The Mission.. (continued)

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WARNING: Don't read if you have a problem with reading about death. Translations are before the Authors Note, otherwise; ENJOY!

"Okay, Spiderman. Here's the layout for the mission:

1. Infiltrating the base; In order to do this, you'll have to draw their attention. We figured the best way to do this was to go by the enemy line and draw the attention to yourself by "claiming your allegiance to HYDRA" and burning an American flag

2.When inside, you'll be completely on your own. We can't bug you and risk you getting caught, so you'll have to withstand whatever they throw at you. Do you think you can handle it?" He asked and I nodded.

"Good, now for the most important part of this plan.

3. Now, we don't have anyone on the inside as of right now and that's why we're sending you in. You are to gather as much Intel on where the other bases are and when you do, take down the entire base. Now, I will have Miss Hill here take you to where there base is and from then on, you're by yourself. Don't let us down Spiderman." He saluted me and I saluted back, following Miss Hill out to the landing strip of planes. She drove me as close as she could without getting caught and I jumped out, floating down using another web parachute. Once down, I walked up to the guard.

"Heil HYDRA. *Ich möchte mich der Organisation anschließen*." I spoke, knowing German from my Aunt Tasha, who is actually May's sister and is known as Black Widow. She's the only Avenger I know and is a pretty cool spy. She's been teaching me German, Russian and a bit of French. She'll be teaching me other languages once she gets back from her mission. She's the only person who knows I'm spiderman.

"•Wie würde ein Kind wie Sie jede Hilfe für HYDRA sein•?" He asked, chuckling and raised an eyebrow. I shot a web at his mouth and smirked.

"*Beantwortet das deine Frage*?" His eyes widened and he nodded. He brought me to the higher up and the guy raised an eyebrow.

"▪︎Was ist die Bedeutung von diesem▪︎?" The commander questioned, kinda infuriated and I bowed.

"•Kommandant, ich möchte HYDRA beitreten•." He stroked his beard and made a humming sound.

"▪︎sehr gut▪︎." He nodded and turned to the other officer in the room. "▪︎Zeig ihn in sein Zimmer▪︎." He eyed me up and down once more, before turning and walking away. I followed Phillip and he showed me to a giant empty room.

"•Die erste Mission beginnt morgen•." I nodded and he walked off. I lay down in bed and look to the ceiling. That was easier than I expected. Never, will I ever burn an American flag, fury. I shook my head and sighed.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°Change Of Views Brought To You By Tony Being A Very Dramatic Idiot°°°°°°°°°

"You, we have someone new for you to take on a mission tomorrow." One of the guards announced and I nodded, face void of all emotion. He walked away and shut my cell door. It's been 3 months since they "caught me" and have been sending me on missions. Before I left to keep an eye and ear in this base, I made sure to make an AI that could walk around as me, such as Vision, except a little less real. It is a temporary thing and should last long enough until after I've completed what I came here to do.

○○○○○○○Timeskip Brought To You By Peter Being Bored As It's Tony's Point Of View○○○○○○

I was awoken by a guard banging on my door and looked over to see him looking impatiently at me.

"Let's go, we don't have all day." His accent was heavy with annoyance and I glared, slightly, but not enough for him to notice. I let them believe I have no emotions left and they are very proud of that. It's not much of a change from how I usually am, so it wasn't really hard to cut off all my emotions. I got up and followed him to another room.

"•Zeit für deine erste Mission•." I raised an eyebrow and looked into the room. There was a kid, around maybe 15 or 16 and I was surprised.

"*Lass uns gehen*." The kid responded in German and walked out of the room. He paused when he saw me, but shook it off and continued to walk ahead. I followed behind and we were driven to a hotel, where I was given a concealed weapon and he just walked in. Our mission was to assassinate a person and the kid seemed expressionless as if we weren't about to commit murder.

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡Point Of View Change Brought To You By Peter's Silent Panic♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

I have to kill someone?! How was I going to do this? I can't just murder someone. I looked to the person behind me for the first time in the light and almost puked when I saw who it was. Tony Freaking Stark was a HYDRA agent?! He's supposed to be a hero! Why is he with an organization such as HYDRA?!

I stopped my mini panic attack when we came to the room and took a few deep breaths, before kicking the door in. I turned to Tony and he nodded as I walked in. I shot webs at the target and Tony seemed shocked, but shot the guy anyway. My eye widened as I saw the guy fall to the floor and bleed out. It was horrific and I couldn't erase the memory that was now committed to memory.

"Come on kid, let's go." He motioned for me to go with him and I shook my head slightly, snapping myself out of my horrified state and followed him out, face still emotionless. We got back to the base and the commander was smiling at us, an evil glint in his eyes.

"Good job, Iron Man and little spider." He congratulated and I nodded, taking off to my room. Once inside, I ran to my bathroom and puked everything in my stomach out into the toilet. Once done, I went to my bed and sobbed quietly, making sure my room was locked and the cameras were blocked from seeing me. That was unforgettable. What did I just get myself into?

                Word Count: 1041

*Ich möchte mich der Organisation anschließen* I would like to join the organization
•Wie würde ein Kind wie Sie jede Hilfe für HYDRA sein• How would a child like you be any help for HYDRA?
*Beantwortet das deine Frage* Does this answer your question
▪︎Was ist die Bedeutung von diesem▪︎ What is the meaning of this
*Kommandant, ich möchte HYDRA beitreten* Commander, I want to join HYDRA
▪︎Sehr gut. Zeig ihn in sein Zimm▪︎ Very well. Show him in his room
•Die erste Mission beginnt morgen• The first mission starts tomorrow
•Zeit für deine erste Mission• Time for your first mission
*Lass uns gehen* Let's go.

Part 3? Hope y'all liked it so far. This story has a huge plot twist no one would suspect and I mean absolutely NO ONE will expect tbh. Comment what your guesses are. Also, please vote and comment your opinions so far.

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