The Mission..

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"Spiderman, I know you've asked to keep your identity hidden, and that's okay, but I need a favor from you." Fury spoke with his hands folded, leaning on the desk and I raised an eyebrow under my mask. Sure, it was a pretty messed up suit and didn't really do well to protect myself, but it was still something that would keep others from knowing who I really am underneath and I made it myself, so I was okay with it.

"What is it Fury? I need to leave soon." I was in a rush to get home before May did and I didn't wanna stay here any longer than I needed to and risk them finding out who I actually am.

"I need you to go undercover at a HYDRA base for me. You're perfect, because no one knows who you are and none of the members will recognize you." He spoke and my eyes widened. How in the heck was I going to pull this off?

"I need a favor from you then." I responded and he raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?" He asked intensively and I sighed. How was I going to do this without revealing who I was? Well, there's no other way.

"Shut off the security cameras and make sure no one else besides you and Miss Hill can see/hear what's going on in this room." I commanded and his eyebrows raised in surprise, then narrowed as he looked at me.

"Why should I do that?" He asked and I groaned, throwing my head back.

"Just do it eyepatch!" I yelled and he glared, before calling in Miss Hill and doing as I said.

"No one can hear or see into this room. The security cameras are off. Now, explain what you need." I nodded and pulled off my mask, causing the two to be shocked.

"How old are you?" Miss Hill asked and I looked to her with a polite smile.

"15. Now, Mr. Fury, I need an official note excusing me from however long I need to be gone for both my aunt and my school." I stated and he nodded.

"Done. Now, get packing. I'll have your notes tomorrow. I'll have Miss Hill come to your house to get you and give your aunt the note. You leave first thing in the morning and will be gone for five months to collect Intel and take the operation down from the inside."

"Okay. Later Mr. Fury, see you tomorrow Miss Hill." I saluted and put my mask back on. I jumped out of the helicarrier and started to free fall. I made a parachute out of my webbing and floated down, shooting a web to the closest building and swinging home. I hopped into my room through the window and landed on my bed. I quickly changed and jumped, when I heard a knock on my door.

"Peter? Are you home?" May's voice filtered in through the door and I got up, walking to the door and opened it.

"Hey May, happy birthday." I smiled and she grinned.

"How does take out sound for dinner?" She asked and my smile widened.

"Can we get shawarma? Please?" I begged and she chuckled.

"You and your obsession with shawarma, I swear. You definitely got that obsession from your father, Mary hated shawarma." She shook her head and I smiled.

"I got a lot from my dad I guess." I never met my dad. My mom died when I was 5 from a plane crash and my dad was never in the picture. There weren't any pictures of him, but May said she knew him and he was an okay guy. She always says I'm more like him than my mom, though I have her eyes and curly hair.

"Let's go." She started to walk away and I smiled, following behind her. When we got to the shawarma place, Tony Stark was there and he seemed to be picking up an order. May tensed and I was confused.

"May, are you okay?" I asked as Mr. Stark left and she shook her head a little, before turning to me with a tight smile.

"Uh, yea. I'm okay. Just thinking." She answered and I nodded my head slightly, still a little skeptical.

"Okay, let's go eat." I suggested and she nodded, flashing a real smile. It was a great night and once I got home, I went out for a little patrol before going home at 3am and going to sleep.

♤♤♤Time Skip To The Following Day Brought To You By An Oblivious Peter Parker♤♤♤♤♤♤

"Peter!" I woke up to May screaming from the living room and jumped out of bed. I ran to the living room, hair a mess and wearing only basketball shorts.

"Yes Aunt- oh, who is this?" I asked trying to sound surprised and Aunt May seemed to believe me.

"This is Miss Sabin. She came to tell me that you got accepted to go to a NASA camp for the next five months. Isn't that great?" My eyes widened in surprise and I smiled. Wow, they sure do know how to come up with great excuses.

"Seriously? That's great! Can I go May, please?" I begged and she grinned.

"Of course. However, they will be receiving your work from school and you better complete it all." She gave the look and I grinned.

"Thanks May! I promise, I will have it all done!" I ran to my room and threw things around to make it sound like I'm packing, but in actuality I was just getting dressed. Once I was done, I grabbed my previously prepared bag and ran back to the living room. I hugged and kissed May as Miss Hill stood up to leave.

"Bye Peter. Stay safe, I'll miss you. Make sure you send me pictures every day and call me when you can. Also, make some friends." She reprimanded me and I smiled, tearing up a little.

"I'll miss you too May. I'll make sure to call and text you whenever I can and I'll take a lot of pictures." I agreed and she walked me out to the car. I got in and waved at her until she was out of view and turned to Miss Hill. "How are you guys gonna pull this off?" I asked and she smirked.

"Don't underestimate shield kid." I laid back and got some shut eye on the way to the helicarrier. I was awaken by Miss Hill and followed her to Mr. Fury's office. He nodded to me and told me to sit. I waited and listened to the instructions, while he explained. This was going to be a long mission.

                 Word Count: 1123

Well, this is a little better than the last one. Part 2? This was yet another prompt by sparkle129 and I kinda love the idea I have with this. Hope y'all liked it. Thank you for the idea. Please vote and comment your thoughts.

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