Meeting With The Principal..

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“Dad, I can go by myself. I'll be fine.” I whined as my dad, Uncle Loki and Aunt Tasha got out of the car in front of my school.

“No Peter. Knowing you, nothing will be said and you'll allow him to continue his actions of violence.” Uncle Loki crossed his arms and looked down at me. I sighed and looked down.

“It's not like it bothers me anymore.” I whispered, but I guess Aunt Tasha heard cause she turned me to face her.

“Anymore? How long has this been going on?” Aunt Tasha questioned and made me look at her.

“Since freshman year..” I trailed off and flinched when she looked murderous. “But it doesn't matter! It's nothing I can't handle and besides, if it keeps others from being hurt, then I'll take the annoyance.” I quickly cut her off and her eyes softened.

“Let's go talk to the principal.” She turned to the school and started to walk in. We all followed and she strolled into principal Morita's office.

“Hello, I'm Peter's aunt and it has come to my attention that someone has been bullying my nephew.” She glared at the man and he was visibly shaking.

“D-do you know the person's name?” The principal stuttered and Uncle Loki stepped forward.

“His name is Flash Thompson.” Principal morita's eyes narrowed and looked towards me.

“What proof do you have?” He still glared at me and Uncle Loki raised an eyebrow.

“I witnessed it myself.” He spoke up and Mr. Morita raised an eyebrow.

“I haven't seen you at my school.” Uncle Loki's eyes flared and my eyes widened.

“Are you calling me a liar, you pathetic mortal?” He growled and the principal's eyes grew to saucers. He looked away from me and rapidly shook his head.

“N-no sir. I-it's just Mr. Parker here has a tendency to lie. He lies about him being an intern at Stark industries and about knowing the avengers.” At that, my dad stepped up and the principal paled.

“I'm sorry, what was that?” He took his glasses off and quirked an eyebrow, calm expression on his face, but rage in his eyes.

“M-Mr. Stark, w-what are you doing here?” Mr. Morita stuttered and my dad scoffed.

“My son is being bullied, but you don't believe him? Tell me Mr..”

“Morita.” I filled in and he nodded.
“Mr. Morita, what makes you think Peter is lying about his intern and knowing the Avengers?” My dad gritted out.

“W-well, there's no way someone like Parker could be an intern for you. He may be smart, but not Stark Industries smart.” My dad glared at him.

“What are you saying? He's smarter than anyone in this school, probably even smarter than me.” Mr. Morita gaped at my dad and my eyes widened. Did he really mean that? I looked to my dad and he nodded.

“I-im sorry Mr. Stark, but-”

“There's no buts about it. I will be pulling Peter out of this school-”

“Dad! Please, don't do that!” I exclaimed. I can't just leave MJ and Ned.

“Fine. Expel the child who is bullying-”

“Dad! I can handle it! Don't ruin his future.” I interrupted and my father glared at me. I glared back, but fiercer and he backed down.

“Fine, but if I hear he's bullying you again, his future is done for.” My dad said coldly and glared at the principal. “Call the child down to the office.” He demanded and Mr. Morita scrambled to the speaker. He made the announcement and Flash strolled in, head high. His eyes widened as he spotted me, Uncle Loki, Aunt Tasha, and my dad behind me. He smirked at me and looked to my dad.

“So, you want me to intern instead of Parker?” My dad glared.

“No. Hear this warning, Peter is my son. If I find out you're bullying him again, I will destroy your future. I would've ruined it right now, but you're lucky my son has a kind heart. Next time, he won't be able to stop me. Understood?” Flash nodded, pissing his pants and I grinned. “Leave.” Just like his name, he was gone in a flash. I turned to my dad and smiled.

“Thanks dad.” I hugged him and he tightened his arms around me.

“Let's go home.”

“I still have-”

“You're taking a break, with no work to make up when you get back.” He glared at the principal and he nodded. I sighed, knowing I don't have a choice and followed my family out of the school, people in the hall whispering among each other, but I didn't care. I was going home to be with my favorite people and that's all that matters.

                     Word Count: 786

Part two to the last imagine. Hope y'all liked it. Wasn't originally gonna do a part 2, but it was requested, so here it is. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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