The Mistake..

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"Come on, Peter. Where'd you go?" Harley muttered to himself as he walked down the streets of New York and sighed. 
Harley had snuck out while everyone was distracted with Morgan and he was more focused on finding his brother. He knew that the one person who might be able to find out what's been going on with Peter; was him. He searched the usual places and even checked in with Ned and MJ. Peter was nowhere to be found and it was making Harley anxious.
"If only I had some type of powers, I could find him." Harley groaned as he kicked a trash can and glared at his feet. 
Currently, Harley was in the southern part of Queens, bordering Brooklyn and his worry was out of this world. He couldn't stop wondering around and had nearly gotten into a few fights. Each thug was bigger than the last, but Harley used his wits to outsmart them and carried on with his search. He had gotten tired of walking, after all; New York is a huge state and he had a lot of places to check. 
"Why couldn't you have at least told me where you were going? I-I thought we trusted each other with everything.." Harley whispered to himself in frustration as he looked at his lock screen with a picture of him and Peter.

€€€€ Scene Change Brought To You By Harley's Search For His Brother €€€€€

"I came willingly, now. Leave my family alone." A voice spoke out in a quiet room and a chuckle resounded off the walls.
"You think you call the shots now? This is hilarious. You have no control, we control everything." A voice responded back with a chuckle and Peter clenched his fists.
"I guess I'll just have to make sure you aren't a problem then, huh?" The spider gritted out as he got ready to attack, but the voice stopped him.
"Uh, uh, uh I wouldn't do that. After all, you wouldn't want anything to happen to the person you hold closest to your heart, would you?" A video came up and Peter froze. His world spun and he felt numb. In front of his eyes, an apparent live video of Harley standing in an alley and someone hovering above him, made the spider feel sick.
"Don-don't hurt him." Peter stuttered and the screen went blank. His eyes widened and he felt his heart beating fast. "Wha-"
"Do as we say, and the boy stays alive."

♧♧♧ Time Skip Brought To You By A Strange Voice ♧♧♧

"Are you telling me that not only one of my sons, but both are missing? Do we have any trace, any location, clues-"
"We don't have any of that Tony-"
"Um, guys. I think you might want to see this.." Natasha interrupted Steve and Tony while she looked at a recording.
"What is-"
"Just come look." Natasha persisted and Tony sighed. He walked to the holoscreen and he was shocked. A video of Harley on the corner of Irving Avenue and Eldert Street was on the screen and Tony scrunched his eyebrows.
"What was he doing there?" Sam asked and Natasha looked at the men.
"That's not all, watch the rest." She said as she pressed play and everyone watched while Harley sat in the alley, looking at his phone. Suddenly someone swooped down and the video went black. When the monitor came back up, Harley was gone and so was the person who took him.
"We have to find him. Harley and Peter. They're both possibly in danger and-"
"We're already looking for Peter, Tony and I have a feeling they're both together.." Natasha said as she placed her hand on his shoulder and he shrugged it off.
"We-we need to find them.." Tony trailed off, pulling away from the widow and walking to his desk, slamming his fist down.

《《《 Another Time Skip Because I Fuckin Suck And The Depression Is Real.. 《《《

"Wh-where am I?" Harley asked as he woke up and looked around the dark, empty room. Last thing he could remember was searching for his brother by Irving Avenue in Queens/Brooklyn and everything went black.
"You're just like your brother." A voice chuckled and Harley tilted his head.
"Who are you and how do you know my brother?" Harley asked in concern and struggled against the rope tied around his wrist and ankles. 
"It's no use struggling, not even Peter- or should I say, Spiderman could break those ropes. Just sit and enjoy." The voice laughed and footsteps were heard, probably walking away from where they were. A door opened and shut, leaving Harley alone in an unknown location with no light. 
"Hello?" Harley spoke, still struggling and hissing at the pain from the struggle. "Is-is anyone in here? Hello?" Harley said desperately. 
What no one, besides Peter, knew was Harley is terrified of the dark. Ever since the.. attack, Harley couldn't be alone in the dark or he would have a panic attack. His head was heavy and his breathing was unsteady. He couldn't think straight and he was sure if he could actually see, his vision would be blurry.
"P-peter?! Dad?! Anyone?!" Harley yelled his voice getting shaky with each word.

¥¥¥ Another Time Skip Brought To You By My Actual Fear Of The Dark Projected In This Story ¥¥¥

Peter swung to the location Harley was seen and hoped he was still there. After being ordered to assassinate someone, he went astray and decided to hopefully find his younger brother instead. It was dark outside and Peter knew Harley would be afraid. When he arrived at Irving Ave, he was scared and upset when he didn't see his younger brother anywhere. 
"Harley? Harls, are you here?" Peter said aloud, but was met with darkness and frowned.
"Did you really think it'd be that easy, Peter? We have your brother and unless you do as we say… you'll never see him again." Someone behind the spider chuckled and Peter turned quickly. He grabbed the person by the neck and pushed them against the wall.
"Where is he?" Peter gritted out, shooting a web at his hands and ankles. The person chuckled once more and shook his head.
"You still don't get it, do you? We're the ones in control. Not you, not your father or aunt and definitely not your uncles. They may have thought they defeated us, but we are stronger than they think. Be a good little spider and we may leave your little weakling alone. After all, we're only after the mistake." 
                 Word Count: 1,100

So.. who do you think captured Harley and what do you think they mean by 'the mistake'? Part 3? Also, was looking at the comments and people were asking for part 2, 3, 4 and all the parts, so.. let's finish this book with this drawn out one shot. Please vote and comment your opinions. Also, one shot of the "attack" that is mentioned? 20 votes and 30 comments..

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