Let's Go Camping

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"I'm telling you, the kid can talk to animals! Why do you think we didn't get eaten by the wolves?!" Clint exclaimed in aggravation and threw his hands in the air. He's been trying to get the team to believe him for the past few days, but everyone would laugh and shake their heads.

"Give it a rest Clint. I don't know what happened to you on that mountain, but talking to animals is impossible-"

"But it happened!" Clint exclaimed and Natasha rolled her eyes. "I'll prove it to you!" Clint ran out of the room to a certain 16 year old's room and knocked.

"Uncle Clint?" A tired Petet answered the door as he yawned and looked at his uncle with tired eyes.

"Hey kid, wanna go camping tomorrow with your Aunt Natasha, Wanda, Loki and I?" Clint asked and Peter's face lit up.

"Really? We're going camping?!" Peter exclaimed, all evidence of being tired gone as excitement took its place.

"Yupp. Tomorrow, we'll leave after lunch. Go pack." With that, Peter closed the door and began to pack, while Clint walked back to the living room with a smug look.

"What are you so happy about?" Natasha asked with a raised eyebrow and Wanda looked over with Loki.

"We're going camping tomorrow." Clint announced and Nat smirked.

"Have fun with that, Katniss." She took a sip of coffee as Clint smirked.

"You three are coming as well." Natasha spat out her coffee, Wanda raised an eyebrow and Loki glared.

"I'm not-"

"Uncle Loki, Aunt Tasha, Wanda, Uncle Clint, are you guys already packed for camping?" Peter asked as he ran into the living room, excitement on his face. As he neared the 3 avengers and the god, he tripped over his shoelace and landed on his face.

"I'm okay! So, are all of you packed?" He asked after getting no response and Natasha sighed.

"Peter, I would love to go camping with you all, but-"

"Y-you're not coming?" Peter stuttered, a frown forming on his lips and Natasha felt a tug at her heart.

"I-I don't know what to pack! Never been camping before." Natasha quickly covered and Peter's face lit up again as he raced to grab her hand, tugging on it.

"I'll help you! I've only ever been camping with my Uncle Ben, but I think I know the basics!" Peter rambled as he pulled Natasha to her room. Before leaving, a cold glare was delivered to Clint as he smirked at the red headed assassin.

"You two better get packing as well." Clint mentioned as he quickly disappeared into the vents before the two magic users and assassin could get their revenge.

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Time Skip Brought To You By Peter Being So Adorable, He Might've Just Saved His Uncle From His Aunt's Rath ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤

"Everybody ready to go?" Clint asked as the group of 4 stood at the elevator doors and Peter was jumping on his feet in excitement, until he noticed someone was missing.

"Wait! Where's Uncle Loki?" Peter asked concerned as he looked around.

"Don't worry young one, I'm right here." Loki spoke as the elevator doors opened and everyone raised an eyebrow, but shook their heads as they entered the elevator. Once on the ground floor, Peter ran to Happy's car with a smile and climbed into the car, the other four following him.

"And you're sure Tony approved of this camping trip?" Happy questioned as he started the car and looked at Clint through the window.

"Yea, tin can was all for it. He told us to just keep him safe." Clint replied with a grin as Peter pouted and crossed his arms.

"No fair, I can take care of myself-"

"No, you can't." Natasha deadpanned and Peter's mouth dropped open.

"Yes I can!" 

"Really? Please, explain to me when you were cut the other day, how did you react?" Wanda questioned as she raised a perfect eyebrow and Peter stood.

"I reacted the way anyone would when receiving a huge cut, such as that one." 
"It was a paper cut, and you exclaimed that you were dying because a tiny drop of blood was forming." Natasha spoke with amusement and Peter sat down, head looking out the window.

"Yea, well, it was painful, okay?" 

"It was gone within a second." Clint added and Peter groaned.

"You don't-" 

"How about we get going?" Happy interrupted the arguing and everyone got situated before leaving, Peter smiling once again. They arrived at the campsite and dropped everything, setting up the tents. After everything was taken care of, Peter had to pee and ran off to find a tree. 

"Oh Peter- where's the kid?" Clint asked walking up out of nowhere and Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Went to use the bathroom. Now, what are you up to?" Her eyes narrowed and Clint laughed nervously.

"Um-" a growl cut Clint off and they all looked over in alert. They got into their stances and Natasha sent Clint a side glare.
"After I get rid of this bear, you're dead next." She spoke with venom as she cocked her gun and aimed. Clint gulped and Natasha put her finger on the trigger. Just as the gun went off, a web grenade was set off and everyone looked to the culprit.

"Peter, why'd you-"

"Are you okay?" Peter interrupted and Natasha smiled.


"They won't try to hurt you again, I promise." Peter smiled at the bear, then turned to the four shocked adults. "You almost killed her!" 


"She wasn't going to hurt any of you. She was just trying to ward Uncle Clint away from her cubs." He gave his uncle a glare and a baby cub came from behind a tree cautiously.

Peter looked to the mama bear, before picking up the cub gently and holding him. Everyone around was too shocked to speak and Peter put the cub down so the mama and baby can leave. Peter smiled at them and watched the two walk away, before turning to the four.

"Why are all of you trying to kill an animal in it's own home? You don't see any animals invading your home and trying to kill you." Peter spoke with wisdom and all of them were ashamed of themselves. Peter had nothing, but truth in his words and the three realized just how wrong they were with their actions.

Clint however….

"I told you he could talk to animals!" Natasha's hand went flying faster than lightening and a loud smacking sound resounded throughout the forest.

"Ты идиот."(you're an idiot) Natasha hissed and Clint grabbed his left cheek in pain.

"Ow. I was just saying."

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