Uncle Loki!

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"Who are you and where is my daddy?" A young, scared Peter asked the man who was currently rummaging through the fridge. The man turned around to look down at the scared 5 year old and raised an eyebrow.

"I am Loki Odinson of Asgard, God of Mischief. Who are you?" Loki asked with a sneer on his face and Peter took a step back.

"P-peter." He stuttered and Loki shut the fridge, walking towards the 5 year old, his cape flowing behind him. Peter backed away, once again and Loki sighed.

"I'm not going to hurt you little one, but I wonder, who is your father?" Loki asked curiously and Peter looked down.

"T-Tony S-Stark." Loki looked thoughtful, before nodding and going to a cabinet.

"Would you like a cookie young Stark?" Loki asked, taking the box from the cabinet and pulling one out. Peter looked up and tilted his head, a pout on his face as he shook his head.

"Daddy says I can't have sweets before dinner." Peter whispered and Loki smirked.

"Well, your father isn't around, now is he?" Loki asked and Peter stayed in the same position. "I won't tell him if you just have one." Peter smiled widely and grabbed the cookie from Loki's hand.

"Thanks Uncle Loki!" That shocked the god and Peter nibbled happily on his cookie, oblivious to the god's shocked face. "Wanna watch a movie?!" Peter asked excitedly and Loki raised an eyebrow, but found himself nodding. Peter squealed and grabbed Loki's hand, dragging him to the living room. Once they got there, Peter dragged him to a couch and hurriedly sat down while Loki continued to stand there. "Sit next to me, Uncle Loki! Unless you don't want to..." Peter trailed off sadly. Loki felt a tug at his heart, seeing the young boy upset and sat down next to the kid.

"What movie?" Loki asked and Peter's smile returned. He jumped up and grabbed the remote, falling over his feet while running back to the couch.

"I'm okay!" Peter exclaimed and jumped up, continuing to the couch. When he climbed up, with some help from Loki, he turned on Toy Story 2 and got comfy, leaning against Loki. Half way through the movie, Loki moved the boy next to him as he lay down and Peter moved closer to him for warmth. Loki lay on his side and slowly put his arm around Peter's waist. Peter fell asleep towards the end of the movie and Loki placed a blanket on the small child who was curled up beside him. The Avengers shortly came home after Peter fell asleep and Tony was enraged seeing Loki holding his son.

"LOKI-" Tony started, but was cut off by the god himself.

"Shush, my nephew is sleeping." Loki glowered at everyone in the room and Tony put down his arm that had the gauntlet on it.

"Nephew?" Tony questioned and Loki went to answer, but was cut off by a tiny voice.

"Uncle Loki, is daddy home..?" Peter stirred in his sleep, his eyes half open and looking around confused.

"Yea, kiddo. Come to bed now." Tony smiled softly at his son and Peter frowned.

"But, what about Uncle Loki?" Peter questioned, looking towards the man next to him who smiled softly at him.

"He'll be here in the morning." Tony responded and Peter gave a lazy smile, nodding.

"Night Uncle Loki!" He hugged Loki tightly and Loki hugged the kid back tightly. Peter pulled away and held his arms out to Tony, signaling he wanted to be picked up. Tony smiled and picked him up, carrying his son to his room. Tony walked back out to the living room and glared at Loki.

"What have you done to my son?" Tony asked with narrowed eyes and Loki raised a perfect eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Why does my son like you all of a sudden? What magic did you use on him?"

"I did not use magic on that little one. He's pretty smart and kind." Loki responded and Tony looked to Wanda who shook her head. Tony sighed and looked away.

"You even think of hurting my son Loki, and I don't that you're a god, I will murder you." Tony muttered, before heading to his room.

                                                                                 Word Count: 719

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