were coming back today, and the only one he hasn't met was Black Widow. He's heard stories about her though, and he guessed that she didn't like kids, so of course he was nervous to meet the assassin.

As soon as he walked through the doors of the tower, F.R.I.D.A.Y greeted him.

"Hello Peter. Boss has told me to inform you that you are requested in the Avengers living quarters." She spoke and Peter smiled slightly.

"Thanks F.R.I." He replied softly and entered the elevator. It went up to the Avengers quarters and Peter took a deep breath, before walking into the room. All conversation stopped as everyone turned towards the teen standing at the elevator.

"Hey Peter!" Clint was the first to say hi and others followed. Bucky walked out of the kitchen and smiled when he spotted the awkward looking teen.

"Hey Pete, I made cookies." Peter's face lit up as he ran to the kitchen only to stop short when he saw Black Widow standing there, in all her glory. She raised an eyebrow at him and his smile dropped.

"Who are you?" She questioned as she eyes him up and down, trying to decipher if he was a threat or not. He shifted on his feet nervously and let out a small smile.

"I-I'm P-Peter M-Ms. B-Black W-Widow." He stuttered and she held her gaze for a few more seconds, before looking away. Peter looked down as he already knew she wouldn't like him. He shuffled to the cookies and grabbed one. He looked over at Black Widow and she was picking her nails with a very sharp knife. Suddenly a rumble of a stomach went off in the kitchen and Peter continued to look confused, then grabbed another cookie. He walked slowly over to her and she looked at him with yet another raised eyebrow. "U-um, here." He held out the cookie and she looked at it then back to him.

"What?" She asked and he looked down.

"Y-you sounded hungry a-and I saw the cookies. I-I'm sorry.." He replied and turned to go away when she stopped him.

"Thank you." She said as she took the cookie and ate it. He gave her a smile and walked out of the kitchen in search of his mentor.

"So, you met Peter?" Clint spoke as he crawled out of the vent and she turned to him.

"Yes. Who is he and why is he here?" She questioned him with narrowed eyes.

"He's Tony's personal intern, he's pretty much like his kid." Clint replied and Natasha snorted.

"Yea right." She rolled her eyes and went back to picking her nails.

~~~~~Time Skip To Later That Night~~~~~~

Natasha was walking back to her room when she heard quiet sobs coming from a room that no ones stays in. She raised an eyebrow and walked closer to the door. She quietly opened the door and was shocked at the sight before her.

Peter was sitting on the floor next to his bed, hands over his ears and eyes closed, as tears rolled down. Thunder shook the room and a lightning strike lit up the darkness. Peter jumped and tears poured out faster. Natasha's heart ached and she walked over to him.

"What's wrong?" She asked softly and Peter looked up. Before she could repeat her question, Peter jumped at her, arms wrapping around her tightly. She tensed for a moment and he pulled back, arms dropping.

"I-I'm sorry." Peter stuttered and Natasha looked at the boy, confused and shocked. Another rumble of thunder shook the room and Peter whimpered. She sat him down on his bed and asked him to explain what was wrong.

"M-my parents died in a plane crash. T-there was a s-storm and lightning struck t-their plane d-down." He explained and she was shocked.

What she did next was even more shocking. She wrapped the boy up in a hug and held him tightly. They stayed like that until Peter fell asleep and Natasha looked down at the sleeping boy. She was too tired to get up and go to her room, so she lay down with the boy instead and slowly drifted to sleep.

~~~Time Skip To The Next Morning~~~~~

"Hey Tony, have you seen Nat? She's not in her room." Clint asked as he walked into the kitchen. Tony shook his head, but stood.

"Nope, but I have to go wake Peter. He has school and May will kill me if he doesn't go." Tony shuddered and walked away. He got to Peter's room and was confused when he saw the door slightly open. He looked in and his jaw dropped. "F.R.I tell Clint to come to Peter's room, but to be quiet." Tony spoke quietly and F.R.I.D.A.Y didn't respond. Soon enough, footsteps were heard coming down the hall.

"Hey Tony-"

"Sh." Tony shushed him and pointed to Peter's room. Clint looked inside and he was shocked to say the least. There on Peter's bed lay Natasha Romanoff with the boy wrapped protectively in her arms. Tony told his AI to take a picture and save it to his drive, while quietly shutting his son's door.

Maybe the assassin does have a heart and only Peter can get to it. 

I don't even know to be honest. Hope you liked it though. I thought this was kinda cute so...

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