Tony's A Bitch, TBH..

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"Was will der Kommandant überhaupt mit einem 3-jährigen??"(What does the commander want with a 3-year-old) The masked person asked his partner and the latter shrugged. They were currently outside an orphanage in the middle of the night and were getting ready to head in.

"Wen interessiert das? Lasst uns das einfach machen."(Who cares? Let's just do it) They opened the window and climbed through. They made sure to grab the right child and held the chloroform rag to the child's mouth so he stays asleep. They quickly put the child into the van and drove off towards base.

"Kommandant, wir haben das Kind."(Commander, we have the child.) One of them announced as the other held the kid in his arms. The inferior commander grinned and nodded.

"Ausgezeichnet, das Training beginnt morgen. Setzen Sie ihn in den Raum."(Excellent, the training starts tomorrow. Put him in the room)

&&&&&&&&&&& Timeskip Brought To You By Hydra Agents Thinking They're slick &&&&&&&&&&&

"Wie war dieser Kommandant?"(How was this commander?) The now 5 year old child asked as he held the agent down to the ground and the commander narrowed his eyes.

"Töte ihn."(Kill him) The child's eyes widened and he shook his head.

"Ich-ich kann nicht töten-"(I-I can not kill-) The child was cut off by a backhand connecting to his cheek.

"Du dummes Kind, genau wie dein Onkel. Mach dir keine Sorgen, ich werde dich brechen, genau wie er."(You stupid child, just like your uncle. Do not worry, I'll break you, just like him.)

********** Time Skip Brought To You By The Confusion Of The Readers *******************

A neck cracking and clapping was all that was heard in the area. The high commander grinned and turned to the agent that was in the room.

"Er ist bereit."(He is ready)

Meanwhile, in New York the Avengers were gathered in the helicarrier and SHIELD leader Nick Fury was explaining their next mission.

"We've located the HYDRA base where the Winter Soldier is currently being held." Director Fury pointed to an area just outside of Slovenia. "You'll be dropped just below the Alps and adventure to the base that shouldn't be too far up in the mountain area. Your plane takes off in half an hour, so be ready-"

"Um, eyepatch? What exactly does the Winter Soldier have to do with this mission?" Tony asked as he played with his sunglasses and Fury raised an eyebrow.

"Well Stark, you're not only going for the Winter Soldier, we also have intel that the 3 year old, now about 8 or 9 that was abducted by them years ago will also be there." Tony raised an eyebrow and placed his hands on the table as he pushed his chair out.

"Well, I'm sure that's important, but-"

"Sit down, Tony." Steve interrupted and Tony's head snapped to his teammate with narrowed eyes.

"Look Spangles, I get that he's your best friend, I do. However, in case you forgot, he killed my parents. I want no part in helping the bastard. Good luck." Tony headed towards the door, but Steve's next words caused him to freeze.

"What about the 8 year old? You're going to let him die?" Tony turned to Steve and raised an eyebrow.

"That's life Steve. You may have a rule that no one gets left behind(*Stitch's voice* or forgotten), but that's not a rule for me. Kids die Steve, it's sad; really, it is, but you can't always save them all." Tony replied, once again turning to leave.

"What if it was Harley?" Tony turned with a glare towards Steve at the mention of his adopted son.

"Don't you dare-"

"Don't I dare what, Tony? Don't I dare use your son as an excuse? Come on Tony! This is an 8 year old we're talking about!" Steve exclaimed and glared back at Tony.

"Listen, Spangles. I get that you wanna see your boyfriend and save the kid, but I'm not leaving mine. My son already lost one father, I'm not letting him lose another." Tony announced and left the room. Steve sighed and fell back into his seat. Why couldn't Tony see that a kid being in the hands of HYDRA is not a good thing?

                                                                       Word Count: 646


Okay, I know this is short, but I didn't want to put too many time skips and didn't wanna do any Point of views yet. Besides, you all know I love cliffhangers. Anyway, part 2? Any guesses for how this is going to go? This idea was given to me by hoperaven and don't worry, I'm adding in the rest in the next chapter. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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